I hate this bitch with a fury of a 1000 guts getting cucked

I hate this bitch with a fury of a 1000 guts getting cucked

Louise is shit. Both of her sisters are vastly superior.

How can anyone even love such a bitch? The fact that saitou ended up with her and not the maid baffles me.

I'm sorry about your pleb taste.

Thats because saitou is also trash, they deserve each other like trailer white trash

She is the worst attempt at a tsundere in the history of animu

Saitou is japanese and louis is french. Its another case of the evil white oppressing minorities

She was a bitch with the MC for the whole anime, she didn't deserve to win

feel free to off yourself

she's literally part of the basis for the trope you stupid cunt

Louise may suck but please don't insinuate that the maid was anything better than a vagina disease-ridden whore.

Louise is love and cute. You have my pity.

Taiga is an example of a good tsundere, so is ayuzawa. Louis is just an annoying bitch

Literally the only worthwhile character in that series.

Louis IS cute but she has an awful personality. Just a jealous bitch

Know I know you're trolling.

(You are cancer)
Look the official tsundere chart

Shit tier literally. Just plain awful and annoying

You three are so wrong, louise and taiga are shit

Kill yourself.

except they're the exact same type of tsundere

>another thread where OP is a faggot
What a thread to start off my morning.

Fuck OP, this is now a Louise thread.

Nope. I bet you're a NTR queenfag.

Taiga is loveable. Louise is annoying

Litteraly pleb taste. Nigger confirmed

Did anons remember to celebrate Louise end get? Now is the time.

You a shit, OP.

>Taiga is lovable
We probably didn't watch the same anime if you think that

Except Louise is even more lovable than Taiga. And much hotter too.

Based MFBJ. They actually pulled it off.

You actually finished this garbage?

Pure sex.

Im forcing myself. The awful ship is making it harder. God I fucking hate that bitch

Disgusting, I feel gay. She'd make a good trap though

>honeymoon chapter
>Saito fucked Louise all night long
Glorious canon.

Henrietta is the best

Henrietta a shit. WORST GIrl.

Finally, someone who's not underage

Second worst girl after boring elf tits with a personality of an inanimate rock.

I love Louise!

Say what you will, but at least Louise is faithful, loyal, and would never betray her best friend.

OP is a fag Louise is great.

You have to be over 17 to post here

this this this.

Neither would the maid and she was part japanese so was suited more for him

She was a thieving cat who didn't know her place.

>Im forcing myself.

You don't have to user. Sometimes it's just better to drop a series right when it gets bad. ie; chunnibuyo second season.

OP is tsundere for a tsundere. Either that or OP is a fag.

Is that Sup Forums I smell? What kind of argument is that. She grew up in a fantasy world where her grandfather is the only Japanese one.

Best girls.
Worst girls.

N-no Im not!

If he is then he's not cute since I don't see a speck of dere.

Should have just gone with elf-tits.


Don't drag my waifu into this shit thread

She's just a poor girl that has to deal with being with a guy surrounded by harlots making moves on him.

Siesta is too much of a enabler. Saito knows he's a no-good pervert and an unfaithful cheat thus Louise pulling on the reins was a much needed occurrence to eventually make him a better person. The two of them put up with each other flaws, and after every resolved drama, their bond is reinforced and becomes stronger.

Why do people even like tsunderes? I've never understood it.

It's not like we like them

You must be new here.

Tsundere is the oldest, most basic form of relationship that involves tension (typically sexually), warmed up development, and opposite attracts or hard to get romance.

I like the queen and melon chan

They're really cute

Louise is cute and sexy!
Reiclone is meh.
Maid is shit.
Queen is worst character in history of anime.

Forgot that elf is piece of shitty cowtits.

>crotchless panties

holy slut

>Anime only fags who dont know louise is best girl and 100% dere

It makes it so much hotter that so many people hate her so much. I want to force her mouth on their fury cocks and watch user's face twist as he pumps his hatecum down her bitch throat.

This is accurate.


I heard someone picked up from where the author stopped, is it over yet? if so, was it translated?

It's over now

wel, was it translated?
can I finally be free from this trash that not even death could stop?

>Wants to finish series
>But thinks it's trash

Are you okay?

He's tsundere for ZnT.

do you have any idea how long I have waited for the visiting his homeland arc?

She's an annoying bitch who's constantly jealous and keeps cock blocking my man saitou from getting laid.

But if you think it's trash, why are you still wanting to finish it? Just drop it you idiot.

What? Is the series still going on?

because I wanted a visiting his homeland arc
I fucking love reverse isekai
someone picked up from where the author stopped after he died and finished it, so no, not still going on

What happens after they come back? Where can I read it?

that's what I've been asking
I had completly forgotten about it

>Low class