Lmao this is so stupid its fun

lmao this is so stupid its fun

>that silhouette

why do all those people have heels?

Why did this feel like the final chapter of a cancelled nanga? Was it cancelled?

>fight him with science
is it me or this sounds totally retarded?

The whole manga feels very rushed for some reason. The author could take it way slower, our current antagonist is extremely superficial too.

So was the thing Senkuu asked her to do just putting the destroyed bodies back together whenever Tsukasa breaks shit?
I assume his idea back there was that if you piece the shit back together THEN use the acid, the stone will heal the body.

They look to be stone versions of pic related.

Not sure why they'd wear them, but that seems to be it.

Are you blind?

Is this manga seriously implying the world is too small for our heroes just to fuck off and invent TECHNOLOGY with some S++ rank chemical knowledge guy while their opponents are literally stuck in stone age?

I know its for advancing the plot, but why did Senkuu thinks the new group would lend their help? Maybe they're more evil than Tsukasa and want to use science for personal gain/evil purpose.