Boku no Hero Academia

Sun Eater OP

His Quirk is probably my favorite in the entire series thus far. There's so much interesting shit you could do with it.

Best mom

He can even eat crystals, how many materials aren´t toxic in small amounts?

>AfO steals suneater, mina, fatgum and some random quirk that lets him generate a mouth onto his belly.
>Captures people in his fat
>Floods the area with acid to begin digesting them
>Creates a mouth to funnel directly into his stomach
Is he now the most effective cannibal?


Whatever happened to that swordfish Fatgum gave him? I thought it would be his trump card.

Nice showcase of abilities you've got here, Suneater. It would be shame if you got accidentally shot by the real quirk erasing bullet ;)

And on the other side, you have a dude who gets a bit stronger when he eats sugar.

To be fair, we don't know if his quirk stacks or not. If it does, then he's OP as fuck.

Indeed, if he can actually copy others quirks by perhaps eating their hair or something non-life essential, he'd have the potential to be the most powerful hero. Now if only he could just gain a bit more confidence.
Also animal with a quirk when?

>animal with a quirk when?

Doesn't matter. He turns braindead if he eats too much sugar.

The principal

It does stack. He just looses mental ability the more sugar he eats

What if he ate a bull penis?

I guess if he trains more he can overcome that weakness. Or just completely overdose on sugar and turn into an unstopabble juggernaut in a desperate situation.

>animal with a quirk when?

Are you fucking blind? Pic related is from the chapter where he combines various aspects of the shit he's eaten. So yah, it does stack
Not all men are created equal

Drink bleach literal retard

He's talking about the sugar kid.

Still, if he takes 30g of sugar, then he's 125 times stronger. Even if he's dumb as a post thats a pretty good amount of power.

Have a nice day

It'd be a fine Quirk for a villain that doesn't care about indiscriminate destruction, but not so much for a hero.

>His ultimate move consists of just injecting sugar directly into his bloodstream

What will kill Sato first, a villain or diabetes?

> Going full-on Incredible Hulk

Hori needs to do this someday

You didn't post a pic.

I'm starting to get tired of all the villains in this series whining about how their lives suck because something something society and heroes just wouldn't understand or whatever. It doesn't make them sympathetic, it makes them pathetic and repetitive.

>Eats a Darwin's bark spider
>Instantly becomes able to shit out the toughest known biological material (10x tougher than kevlar) ever studied in order to capture opponents
>Can stack this with literally ANY other shit that he eats
Grapelet is obsolete.

they're the same villains whining in the previous chapter

>No choice, looks like I have to use "that". Everybody out of the way!

He was never relevant outside of memes

>eat a frog
>become male Tsuyu-chan

I know, but they're not the first villains to whine and I'm sure they won't be the last.

That's the point. This is a story about heroes. We're supposed to recognize the villains as the bad guys because what they're doing is wrong regardless of their reasoning.

>Research away to make a pill made of water bears
>be invincible

Tamaki shoulld really get into eatting bugs for more bullshit

>Eat Pray Mantis, get scythe arms
>Eat Warp get Stingers
>Eat Scorpion get claws/stinger
>Eat Spider, become spiderman

I guess that means that either this fight isn't over or he'll help in another fight this arc.

>eat a cockroach

i made this
feel free to use

>Endeavor caring for any of his rejects
It would be pottery to have Mineta going after Todoroki's sister, though. If he can't have Momo then give him the finest curves outside of Yuuei.

>His upgrade costume is basically Bane costume but with sugar solution

They fucked up again in a way that makes a google translation look profesional
There is no way they dont know what it actually says, so why do they insist on rewriting the dialogue?

Tamaki could easily be OP as fuck during any sort of planned police raid since he can overprepare beforehand. In day to day patrols he'll likely eat a few easy to get things like chicken, octopus, clams, etc.

They don't give a shit. They're only trying to translate that shit asap for the click money

What if he were to eat a mantis shrimp?

And yet it takes them over 3 days to do The Promised Neverland.

i rather see a MC with this quirk

I kinda dig that this was the first real example of power of friendship and not only was it used by the bad guys but it was also the reason they fucking lost.

Did the guy really beat the power of friendship?

Powerful jabs. If he also got his hands on that insect that essentially sprays napalm he'd be almost as good as Bakugou when it comes to explosions.

Or a Pistol shrimp

>eat mantis shrimp
>become as strong as all might in his prime

>Eats a mantis shrimp
>Out punches All-Might

>in a world where Deku, Shoto, Mirio, Wind guy and Suneater exist Bakugo still thinks he can be anywhere even near the top 3

>Synthesis of Sundry
>Chimera Kraken
I see that Tokoyami's gonna have a new friend.

He relied on the fact that Scarecrow wouldn´t eat the crystal dude to evade the attack and would take the hit instead.

Well yeah, all he has to do is train more and make his explosions even stronger than they already are.

Endeavour in currenlt first and his power is basically plain fire.

Muh explodokills. But honestly it's hard for Bakugou's power to improve without going full lethal.

Maybe a week or two ago I was arguing with one of you guys that Sun Eater's quirk isn't that good. I apologize and take it back. You were right in saying I just didn't have the imagination to see how good it is.

Depends on the mineral makeup of the crystal. I mean, salt is a crystal.

Sad thing is, he probably will end up as number two or some shit. If he survives the manga, that is.

>dude explosions lmao

Yeah all Bakugou needs to be is incredibly proactive and always on the scene to rack up points.

He's beaten two of those five already, so yeah, I'd say he's got a pretty good chance of being in the top 3.


i wonder if bakugou's explosions are really limited to his hands
maybe he just never bothered trying to make other bodyparts explode
if he could make explosion with his feet, his mobility increase would be insane

>being able to eat and digest everything

Seems like a great quirk for a comfortable life.
Never need to spend money on food again, just go outside and eat a tree while no one is lookig.

>They reach Overhaul and have some kind of big battle
>Mirio on the ropes, about to be killed
>Suneater swoops in out of fucking nowhere and deflects whatever's coming with a swordfish arm

Could see it happening.

How the fuck could you not see how OP it could be when he essentially has access to the entire edible animal kingdom and plant kingdom put together? Only extreme downside is the 24h limit which makes it high maintenance.

Wonder if he could also use fungus, he hasn't shown it yet.

Swordfish tho

Considering it's his sweat that's explosive, he should be able to make them happen anywhere right?

He could since the explosions are from his sweat so anywhere with sweat glands is fair game.

Breathing cordyceps spores at people would be fucking terrifying

An explosive Bakugou headbutt would be awesome!

>How the fuck could you not see how OP it could be when he essentially has access to the entire edible animal kingdom and plant kingdom put together?
I don't know, I feel silly now for not realizing. The idea that he could combine them together like putting chitin armor over giant octopus arms just hadn't occured to me. It's the mixing that really puts him over the top.

It's his glands, not the sweat itself.

Cordyceps doesn't affect humans though.

Dude didn't seem like he has a comfortable life. Maybe the downside is that he's hungry 24/7 no matter how much he eats.


>He can even eat crystals
Only because said crystals were fakes made by a quirk. He cannot eat real minerals, brainlet.

>literally has to fight villains tailored to be beatable by him

He literally wouldn't stand a chance against them if Crystalmook wasn't there to save him. He would get raped by Kirishimook too.

Who cares, cartoon logic

He should have new boots developed with apertures set into the soles for better mobility while jetting around in the air.

Both last posts in previous general for MineMomo + Miriofag completely btfo and Mineta proven to be able to beat Mirio.


If nothing else I'm glad that you admit it and I'm glad that you're enjoying the character. Now if only we can get our resident shitposter to just magnanimously admit that he was wrong about things maybe we could turn these threads around for the better.

Momo arc when? She's supposed to be the other genius yet she got literally zero chapters zooming in on her character.

Endeavor isn't purely a fire dude. He's also peak fitness/reaction time. Hes refined himself to always get flawless victories

It's basically Terra Formars: The quirk.
In addition to that he's not stuck with only one or two animal powers and he can combine them as he pleases.
The only dowside is getting a supply some of the more rare animals and üplants to eat, but I'm sure there's a quirk somewhere out there that could nullifiy that weakness, something like Momo but with living organisms.

Momo is arm candy for Todo and his genes.

Aaaaaand he's back.

Never, she's a shitter

>He's also peak fitness/reaction time.
Literally Bakugou.

Whoops, sorry, messed up the [you].

Matter Eater Lad powers are pretty sweet.

What's important is you realize it's full potential now and admitted your mistake and apologized.

>Now if only we can get our resident shitposter to just magnanimously admit that he was wrong about things maybe we could turn these threads around for the better.
Top jej. You salty little cuck. This chapter only confirmed how shit Cumeater's is. The "combination" shit from last chapter mattered fuck all. He literally needed an asspull (Crystalguy creating edible crystals) to save his dogshit quirk

Then again the guy who "admits he was wrong" is your samefag so...

> tailored to be beaten by him
>dude that can eat anything he makes
>dude that can steal anything he makes
What the fuck are you on

He can even include plants since he was seen growing a small sprout from his hand in his flashback.

>She's supposed to be the other genius yet she got literally zero chapters zooming in on her character.

She had 2 chapters. Where were you?