What do people see in this man that Sup Forums doesn't?
What do people see in this man that Sup Forums doesn't?
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Most of his works he cherry picked the really good manga at the time and animated it. Everyone gives him credit for making a masterful story but he did a movie that wasnt as good as the manga. Dude, go read them, the movie is shit compared to the manga.
He's right
Sup Forums having good taste for once.
>Most of his works he cherry picked the really good manga at the time and animated it.
Name those manga
>Sup Forums doesn't
I'd say the majority of Sup Forums at least likes his work. Most people here just have a problem with a lot of his views on the industry.
>credit for making a masterful story
Story is usually the weaker part of his films. He's a great director but bad writer.
>liking childrens movies
I don't think so Tom
I remember when the jannys would delete threads about this guy. What happened?
>his views on the industry.
>implying he is wrong
I didn't say that. I agree with some of his views, particularly on the use of computers in Anime. I'm just saying a lot of people here disagree with him.
>Most people here just have a problem with a lot of his views on the industry.
What I have a problem with is people projecting their own opinions on the industry on him to pretend they have more weight for it.
Potential reasons to dislike him:
- he is famous
- he is popular among non-fans
- he is successful
- all his movies are "the same"
- there's a perception that he hates anime
- ideological disagreement
- he comes out of retirement
Man do you even know who Miyazaki is?
>- he is famous
>- he is popular among non-fans
>- he is successful
These are the same things?
Similar and related no doubt
You do know that he wrote Nausicaa, right?
I don't hate him, I think he did some great movies. But hate thw fact that a lot of people think that Ghibli is only Miyazaki when you have guys like Takahata.
>he says in the board dedicated to chinese cartoons
I don't hate what's popular, I hate people who like popular things
Huh? There's a great qualitative difference between movies and anime series.
Do you like any popular things?
Yeah, movies are usually better
Most anime series are extremely juvenile, if you're trying to imply otherwise.
People who don't mind industry's current state and pandering will dislike him because of his critique towards it.
Which is why Miyazaki movies are extremely dull in comparison.
But Miyazaki movies are full of pandering. In fact, most of them just seem like an excuse to get one of his fetishes fulfilled.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I guess, but I think most would disagree.
How are they dull? Spirited Away, Howl's etc are the opposite of dull
It's not an opinion. You compare features to other features. You compare series to series.
Putting aside the stupid claim, what has that got to do with the post you're replying to?
What does Sup Forums see in this man that people don't?
>People who don't mind industry's current state and pandering will dislike him because of his critique towards it.
Sup Forumsnons dislike him because his movies are the only anime normal people are willing to watch
He's the perfect example of an overrated director. Nothing he's made has made me go 'damn that was amazing.' Most of his movies are pretty generic or boring. The best thing he's made has been Princess Mononoke.
I've seen many actual criticism for Keit-ai but people kept pretending they went to see the movie for the fifth time etc so they got tired of it.
What do you think Miyazaki's criticisms of the industry are?
I think it's mostly an American thing and making up for Pearl Harbor.
I draw a blank when anyone brings up the senile dotard. So I wouldn't know. What has he actually done himself to improve the industry he criticizes? Besides making his pedo fanfics a reality.
Yes. I hate myself.
Someone explain why people is so mad about him.
Someone explain why people is so mad about movies who give a good example and lessons to children and are nice to watch as an adult.
Someone explain how is he ruining the industry ar making comfy movies.
He doesn't pander to the otaku market
Nailed it.
Out of all his movies that cured my insomnia I have to say literally all of them had pandering.
If you admit to not knowing what you're talking about then why even post?
I'm not admitting anything. Can you tell me what he has actually done?
Otaku pandering and fan service?
not really, but he did create certain tropes and some movies do feel like they have an environmentalism angle
>not really
Then what really?
Just google the reviews of his movies or how critics and movie directors praise the hell out of him.
Many retarded Sup Forumsnons want to be in a secret club where they feel superior for watching Japanese TV shows and movies that few heard of. They feel threatened when normal people like anime.
Some Sup Forumsnons feel that Miyazaki movies are too family friendly and it is not as cool and edgy as some fotm shonen crap.
>praise the hell out of him
So? Reading every single Your Name review and only one that's actually on point. Why should I trust critics?
I largely think Miyazaki and Ghibli are the sole reason anime isn't more accepted in the west and is pretty looked down upon.
Why would you ever think that?
He was just answering OP's question.
yeah why
I like to love his movies, but yeah he seems to be just an old fuck now
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
It's a meme. Everyone on Sup Forums with taste loves Studio Ghibli
He doesn't hate anime, he hates people with shit taste, as in people who like moe shit.
>.t 200 entries mal user
I just said there's a perception, not that it's true. I think almost everything people think he hates is based on misconception. Including hating people who like moe.
I just straight up don't enjoy his movies.
Sure they look great animation wise but there's never a character I can give a shit about.
That is the funniest thing about all the hate about Miyazaki. It was pretty much memed into existence on Sup Forums through misinformation. Whenever I see a thread about Miyazaki "hating" anime more than three quarters of the people in there seem to unironically believe that is something he has said despite not having any quotable source.
The most he has ever said is that he doesn't like specific types of otaku obsessed with planes/weapons/war and that he thinks the anime industry is suffering because animators these days haven't observed people so don't understand how people act and this shows in the work.
Somehow that was twisted into "Miyazaki hates moe anime. Miyazaki hates the anime industry, Miyazaki thinks anime was a mistake, Miyazaki hates everything you like in anime". Let's not forget the fake "anime was a mistake" quote after all.
name your top 5 anime
Artificially putting this in an order is just sad.
Not to mention he has said far worse things about old anime than he ever has current anime. He wrote piece in a magazine edition dedicated Tezuka following his death basically saying that everyone in the animation industry was laughing at what a buffoon he was who didn't understand animation at all in less harsh language.
Most Ghibli fans are very very casual fans and very unlikely see the interviews or videos of what he says and does.
He made good family friendly movies so they just assume he's a nice guy because a heartless bastard couldn't make something like Howls Moving Castle etc, WELL THEY FUCKIGN CAN.
The only people that don't really like Ghibli films are the kind of posters on Sup Forums that are perpetually stuck in watching seasonal anime and never develop any taste or explore the history of the medium for themselves. Casuals love Ghibli films and so do people that are deep into the medium.
>made good family friendly movies
If they're casual how can these fans even tell a good family movie from a bad one?
>a person's character should affect how we interpret their art
So what if he is a work obsessed traditional crazy old japanese dude? The movies he makes are amazing.
>the kind of posters on Sup Forums that are perpetually stuck in watching seasonal anime and never develop any taste or explore the history of the medium for themselves
These are probably some of the most grating kind of anime fans to me. They think because they watched seasonal anime since 2012 they are anime experts but when it comes to history or the industry of anime their knowledge is just superficial at best and full of all the same misinformation prevalent in the western fandom.
I think a lot of these people just use anime as a way to fill a gap in their lives and aren't really fans of anime as such. It gives them a community to be a part of and allows them to participate in an online group, be part of a secret club, know the memes. No real interest in anime itself for itself just something they did because they were bored and had nothing to do and then it became part of their identity.
It forms part of their online persona so they can keep up with the jokes and make sure they are using the right cute girl avatar for their discord circlejerk. The same kind of people that would drop anime instantly if they got a job, friends and stopped being socially awkward suddenly out of the blue.
The delusions people have of others just because they refuse to watch literal children's movies made by an overrated hack is surreal.
That post had nothing to do with Miyazaki or his movies. It was just all about a specific common kind of poster on Sup Forums.
>overrated hack
Oh it's you again the guy that tries to use "children's movie" as bait. Do you stalk every Miyazaki thread?
Are you trying to refute his movies as being for children?
I watch anime and arthouse crap. Miyazaki can't even hope to entertain me for a minute.
I don't see how watching seasonal anime meshes with the other stuff you say, I think most of them people are on twitter though, I kinda agree with the last part not the jab at seasonal anime experts.
Does he deserve credit for the great films he's worked on? Yes. Is he a old bitter human? Definitely.
Should that affect how we judge his work? No it shouldn't but some people do get affected by it.
I'd watch a Ghibli film tomorrow if he put one out, Still hate the bastard though.
>I watch arthouse movies
>I have no patience
pick one
I don't trust a person who dislikes Ghibli films. What kind of depraved fuck you gotta be to have an opinion like that.
Miyazaki movies have no entertainment value. Arthouse at least attempts something.
Where did you even get that strawman, man?
I don't have any issue with people watching seasonal anime. Rather people who just watch seasonal anime and think they know anything about the medium at all. It's like someone who just sits there and watches TV all day long, you can watch as much of it as you want you are never going to be an expert in anything other than TV show trivia at best. The link between the seasonal anime expert and the latter part is that you need to be a seasonal anime watcher to keep up with the latest ani-memes to be hip so have to watch at least the most popular shit each season.
More like about a specific guy you met on discord and now projecting your dislike of him on the entirety of Sup Forums for some reason.
That isn't a "strawman", you shouldn't use terminology you don't understand. To make a "strawman" is to argue against a point similar to that your opponent is arguing, that isn't actually what your opponent in an argument is arguing, but much easier to defeat. If anything it is just a characterisation of a certain type of anime fan.
I've never used discord.
It wasn't a strawman. it was a projection
Neither. Obviously a goalpost.
It's not a projection either. Do you need the definition of that explaining too? Because it isn't merely describing other people. Which quality in myself am I projecting onto who exactly there?
boogeyman then. I never called it a strawman.
Yeah you could say that but then I'm not saying they're the cause of any harm besides annoying me. Usually a boogeyman would be something you were putting the blame on for something. If anything it could just be seen as an overly broad unfair generalisation about a certain type of anime watcher.
this post is shit
>- he is famous
>- he is popular among non-fans
>- he is successful
Same could be said about Tezuka, which Miyazaki dislikes.
To understand why Miyazaki is so great you don't need to watch ALL of his work, just watching the Opening of Laputa, or the cahse scene in castle of cagliostro, or Mei and Satsuki arriving at the new house in totoro
all fucking fantastic scenes masterfully made, if you are too fucking oblivious to get why the scenes are so great you should stop watching every shit seaosn anime the gook jews shit at your plate and watch other media (film)
Just read Ebert's review on Totoro, he totally gets why it is such a fantastic movie
What has that got to do with what I said?
>Muh nature is good, technology is bad.
>Also here is a movie about airplanes.
>Muh Tezuka killed the industry.
>And by killed I mean created the very base of the industry that supported it to become big enough for my movies to be made.
>Muh anime is being made by people who can't stand to look at other people.
>Excuse me while I am unbelievably rude to anyone who is not sucking my cock.
The man became culturally disconnected with his own country after the huge cultural shift caused by the Subway Sarin Incident and the Kobe Earthquake, and it shows in the increasing mediocrity of his work.
I like a lot his stuff, won't deny it, but I do not like the egotistical person behind it. I also am not a fan of delusional bucolic stories, not even when told by the far more celebrated Kurosawa.
>hows in the increasing mediocrity of his work.
wind rises was probably his best movie
>To understand why Miyazaki is so great you don't need to watch ALL of his work
I can't quite tell what this is called. But I do know it sounds retarded. Like a pasta.
If you don't get why he is one of the gratest cinema directors of all time just by watching totoro you're retarded
sorry, artlet
>And by killed I mean created the very base of the industry that supported it to become big enough for my movies to be made.
That isn't true at all. Toei were able to make films with lavish production budgets for years before Tezuka even made a show and Miyazaki worked there during that time. That is where his whole attitude towards animation came from.