Is Naruto good or overrated trash?
Is Naruto good or overrated trash?
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It's over-trashed mediocrity with some enjoyable bits here and there.
Nothing more cancerous than Narutard redditors spamming Sup Forums.
Naruto is good even with all the fillers.
OP really is a cancerous redditor
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad. However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up. Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
It's objectively a bad series. I still enjoy it because of nostalgia though.
How do you even know that filename comes from Reddit? What the hell? You need to go back
It's such a big franchise that you can't really judge it overall, it has some of the best and worst Anime has to offer and its quality has always been affeced by an inmense number of factors. I think it's fair to judge the manga, which is mostly the result of one man's script and drawings, instead of a gigantic commitee of writers, animators, directors, the marketing team making metric tons of random crap, people writing mediocre fillers, producers hiring random gooks to animate, etcetera. To this day I believe it's a solid manga, with a sometimes great and sometimes awful TV adaptation, it could've definitely been better but I think its huge popularity and public image as THE face of retarded weeb autistic fandom back then resulted in a lot of hate, that hate wasn't unjustified but it still was more than it actually deserved.
TL;DR depending on who you ask they might overrate it or underrate it.
The fillers are trash, and the other 20% is pretty nice.
>overrated trash
Did people still like Naruto? Seems even normalfags have given up on it by this point.
First season - good
Shippuuden (after Pains death) - trash
Never seen the show, but I reread the manga lately and thought it was pretty decent.
I wouldn't want to every be associated with it's fanbase though.
Has anyone made a gallery of sorts or a collage that removes all the filler? My brother used to watch it and I'd like to check it out a bit more than snippets, but I can't be bothered with the 500 or so episodes
Utter trash
>Has anyone made a gallery of sorts or a collage that removes all the filler?
There are lists of which episodes are filler online.
Naruto kai
So, it's whole episodes that are filler, no intermission? If I skip the whole episode, I don't miss out on any of the story?
What the fuck
It's a bad manga too though.
>Sasuke has infinite chakra when fighting Naruto at the valley of death.
>So does Pain when fighting Konoha+Naruto.
>And Naruto when fighting Gaara.
>Despite what the reader is told, Neji was right. Nagato was right too.
>Sakura and Naruto, two of the main characters, are actually the most annoying characters in the series.
>Sasuke, the only main character that isn't annoying, isn't seen for quite some time after the time skip.
>The Sharingan is broken as fuck.
>After Kakashi used the Sharingan for like 5 minutes during the Zabuza fight, he was bed ridden for a week, because using the Sharingan is too exhausting.
>Naruto actually becomes Hokage in the end, despite not being qualified for the job (intellectually), and it wasn't even necessary. His entire thing was becoming Hokage to get accepted by the village. But he is already considered a hero by everyone. Kakashi should have stayed Hokage instead of randomly stepping down for no reason.
>The whole war thing was just a cash-in on the popularity of zombie movies and games.
>Orochimaru murdered the Third Hokage and the Fourth Kazekage, but gets off like he dindu nuffin.
>Obito the coolest guy.
>Kishi wanted to do the whole Bijuu Extraction thing, but realized Gaara had to die for it. So he randomly invented a jutsu that can revive people at the cost of your own life, and had an old lady use it. Because nobody cares if old people die.
>Pulled similar shit with the extraction of Naruto and B
>He came up with the whole Bijuu thing, but then didn't actually show 6 out of 9 of the monsters, until the war
>The barrier around Konoha makes no sense
>600 billion paper bombs
>Naruto's mother is actually annoying and abusive
It's mediocre fun.
Pre-Timeskip anime is has some good stuff with neat world building.
Relentlessly dumb afterwards.
>So, it's whole episodes that are filler,
Most of the time yes.
>no intermission? If I skip the whole episode, I don't miss out on any of the story?
Some, but very few episodes will have the filler in the first half, or last half of the episode. The lists online will tell you exactly what to watch. Don't be surprised if it looks like you're skipping an entire season, because some seasons you virtually will be.
Also the movies aren't cannon exept for The Last.
It's summer
To be fair, you're pointing out powerleveling bullshit. Most long running shonen mangas (unless their fights are based in strategy and powers you can't train and the characters don't become significantly more powerful, like Jojo's part 3 to 8 or some of HxH's nen battles) get to a point where they become retarded with powerlevels, it never makes sense and we all know it, so don't bring that autism here. Everything else you pointed out I can aggree with, except for Kushina, fuck you she's best mom. If you wanted to point out how bad the manga is, you could've pointed out plot inconsistencies, good characters being sidelined or badly constructed arcs.
The problem is that even if an episode is canon, it can still be "filled" in a certain sense...
Let's say there's a fight scene in around episode 7-10. And the fight itself is actually only 5 minutes long. Most of the time is spent talking, zooming in on people's faces, and having flash backs to things that happened last episode.
Anytime bud.
Too bad The Last was fucking terrible.
I think it's pretty fun, bar fillers.
>The Last was fucking terrible
Art & Animation worse than the series... Fucking how?
So i've been wondering, who exactly did Choji end up fucking? That one random bitch from the Hidden Cloud?
Naruto being too stupid to become hokage is a stupid point. He didn't immediately become one, he was shown to have studied and practised a lot for it, and only became one years later after he became mature. Watching Boruto clearly shows him caring more about the role than practically anyone else.
>a place for dank Naruto memes
Why does this exist?
To post dank Naruto memes, duh.
do i regret watching all 600 episodes? somewhat. its worth watching at 2x speed, 1.5x for fights. learn mpv short cuts and then naruto is watchable
fucking hell, op please die
his mother was abusive? the power level consistency in naruto is non existent. you have literal demigods who later on struggle against mediocre fighters. look at sasuke vs the illegal kekkei genkai fighters, theres no way he'd break a sweat. he doesnt even use the sharingan properly later on
Sup Forums just doesn't like Naruto because there are no loli characters.
Watching the Third Reich clearly shows Hitler caring more about the role of Chancellor than practically anyone else
I love this pasta
I don't even think it's overrated anymore. Even the biggest fans say it was bad handled.
Haven't watched it. Not really inclined to.
Anime is shit, manga is good until Naruto vs Pain
does naruto ever fuck the pink haired chick?
it's not overrated, most people admit it's shit
>Filler Episodes:26, 97, 99, 101-106, 136-220
>85 consecutive filler episodes
Protip don't ask Sup Forums for answers; we know nothing. /wsr/ is more reliable. Also, you're going to get biased opinions because a majority of people on Sup Forums hate mainstream anime and manga.
Naruto is probably the best of the big 3 and better than most anime for sure. Especially the ecchi loli harem border hentai 12 episodic ones
I still remember some of the side-characters and action scenes fondly.
But the main trio and their non-existent chemistry was easily the worst part of it, and that overshadowed everything else.
Thanks for agreeing negro the amigo
Shut the fuck up, retard.
Sure thing senJEW
some of it's kind of cute
most of it's unrepentant trash
I didn't know that list existed back when I was watching it during freshman year of highschool so I dropped it. Probably a good decision, looking back over a decade later.
First third was pretty hype. Second third was all over the place. Final third was garbage and people only kept reading to see all the "that"s that hadn't been shown yet.
Kishimoto fucked up making it all about Naruto and Sasuke. If you look, you can see the Naruto and Sasuke dynamic has two predecessors: Cloud and Sephiroth, and their inspiration, Guts and Griffith. You will notice a colossal difference between those two and Naruto. In Berserk, Guts might be the chosen one...but he doesn't really give a shit and most people would see him as the villain; he's also been so broken and beaten, he just wants Casca back. With Cloud, plot twist, he isn't Sephiroth's rival at all; he's just some shitter who stood up to someone far above him, but he chooses to be the hero in the end and try despite realizing he isn't The One.
Naruto is literally Jesus and no one other than him and Sasuke matter. It completely shits on all of the story's main themes and forces every arc to end up being about them, when it should've been about fucking ninjas.
She isn't random.
On top of that, Sasuke and Naruto's arc banks on us caring about a friendship that's barely there.
Guts, Griffith, and Casca were completely different from one another, but they built something strong together before the end, and it genuinely hurt to see that companionship and love break down.
So much of Naruto's story hinged on the idea of him risking everything to "save" his best friend Sasuke, and how Sakura was madly in love with him, but the three of them had barely moved beyond passive aggressively insulting each other.
It was decent if you were 12-15 in 2005.
Naruto is best enjoyed as a world rather than an anime series.
Watch the original series. Then just watch the fights from Shippuden and use a wiki for any character or specific detail you might want to brush up on.
If you simply must watch it, watch it right up until the Naruto Vs. Pain Fight. Then stop. That is the precise moment it goes from decent to trash in terms of production is after that fight.
Yes, she was introduced to make sure the gender ratio was 50% male 50% female so everyone of note could pair off for the Boruto series and produce offpsring.
If you check that subreddit out, you'll start noticing that several of the Naruto spam on Sup Forums originates from there.
Narutards truly are cancer.
Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/
>he isn't Sephiroth's rival at all; he's just some shitter who stood up to someone far above him
Literally Naruto and Sasuke.
Naruto always saw Sasuke as a rival, but Sasuke didn't even acknowledge his strength until the valley of death thing. Then they had their little showdown, Sasuke won, and he stopped caring again, until 500 episodes later when they had another showdown and Naruto still couldn't beat him.
Its kinda like having a mentally retarded kid who just keeps playing with shit with no care of anyone else. He and his shit is the centre of the universe.
Except in 4chans case the father doesnt own a gun to put it out of its misery.
Naruto and Sauske's rivalry was clearly inspired by Goku and Vegeta's rivalry not any of the ones you listed.
overrated by most, underrated by Sup Forums
Worldbuilding is garbage. Most of the characters start as unlikable and edgy with childish motivations, but develop to become tolerable. I mostly watch it for nostalgia.
It went from mediocre to trash when Kishi decided that killing is wrong. Of course when Kishi was killing characters Sup Forums was crying at what an edgelord he is. When he brings them back they cry about how cheap and meaningless everything was.
Holy fuck, exactly that
this desu
>If you look, you can see the Naruto and Sasuke dynamic has two predecessors: Cloud and Sephiroth, and their inspiration, Guts and Griffith.
Literally what? Pretty sure Vegeta/Goku inspired their rivalry since Kishi is a huge Toriyama fanboy.
I enjoyed some of the earlier stuff but once it got to time skip I really lost interest fast.
I'll be honest, I am glad it is over...I got hooked in the beginning and it just ended up being one of those things that you had to see through to the end.
Like other people have said, it has some of the best and the worst anime has to offer...and the worst greatly out weighs the former. Personally if I was the creator I would want to make a directors cut. You could go through the 1000+ episodes without adding anything new and cut it down to 100+- episodes worth of content and be left with something that would arguably be a shonen masterpiece. The show has some amazing fight sequences and soundtracks to go with them, and even the story isn't really bad by any means...they made the story unbearable by constantly rubbing your face in it. Naruto is a perfect example of exploiting an anime to maximize profit while completely destroying its quality in the process.
Just read the manga, dumbass
>implying that the manga is any better
The editor of jump forced sasuke down kishi's throat.
Everything after that was him trying to make sasuke into a mary sue to please the audience.
Shippuden might as well have been the adventures of sasuke for a good long while.
Good. Because Naruto is shit.
>hahaha RAMEN believe it, i want everyone to accept me, also i hate Sasuke for no reason, but i also love him, he's my best friend and i will fucking kill him. i love sakura for some reason that was never established. oh gotta go i have diarrhea
It's not over, dude.
naruto is not necessarily trash, but much of its fanbase sure is
I've never met a narutard with good taste. Their favorite animes tend to consist of FMA:B and FMA and CBBB if they real "connoisseurs". They've a 100% chance of calling NGE pretentious.
It's just a genuinely bad series with a cast that became more unbearable the longer it went on; especially the main three. The first part was great especially the Chunin exams and I'll admit that there are great parts in the second part as well, but the bad outweighs the good. I think one of the worst things about the overall series is how Part 1 Naruto was so against destiny controlling his future yet Part 2 reveals how his mom was a member of a strong clan, dad was the Hokage, and how Naruto was basically the reincarnation of Asura; the first two I can let pass, but the whole Asura/Indra deal was such bullshit.
The main three are unbearable, as separate character and as a team. There are a few scenes in Part 1 that show how much they care for each other, but they're just not as convincing as Kishi wanted them to be; there was no reason for Naruto to care SO much about Sasuke and for Sakura to be in love with him.
Honestly, after jiraiya's death, naruto became a lot more likable as a character, and even he seemed to recognize that if sasuke really had gone so far that he had murdered bee (before he met bee), that he probably had become an irredeemable criminal
but that was 3/4 of the way through the series
yeah though the other 2 weren't very good characters, I feel it would've been better off showing more of the characters' lives and how they related between missions, as well as if Kishi had actually gotten cleared by the editor to not force a tournament arc right after the land of waves and focused more on the team when they were still together
Reverse this statement and it will be correct. Part I world building and character premises is why the series became popular. But even the fans generally won't defend the execution that followed it. It spawns so much fanfiction because Kishimoto created an interesting sandbox but everyone thinks that they can utilize it better than he did.
Everyone should hate Sasuke. Naruto's primary flaw in Shippuden is that he wanted to protect that faggot when everyone else knew what was up and wanted to off him. And yet Shippuden spent so much time focusing on this unlikable, mono-emotional Uchiha Stu.
great setting, great designs, cool fights, story varies from enjoyable light-hearted adventure to mediocre borefest to absolute cringy trash
overall, taking nostalgia into acount, 7/10
i'm what you might call a "narutard" and my favorite anime are Free!, Konosuba and Eromanga Sensei
It doesn't even have nostalgia factor for me. I already knew it was bad back in 2006 when it was still airing and I started watching it. Never could get past a dozen of episodes, it was so mediocre.
>Kishimoto created an interesting sandbox but everyone thinks that they can utilize it better than he did
this, so much
sadly, the authors of the Boruto manga are fucking hacks, I still wonder why couldn't they find someone better from the lots of doujin artists
The characters and plot are garbage, but I unironically think that the eyehax system has potential.
Jiraya's death was just used to establish some kind of poetry between Sasuke and Naruto, because Itachi died around the same time.
Both Naruto and Sasuke didn't have a family at the start of the anime. But the main difference between them - until that point - was that Sasuke knew exactly who took his family from him (Itachi), while Naruto didn't. So Naruto didn't have anyone to direct his anger at, but Sasuke did.
So of course it was easy for Naruto to say that Sasuke shouldn't give in to hatred and revenge.
Now, with the death of Jiraya, and Naruto knows he was killed by Pain, Naruto has a target for his anger. And he seemed pretty determined to murder Pain to me. He was even going to release the seal of the Kyuubi to do it. The reason why he didn't give in to revenge is because of his dad ex machina: his ghost dad shows up and teaches him never to give in to despair, or something.
How convenient! Well, of course Sasuke continues his path of destruction, because he too has a new target: the elders of Konoha and especially Danzo.
He could have had a change of mind, but unfortunately he doesn't have the privilege of meeting his father like Naruto, because he's fucking dead for good.
He only changes after Itachi gets revived.
I don't really get what Kishimoto was going for with this whole story, because Naruto was originally supposed to be a lonely character hated by everyone, but instead everyone likes him? He was even seen to be friends with Chouji and Shikamaru, and Iruka was like his father figure, and the Third Hokage was like a grand father to him. Meanwhile Sasuke was the one really suffering. Even Gaara had it worse than Naruto.
Gaara > Naruto > Sasuke
Gaara was hated by everyone, faced several assassination attempts, had the only person who seemingly cared about him tell him that he hated him as his last words, and couldn't even sleep because a demon would steal his body, which was why he had circles around his eyes. Naruto was hated by everyone not named Iruka, Hiruzen, or Hinata; his Academy interaction with Chouji and Shikamaru was filler. Sasuke was loved by everyone but then he tried to kill those same people so that came to an end....not that this stopped the fellatio he still received from Naruto, Karin, and Sakura. He would eventually marry the same woman he tried to murder.
Actually, you are more cancerous.
Back to your reddit shithole, underaged Narutard
I've never even been to reddit. You seem awfully familiar with it, though. Maybe it's you who should leave.
>replying to a 12 hour old post in a dead thread to defend yourself and reddit
Kill yourself
Keep telling yourself that, redditor.
Oh. Then go back to 9gag, faggot.
And you're still in this thread? That says more about you than it does me. I just entered the thread, saw you gay post, and replied. Never realized it was 12 hours old. Doesn't mean you're any less cancerous with the passage of time.
Go away, underage posters not welcome