How do we revive this

Anime from the Dead

btw Rei-chan doesn't look that much different than the zombies behind her with that retarded look in her eyes.

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>We are the Highschool of the Dead

The artist needs to step up and push for getting the series renewed in serialization. Hopefully Daisuke left behind some notes on how the story should progress because the artist by himself isn't a great writer.

By scanning the full color volumes.

Need to be more of this.

it was one of my first animes that wasnt the naturo bleach dbz ones...i would like a 2nd season

It's a political propaganda shitfest with a fetish for necrophilia. It really doesn't need to be brought back.

My dick could not survive another season.

Triage X girls are better

he just made his own HOTD with Triage x

they even got a zombie apocalypse in the last few volumes

too bad the anime was really bad

Just let it die.


New chapter OP!

>Triage x
It's a fun series but it's not well written. For all the ship it gets for being zombie Horror. HoTD was actually well executed and the characters were done nicely. I would like to see that quality carry on even after Daisuke's death.

Daisuke Sato is dead, HOTD is over.


When did it come out?


Holy shit, didn't hear anything about.
Got to look into it after work.

Any moar?

Hope the artist continues the manga then the fans start a kick starter to support the series.


I can only hope.

I always love HOTD.


>No zombies with big tites.


So, how's the storie line going to go with this one?

Not sure.
The entire city has gone to shit and people know of Triage's existence so I don't think the series can go on for much longer.

genuinely the shittiest anime I've ever seen

This nigga, has no taste.



Why say that? I'm mean it wasn't good. But it wasn't bad.

Death didn't stop Zero no Tsukaima but HOTD probably isn't popular enough.


Sucks, that he died.

Who is she?

A better Rei

I've had this on my backlog for years. Is it worth watching?

What!? You mean the replaced this with that?

I thought it was alright. But there is some that don't like it.

Full tomboy who loves motorcycles and guns.

So she gets a lesbian kiss and decides to dye her hair another color? Before you know it she'll go full butch and shorten her hair and wear dike outfits.

user if you still haven't realized this isn't actually HotD I'm posting.

Triage x has gotten edgier over the last two volumes.

Well, im mad about it anyways.
(Andnwhat are you posting?)

Well there's always been lots of rape and edge
Triage X
Series written and drawn by the HotD artist.
About a group of super soldier vigilantes that are also doctors.
The most recent volumes a virus has spread across their city that makes people go crazy and just do horrible shit like in Crossed.
Also there's a lot of big tits, even more then HotD.

I love crossed comic. I might have too take a look into Triage x.

It's not THAT edgy but it has it's moments like an old lady getting hit by a car.

Infection is the closest thing to a HOTD sequel.

Volume 13 is out next month. hopefully scanbro will come through again.

Do you have a link to what he's released?

The scans are on nyaa.

Who this person?


kind of impossible since the author is dead

Is there still a fanbase in Japan or we're the only ones left?

Feels like we're the only ones ):

I've been told other series have been continued after their authors have died.

Well, that's badass.

I hope they do.

Never heard of it. Is it any good?

Probably normalfag's second animu.
