I...I like him because he's kind!

>I...I like him because he's kind!

>I open threads because I can

Imagine an anime girl liking you. Now wake up lmao.

>a 3DP girl finally tells you she likes you
>she's fucking ugly
What do?

Fuck off to twitter.

lower your standards

My standards are not that high. She is ugly tho. Like really ugly on the face...

holy shit did you come here looking for actual advice

>not only falling for the 3DPD meme but also for an ugly 3DPD
Just tell her you are gay, it wouldn't be hard to believe

>I like him because he is the only nearby male who isn't evil or a complete douchbag because the notion of seven extremely attractive females fighting eachother to the death over one average beta faggot's chink weiner is too laughable even for fiction if there were more than one guy on the planet who freaks out and curls up like a little bitch whenever faced with a sexual situation

I'm tired of this shy kid MC meme. Give me a good hot male protag like Kiyoshi

>he doesn't make girls get wet by simply holding the door open for them

>hot male
stop being a fag

>I need beta plain looking MCs so I can self insert easily

Do you really need a reason to fall in love?

Maybe we have misunderstood the whole 'beta' MC thing, maybe these MCs are actually the holy grail of alphaness as they don't even need to try to get girls to flock around them

Sorry I don't feel like that about you.
You deserve someone who would be able to sincerely love you back.

It's not that hard to reject nicely.

Whatever helps you sleep at night shy boi

Look in the mirror.

>leaving the house
serves you right

>ranking girls based on their face
normie, you are supposed to rank their tummies and feet

>'kind' in Animeland is slang for Gorilla dick.

I consider myself a 8/10. I'm shy as fuck tho


Ignore her

Sooner or later you'll have to see her face user

>I consider myself a 8/10

post face before boasting and bragging

Cool anime thread guys

>I consider myself a 8/10

>newfags whining about harem MCs for the 10000th time
>normalfag bringing up /adv/ shit and getting actual responses
Worst thread on Sup Forums right now.

So? If she has cute armipits does it matter?

>I consider myself a 8/10

Fuck off. Not all Sup Forumsnons are autist spergs shut in neets

>Not all Sup Forumsnons are autist spergs shut in neets
They should be

You're right, some of them are autist pedophile shut in neets.

That still doesn't make Sup Forums your blog, retard.

8/10 here's your (you)


How is this a blog?

How the fuck is not blogging, you cretin?

Boy the ugly Sup Forumsnons got triggered


8/10 thread Tbh

>it's a "I'm not actually ugly, unlike you" kind of thread

Is this how to get Sup Forumsnons buttmad?

t. 2/10

>It's a "report off-topic garbage but the mods do nothing" episode
Can't wait for the next episode where they come, delete a couple of posts and leave the thread up

>She likes him because he's nice
>Proceeds to paddle him for stuff she needs because he's a tool
>He will do anything you want if you -really- want to bed someone
>He will protect you because he's that nice
Idk if the MC were nice to the point of being a tool I could see the appeal of wanting to fuck him 100% homo or not.

>3DPD likes you
>She's decent enough
>Sperg HARD
>She never wants to speak to me again

Oh well, single life is preety good overall

>I like him because he has a big dick

>big dick
This is where my suspension of disbelief breaks.

I would be too shocked to do anything.

>she (he) fell for the big dick meme

>implying is a nip
>implying she didn't fall in love with the american exchange student

>a citizen of the land responsible of blacked.com think he has a chance
Delusional americucks

I take a few videos of blacked porn over being invaded by muslims, thank you.


60% white