ITT: Characters you'd let your uncle sell your ass to
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I'd let him train me, he is wise and magical after all
Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle.I typically don't find 'internet humor' especially amusing or relatable. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.
If it means he becomes the skull knight and watches over me then sure!
Holy shit, do you think Donovan is the skull knight?
Skull knight is a thousand years old...
So is Donovan.
its pasta you newfag
You're both wrong. Donovan is much older than 1000 years old. In fact, he is as old as time itself. Because... he is actually God.
She can have my ass
Donovan is Idea of Evil?
Is this what peak-performance looks like?
>implying Donovan isn't my uncle
Honestly how could someone think he was wrong or make a judgement that hes a bad person. Donovan grew up in that environment and its the norm, he made a business transaction and paid in full. If anything it shows he's honorable. Hr fights on the battlefield so of course he needs some pleasure to relax, not to mention he also brought pleasure to guts and handled him with tender affection. If anything guts is in the wrong, he was intimately involved with Donovan yet he killed him with not a shred of remorse which is psychotic.
>ywn get tenderly loved by Donovan with his bbc while being manhandled by his mighty hands with your face pressed to the ground
Why even live?
Think about it dude, do you ever see Donavan and the Idea of Evil in the same room?
user, please, he's the Idea of Good
Why thi
if only I was still a shota
How much longer is this hack going to take to wrap up the story?
Berserk ended with the Lost Children arc. Conviction arc -> forward is a spinoff. You just need to accept it at this point.
Miura said he was 60-70% done with Berserk in 2009, around the time chapter 302 came out. That means there would be 90-120 chapters left, which means there are 40-70 chapters left from where we are now. Assuming he doesn't take any more breaks and keeps releasing chapters monthly (doubtful), that would be about 3-6 more years of Berserk.
I think it was Donovan's cum what made guts really strong an amazing.
Is that enough to wrap up all of the loose ends and satisfy everyone? There seems like a hell of a lot more to go through.
>that hand
It was right in front of us the whole time.
One day I will read the manga and find what this black man is about
He is about about peace, justice and fair trade
A real example to follow and imitate
He's a key character in Gut's development as a warrior. Truly an inspiration for us all.
he raped the shit out of guts
Why are you lying?
He taught Guts everything he knows about love.
He taught Guts the ropes
It will probably end around volume 60.
Hes a hero of justice
He was like a father to Guts and Guts betrayed and killed him. Guts is the real villain of the story
trips of truth
you know you'd pitch with him Sup Forums
Berserk is an ancap story.
Rate my map.
Miura kinda fucked himself on the ass desu.we're definitely going to have a timeskip after they leave the elf island and we're going to see the world more fucked than before.I also don't see Guts aking on the apostles now that they are all together in falconia.
The manga is either going to have an "end of evangelion" ending where the true/real angels come from the sky and fuck shit up or a disappointing ending.
Pretty good. Midland is probably too big, though, but in the manga it's clearly based on France/"Germany".
but the arabs attack france through spain not greece
its shit. chuder is the HRE not brittania
way to ruin a character for any newcomers. Next he'll say Guts isn't the Black Swordsman but Kirito is
This meme, The Donovanposting is intensifying to a point where we may not be able to contain it.
The ancestor of Mumen Rider
Why are balkans Kushan? And I don't even recognise half of those names, where they mentioned outside of Serpico pointing out the various flags in that one episode?
No they don't you faggot,they come from india and enter through the balkans
So you're mad since you are from a balkan country?
They say the kushan invaded from the south/east.
By looking at the epicenter of the explosion you can calculate that windham is probably vienna or someshit.
It would also make sense how they reached Vritannis/Venice so quickly by foot and how close they were to Windham/Vienna
Did you get yours already, Sup Forums ?
I know someone named Donovan.
I think I'll get them this shirt.
Where there any balkan kushans? I mainly remember hindus and arabs
excellent choice brother
The kushan just crushed them and went trought like a hot knife throught buttet.Are you going to ask me why were the ottomans almost in germany aswell?
No but I imagine we'd see some, at least as war slaves
Don't forget the creator is stupid as fuck,he's not going to clarify anything about his world.Guts party went from probably venice to the azores in what looked like a couple of days
PlaMo-kyou Chijo 2 -Ibitsu-
No it'll be daijobu. When Guts gets to Falconia everything will already have gone to shit.
The apostle army has gotten bored and all killed eachother in mortal kombat, except Borkoff who's limping away as the only survivor of Apostle-Con 1537.
And when Guts gets to the throne room he'll find all the Godhand dead after Griffith betrayed them, and Griffith's dead on the ground all like "well fuck my life" after Rakshas has killed him.
And then Theresia comes out of nowhere and kills Guts with a crossbow, the end.
Eyyy, Russo, mio fliglio, hava some-a pasta fazool on da house!
Is Guts the biggest MC Cuck of all time?
"I'm always behind you, Guts. Always. Watching."
He may be a cuck, but at least he gets the bitches.
Wrong. Berserk will end in an anticlimactic way. Griffith will unironically have done nothin wrong (it was all a ruse to infiltrate godhand/idea of evil) and the entire bullshit up until this point will have been utterly pointless, but guts won't mind as he's discovered the power of friendship and embraces the love of his life Griffith and casca after freeing humanity from the grasp of the godhand.
something's off with my meds doc
Didn't know there was a thread wew
What role do you all see Silat playing in the series?
He started out as a relatively weak character that easily trounced by Golden Age Guts to now being able to go toe-to-toe with a high level apostle.
He's had good character development he's and seems be a Kushan mirror for Guts, as person who takes pride in his humanity and resists the influence of the inhuman Hawk.
Is BASTARD!! Shonen Jump's Berserk?
He looks like a midget
Patrician taste.
Why did they cut the moonlight kid from this episode ?
Because the anime will be ending next episode.
>the anime will end on a random chapter without any conclusion
It's fitting for this garbage.
without doubt he's the hands down best black boy