I just marathoned this manga, and it is 10/10 amazing. Literally the Beserk of the 2010s, and will probably surpass it by the time :re ends... Why aren't you reading it?
Tokyo Ghoul
LOL. Surpass Berserk? The mental retardation is strong in this one.
:re is shit though
calm down it's not that great. i suggest you lurk more
Part 1 was great, but don't compare it to Berserk.
Berserk is overrated
Please don't compare good manga to the mess that is Berserk.
Part1 was a good read.
:re started out meh, slowly got better and then dropped the ball hard some time during the Cochlea/Rue Island chapters.
Overall it's okay but not anywhere near Berserk. You should read more manga.
Not really. Its the only manga that lived up its hype.
> Why aren't you reading it?
Because it looks like edgy shit.
:re will actually end cohesively... Berserk has no chance of that happening.
There isn't a seinen manga that comes close to how good Berserk is in terms of consistant story and art.
Miura has to take long breaks to masturbate over how good he is thats all.
Berserk was good but not as good as TG. LOL
TG was a good 6.5/10
TG RE however has shit the bed and turned into a joke
>Literally the Beserk of the 2010s
Umm try again sweety
>:retarded after Tsukiyama arc
End yourself
I stopped taking Berserk seriously after Casca's rape scene. (she's being raped but she's enjoying it, just like my doujins!) In retrospect apart from the good art it barely has any redeeming qualityes.
>Will surpass berserk
Ayyy lmao
I just marathoned this manga, and it is 10/10 amazing. Literally the Beserk of the 2010s, and will probably surpass it by the time :re ends... Why aren't you reading it?
You are disgusting
A-at least we will have eto too soon, i-its not that bad we have zombie arima right guys?
>A-at least we will have eto too soon, i-its not that bad we have zombie arima right guys?
I am a etofag and even she coming back in the next 10 chapters doesnt compensate zombie arima incoming
did LITERALLY nothing wrong
>the underground city of ghouls is the reverse of upper world and humans are kept as livestock down there
>24th ward tunnels are actually the connection between these two worlds
>V is also controlling this ghoul city
>Arima squads whack-a-mole operations in the 24th ward were carried out with the intention of preventing ghouls from below to enter the human world
>Eto couldn't live down there because she would've been caught by V, so she was forced to live in the tunnels connecting both worlds
>post yfw
Common, Im a Berserket
fag, art is amazing, the edgy feeling is great and some of the panles alone are 10/10 but lets be real, hiatus and Miura picking his stupid fetish or fantasies and making them into arcs really kill many of the hype and quality. Berserker is truly overated
Eh, IDK about that, :re has been pretty retarded lately, good thing part 3 is coming and Ishida will have a break to plan it.
i didn't think the summer thing was a thing anymore
>good thing part 3 is coming
Is it confirmed?
>intentionally keeping the kakugan covered
I started a week ago and I am already half way through the :re
Season 2 anime was kinda disappointing since they rushed it.
>part three
>Tfw no one is actually surprised by this at this point because how obvious it was
Also this is probably a reference to tokyo ghoul root a opening
So, the hands at op2 of tokyo ghoul were eto's? I didnt expect that
Almost, everyhting points towards that, check the archive.
to @tkg_official