One Piece

>tfw you see the absolute state of One Piece threads

10/10 chapter

Pudding a cute.


When was the last time you truly looked at the night sky user? I mean truly. Isn't it just amazing that so many galaxies and stars exist within our universe? The wonders of life are astounding after all! You should look up next time you get the chance. I promise it will be worth it!

Know the difference.
-chans get carried on the side not like princesses like the ONLY -san does.

-chans get a litttle ass panel not a FULL page like the ONLY -san does

>SaNa chapter
>pathetic damage control
Now this i call a shitpost.


Chopper is a piece of shit

Did they just get naked without a care in the world?

S..SaPu is canon with alarming rate, re....remember the Sanji words to Pu...Pudding, next chapter she will go to her husband and help with this ho...horrible situation.



>inb4 YonjiXCarrot shipper

They don't feel anything, including shame, user.

I just want pudding to be happy, stop this


>a whole full page
Know the difference. Two pages are greater than one.

why? because he has no chance against someone who is far stronger than him?

can mochi become jelly bean?

>inb4 NijiXChopper shipper

Its ok user, perhaps one day you and I can take a road trip to the desert and watch the sun set. It would be a marvelous experience. Far better than shitposting on this site.

We got BTFO hard Puddingbros...


Will Bege die?


I know ;_;

It tears me apart to say this... But SaNa is undeniably canon now


not like this...

I need a nami in my life yo

well we all knew she's a dyke. reiju probably swings both ways.

Nami likes strongwilled marine woman, so tashigi by default.


After 5 years of watching together, me and my anime-only friend finally caught up to the anime. We're watching Jojo part 4 next but what are we going to do after??

Real thread
Get in here lads

Would you call this a hack move or a smart one?

haha fuck off



start fuggin

>putting your friend through the shit show that the anime has become
how can you be so cruel?

Naruto carried Sakura like that too

Go fuck yourself

HxH 1999 maybe?

too early to tell but knowing Oda he will blow our minds with this one once again

How big will Nami's tits be at the end of the series?

>the tip of Smoothie's finger is touching her tits
Nami's aroused, not scared.

Its gonna be weird coming back in two weeks. Sad that a lot of the cool anonbros got scared off by shitposters. It truly used to be a comfy general and people were chill as hell. This one panel broke my heart though as I know that the next few weeks will be hell and solace will only come near the end of the WCI arc. Who would have thought that SaNa shipper would be the one to destroy us all. That she would destroy us at arguably the best arc this entire series. We've all tried reporting her but the mods dont even care. I'm gonna miss you guys.

>The state of Sup Forums

>tfw smoothie didn't get to milk nami's titties
fucking reiju vagblocking

Why does Mangastream add pages like this?

snails soon tm

More pages = more ad revenue.


*breathes in*


>more pages
>more clicks
>more ad revenue

I like that most pages in this chapter looked plain great.

Oda is getting better as can artist isn't he?

I really can't wait to see this animated!

He doesn't get enough credit for how he improved.

Even moreso because he really didn't need to. He was already a multi millionare and set for life, so could have just kept the pace or even phoned it in, but actually took the time to improve.

>everyone ignoring best boy's return

>implying Oda is still drawing this

She is shocked but will be angry for him to dare carry another woman on their wedding day.
Shít won't make sense.


Buddy, you ain't getting shit except shippingfags from now on. Nami could suck Bege's dick on panel and Sanafags would still make up 20% of the posts.

Despite the brothers being cunts, I still loved that page.

Just use a filter you faggot

>When you want to discuss the new chapter but a frame put two characters together so you know the shipfags will have a field day ruining any and all threads

>tfw you are a SaNafag

A (You) to everyone itt.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?


I always knew kancolle would somehow ruin this too.

What do you want to discuss?

It's like talking to a wall.

>pic related

OMG NaruHinafags epic BTFO

So how are Luffy and co getting out of this one alive?

Fucking OvenXChopper

You're right user. It is now my mission to report these fags at least 20 times a day. Cancer must be removed from this board at all costs. I'm not letting them ruin WCI

post yfw you start revaluating ship-unrelated shitposters when shipfags literally destroy threads and prevent honest anons to talk about One Piece

>The Bartofags are a godsend compared to what we have now
I'm considering avoiding these threads completely, even with a new chapter. There's literally no difference from a forum except for the lack of anonymity.

What are you anticipating for the next chapter? I think Luffy will try to face her head on, and there's the Tamate box to take in consideration.

How the alliance is going to get out of this shitstorm, for example.

No, what you're saying doesn't make sense. The context is Nami asking Luffy if they should go ask Blackbeard for info on sky island. Luffy and Zoro point out "not him, they." Why would they need to point out his crew when Nami was only asking about asking him for directions?

Everybody, nuke the shipping fags with reports. If 20 of us do it they'll get banned.

Why did Oda throw away the tametebako? It was perfectly set up as their escape from Big Mom. It was predictable since it had been mentioned since fishman island but a perfect reason for escaping from the island. I can't see any other way as to how they could escape.

I can't help but feel that anything he does now will look like an asspull.

>Why would they need to point out his crew when Nami was only asking about asking him for directions?
In universe there is no reason. From Oda's perspective he thought it would be a cool way to announce that he was BB and that he had a crew.

People who don't think that scene is foreshadowing are clueless. It was right after they received thorough beatings and therefore were most likely to be attuned to their CoO. Blackbeard's body is weird and luffy and zoro were remarking on that.

Thats what the new world is all about. Random shit and miracles are your key to success as a newbie

Yes, i'm sure the Tamatebako is TOTALLY out of the picture for the rest of the arc

Pudding meme meme fruit

Retards still in denial that LuNa is actually NaruSaku

THIS. Get on it people. We have to save these threads before the cancer gets even worse.

>set up as their escape from Big Mom.
It's not going to happen retard. Big Mom is getting defeated. Probably going to make her eat a DF user.

He has a gf and also not my type.

He refuses to read the manga and I have no one else irl willing to read One Piece. Plus it's fun. We just drink and hang out and watch anime after work.

There's so much wrong in this post, i don't know how should i start

Nami looks really good in that haircut. IT reminds me of the short hairs.

>94 posts
>43 IPs
Geez I wonder who is behind the shipping posts

They aren't going to just escape. Don't be a retard.

Tamabago bomb destroys tower base, tower falls, Bege sacrifices himself to hold off Big Mom while the rest escape
That or Pudding saves them

Zeo BTFO edits are great.