Why are the race realists of Sup Forums all class traitors who love to suck corporate dick?

Why are the race realists of Sup Forums all class traitors who love to suck corporate dick?
Give me one good reason as to why you aren't Nazbol.
Protip: you can't

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Nvidia and Charter have done way more for me than any "workers party" could ever dream to.

Fuck your revolution, I just want to has the jews.

dude i don't wanna be a fucking bolshevik okay

why not? Grown used to the taste of porky cum?

no they're like jews or something

Theyre in essence ferengi. They dont care if theyre exploited, so long as they hold on to the hope that one day they will be the ones who will be doing the exploiting.

We all agree on the importance of preserving white culture and ethnicity but deporting immigrants isn't gonna solve the job crisis or the ever increasing wealth gap we are seeing.

>Class traitors
Dude, youre literally a gibs medat. Go sit down and rethink your life

Not asking for handouts, class cuck. Only asking for a fair share of the wealth my labor creates.
I'm gonna assume you have a job, do you honestly not think you deserve a real portion of what your work creates instead of a salary determined by the ruling class?

>National Bolshevik Party
>Eduard Limonov
sucked niggers dicks in NYC while being in a political immigration, just fucking read his books

Show you flag.

>rich whites have done everything of note in the history of humanity
>poors and blacks almost never do shit


apparently you need a history lesson

Get a better job
If you feel your excess labor is being stolen then choose a better job where you feel you are being paid fairly


>changed flag

You are perfectly free to go start your own business, and control 100% of the wealth from your labor. Here's a dirty little secret though, that's exactly how the rich got started.

Oh the horror!

I'm overpaid if anything, but that's because I have headhunters competing to hire me. I work in finance, I know exactly how much a 'fair share' is.

Do you honestly believe you're getting underpaid? What is it that you do so well?

I am Nazi-Bolshevik

>Get a better job
>implying there are a variety of corporations who don't exploit workers.

What kind of person are you if you think you're being exploited and oppressed wherever you go?

I wanna seize the means of production
but at the same time, I also want KFC
what do, lads?

The kind of person who understands capitalism and exploitation.

Lmao. Have you read das Kapital? Or just the manifesto?

Seize the means of production, KFC among them.
get fair traid KFC

there are threads every day on Sup Forums that describes how Jews in power are exploiting the masses. do you really not think exploitation exists? the difference between the SJW "exploitation" and the exploitation that OP is referring to is that OP's is real.
I do not endorse his economic views, however.


Your a meme flag...

stop being poor

Then explain to me why exactly Marx believed that labor intensive markets would be more profitable when this is empirically untrue?

I like food so I'm against communism. Also Jews.

>meme flag
not an argument, kiddo.
do your research on NazBol political views and try refuting them with arguments, sonny.

>Muh brand of oppression is real, but let's make fun of other people who say they're oppressed.
Sounds like a special snowflake to me.

>I'm overpaid if anything
then you are a part of a privileged minority.
>I work in finance
So basically you create nothing and suck up resources. your industry contributes nothing to society and you are a parasite.

false equivalency user.
the SJWs, niggers, spics, etc. claims of exploitation and oppression are unfounded on empirical data.
there is data out there to suggest that, yes, the average man or woman is being exploited and oppressed to a degree.
however, i never stated that exploitation was a bad thing. exploitation must exist in a capitalistic society if hierarchy is to be achieved.

Your economic "classes" don't exist

Go be a marxist faggot somewhere else

>A good retirement plan is nothing of value!
You do realize I'd be one of the guys in charge of allocating resources in your centralized economy?
I create something of great value, and its called efficiency. That's why I make good money, because I make sure other people make good money. If that happens to be for a central economy, then I'll still make people good money. You need people like me or you'll end up another starving failed social experiment.

But you don't think about that, you only think in terms of privilege and oppression. Kinda like some sort of sjw

kek economic classes exist just like races exist.
commies just see economic classes as some sort of evil, when in fact it is a reflection of nature.

>There is data out there
Biggest copout of all time. Show me this data and let's see if your interpretation is correct

Kulaks BTFO

Marx was a jew. /thread

Choose the ones that don't exploit
Or get a government job
Or do as I did and join the military
Such good benifits and good pay a bit overpaid tbqh

>join the military
Well the military does operate internally on socialist principles. To bad in it's current state they live to serve (((them)))

>Sup Forums
ok you stupid faggot

Wow it's almost like when the state plays a role they aren't trying to undercut their employees at every turn since making sheckles isn't a concern. Really boggles the noggin.

When you use the word exploit, what exactly do you mean by it? How do employers exploit their employees?

We don't give meme flags a platform.

Let's us all starve in our own country. Nazbol in a nut shell

That largely has to do with the fact that our military is always in need of more people. If the military didn't need anyone the benifits would certainly be reduced. Also the inner competiton between branches also drives up the benifits. The army gave me a 40k sign on bonus the marines would only go up to 8k.

I think we should outlaw usury like iran did but I don't like the idea of killing rich people and taking their stuff

Employers as a class control the means of productions and the only source of income for most people.
They employ people to work for them for wages they determine which are a tiny fraction of the wealth the workers create.
The workers don't have the choice to open up their own factories or other places of work as suck operation require vast amounts of capital one can only be born into.
Therefor the worker is left with two choices, work for someone who will pay as little as he can get away with, or starve.
The employer is able to take most of the wealth created by the workers since the workers have no other means of survival. That's exploitation.

>I don't like the idea of killing rich people and taking their stuff.
>their stuff
>implying trust fund babies earned that fortune
Why not?

so what if they didn't earn it?

Out of curiosity, how long have you been in the military and what's your job?

They didn't earn it so they have no more right to it then anyone else.
If we can kill them and seize it, why shouldn't we?

>class traitors
Class isn't much of a thing in America. In the U.S. and Canada, there's a .6 correlation coefficient between IQ and income, and high class mobility. 10% of Americans end up in the 1% at some point.

idk man I think people should have the right to pass stuff down to their kids

>The workers don't have the choice to open up their own factories or other places of work as suck operation require vast amounts of capital one can only be born into.
What makes it so expensive then?
Also, what fraction of the wealth created do you think should be paid to the worker and what should be done in situations where the exact amount of wealth created by the work is unclear?

How about when I want your shit. Since your warped mentality is based around the id of a 3 year old with a gun, what possible reason can you give me for not entering your home, killing you and your family, and taking what I please?

My one good reason:
I am neither of those two ideologies.

There, solved your eternal dilemma. I am a realist, and a White guy.

>Class isn't much of a thing in America
I beg the differ, pic related
>10% of Americans end up in the 1% at some point.
lol what? that's mathematical impossible

Nazbol is just a cryptocommie ideology

Marxism is a meme. If a factory owner didn't exist, there'd be no where for those people to work to begin with. Most people are useless. They can find food and shelter, but they'll never produce anything. An employer gives them more than they'd ever get on their own.

Why would you wanna take my shit when there are people who have so much more?
If i was actually 1% rich i couldn't argue against that.

Yes im sure this wont turn into poor white people being murdered by jews will it?


>Give me one reason you're not Nazbol

Because I'm not a faggot.

It's only a shill thread because its shitting on something you support. If it were shitting on a african/southeast asian/latin american country you wouldn't be whining it's a shill thread

that doesn't make much sense.
Porky using himself as a bogeyman?

>poor and rich people exist, therefore people care about class
No. It's only rich liberals who care about this sort of thing.
>that's mathematically impossible
Explains why you're a socialist.

>What kind of person are you if you think you're being exploited and oppressed wherever you go?

A nigger. Or a woman. Or both.

>doesn't even try to say killing and murdering me for my stuff is bad
>look! They have more stuff than me, let's kill them!
Sage this shit

im with you senpai

>I create something of great value, and its called efficiency.

You're trying to explain something more abstract than mud cookies to a nigger. Have you ever heard of Sisyphus?

Murder should be avoided whenever possible, but if that's what it takes to dethrone the ruling class. So be it.

No, they just exploit the actual productive classes. Good job nigger.

Classism boils down to, you're a traitor to your class of poor folks if you no longer want to be poor. It's a self defeating ideology. It's how the upper classes keep the poor poor, by turning them against each other. So instead of helping each other, they are too busy attacking those in their class or those above it or moving up.

Nazbol is based on class conflicts, and it's basically the crab mentality on steroids with a heavy dose of far too much ego.

If half the people whom are involved in it meant what they said, they would spend no time attacking anyone else, and all of their time working on themselves.

All talk, no action. Let's see you take someone out that matters then.

Commies always talk about class. How do I know what ''class'' I am? I'm unemployed NEET. Why should I want to have solidarity with any class unless I was elite class?

What is a fair share? If I go work to a shop, did I participate in planning of the shop and the risk investment that founding a business requires? Obviously not, so why should a worker deserve as much as the owner (and the worker loses zero money in case of bankruptcy).

It looks a lot like porky, but you have to be pretty intelligent to see the subtle differences.

Because it's a meme ideology for edgy teenagers

there is no point in going out as a lone gunman and just killing people. That won't accomplish anything and those individuals will just be replaced.
I was referring to what might happen during the revolution.

Those same rich have already opened your home, the West to people that want to kill and steal from you.

>class traiter
Sounds like something a nigger says to his nigger friend for getting a job

user, most people with power earn it. Rich people don't just get rich by being evil, they get rich more often by being competent. Look at the median lifetime income of races in America. I think you'll notice something it mathematically syncs up with something else you've seen.

having a job doesn't make you a class traitor. Siding with the bourgeoisie in the class struggle does.

You have to make more convincing arguments if you're looking to start a revolution. So far I've not been convinced

Must read:

Basically this. its always lazy neets that get attracted to these ideologies because they have failed at life and think they are entitled to someone elses stuff just because they exist

>Rich people don't just get rich by being evil
Never said they were evil, but most of them were born into it.
Inheritance is anti-meritocratic. Children and grandchildren of competent people aren't always competent themselves, yet they are rich.
That not rewarding competence.

>Braindead retard economics are the only way of opposing capitalism

You'll be a fascist when you come to your senses one day. Nazbols are just fascists in waiting.

the one that supports the fbi

Why are communists traitors who love to suck banker dick?
You claim to fight for the people but your policy will lead to bankruptcy of your nation. Then the bankers will buy everything up dirt cheap.

We don't validate the war between class, because we want our race to go further.
We reject both capitalism and communism.

>gommies don't understand economics
It's only a matter of time until we'll have another economic collapse due to unregulated capitalism.
>Nazbols are just fascists in waiting
Fascism is corporate cuckoldry that caters to jews.

>implying white capitalists give a shit about you or your race.

That why we reject capitalism.

Ive been in the army for a little less than a year am a 14e(I fix and maintain missile systems)

>reject capitalism
in favor of what?