How long until he gets into her VRAINS?
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Next week because of muh "You see me for who I truly am!"
Just like any other YGO protag is never going to have an interest in women.
What do you think was going through her mind at this moment?
>New Dark Magician Fusion
>New Cyber Dragon Fusion
>New Odd-Eyes Pendulum
Basically our equivalent of the dimensional box
>People like Aoi when best girl exists
Sup Forums sings is up
>I'm about to get killed by a pervert
Except Yugi and Yuya
>into the fucking drains
Yusaku will be the one lusting after the Main girl this season and will succeed, to go a step further into ZAH VRAINS they will even have an implied sex scene to BTFO of every previous ship in the series.
Feed Aoi cummies, anons!
>not wanting bland girl to cuck her sister
So now the 4 dragons get a 3rd artwork?
Hopefully its better than the second ones.
It's a TCG set, user. It's probably the japanese alternate artwork
Is the card that Specter gave was Sweet Devil?
What if Konami self inserts themselves as the main antagonists?
>One month till Link Summon hits the TCG
It's actually not that bad.
You are all tone deaf
>6 months until percy has links
Altergeist are probably Ema's deck aren't they ?
Oh shit I never considered if any of those new archetypes could be anime related. Maybe.
They're anime related for sure, since the website that posted them listed it as an anime archetype.
Only this one is.
It's either Ema's (Female mythical creatures + geist since she seem to be a Ninja or at least a spy)
Or Specter's for the "geist"/ghost theme.
Most likely, since her Vrains alias is "Ghost Girl".
>Ghost girl
Oh, that's Ema's for sure then.
Are we sure this is actually Yu-Gi-Oh? Her hair is actually possible outside of anime.
I want to hold Aoi and tell her everything will be alright
I wonder
Will the new Odd-Eyes monster being the actual evolution upgrade of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragob, like Crystal Wing, Dark Requiem and Greedy Venom? I hope so, especially if it has a Summon condition like Odd-Eyes Phantasmal Dragon from the manga.
>the actual evolution upgrade of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragobuthxvvihdzascc
What does that make Rune Eyes, Beast Eyes, Brave Eyes, Saber Dragon, Lancer Dragon?
Isn't ODd-Eyes Pendulum an evolution of regular Odd-Eyes?
Sabers is an alt. Lancer is a Saber upgrade, since they share the same attribute and non-Pendulum status.
The other ones are still not Pendulums.
I am down for them building a mutual attachment slowly that eventually turns into a romance
Hopefully not as over the top and obsessive as Yuya and Yuzu were though
>VRAINS thread barely reach 500+ replies unlike arc-v
Was link a mistake?
I'll settle for seing Aoi angry, and not as Blue Angel. She looks cute angry.
What do the runes say?
It's boring as hell right now,user, the only interesting thing is Yusaku and Aoi being autismos together
Thats what makes her so great
Don't worry, her VR persona makes up for it.
Not Links themselves, just the other ED stuff getting kneecapped for Links put off a lot of people.
Plus, thus far, most Vrains eps have been boring, like the Go arc.
All those good girls forced to be in a pic with shitty Kotori
>Hopefully not as over the top and obsessive as Yuya and Yuzu were though
You tell me, i remember shipping those two since the hearts scene but then Yuya wen't full Yuzu mode like in 99% of the show and it got so bad i started to wish Yuzu would just die.
5 girls, one boy
What if Aoi is gay?
Doesn't Yuzu have a multiplier of x3 though? She always counts as 4.
So 8 girls and a Kotori
Don't you remember threads dying during pirates? The only reason post count picked up afterwards is because Arc-V became so terrible people genuinely wanted to see how this shitshow ended.
Then she wouldn't like dueling or be in club full of boys
There aren't any girls to put her with yet
Because the boys in that club are super attractive.
She has a brother complex, she can't be gay.
I suppose in-universe Aoi wouldn't be considered attractive either.
She wants her onii-Sama to dick her so nah
We're talking about Aoi not Ruri.
Aoi seems like she's contemplating murdering him.
What if Aoi really is a girl (male), but then Yusaku turns out to be a boy (female)?
>I suppose in-universe Aoi wouldn't be considered attractive either.
The school is full of cuties that would easily take a crap on Aoi
Yusaku is probably the most masculine MC yet.
No, Shun had the complex, not Ruri. Ruri wanted Yuto's Phantom Knights of Dick
Ai pointed out she was beautiful irl though the taste of an AI is arguably subjective
>Aoi seems like she's contemplating murdering him.
Gotta agree with that
Ignis couldn't even comprehend honor or sportsmanship so I doubt he has a grasp on beauty.
Pretty sure that was Yusei, actually.
>Aoi getting bullied by popular girls scene
After the mess that was Yuya i'm give thanks to god every day
Hey, it's free and technically illegal so I'm not gonna complain about it.
She kind of reminds me of Aki when she was about to snap and d r a g o n everyone.
Yusakuu spaghetti when?
>Still no Odd-Eyes Synchron
What? No way. Yusaku is actually pretty fucking moe
Yusaku doesn't even care about romance so pretty much fucking never
>Aoi > Akiza > Yuzu > Asuka > Anzu > Kotori
In order of strongest duelist and best girl.
>ranking Aoi at top when we haven't even seen her actually duel
Give it some time. Yusei didn't care about romance either for a long time.
At the very least her deck is the strongest.
He nearly dropped it when Naoki was asking if he was there to join the duel club
he will open up to her since they are very similar
shh, aoi is sleeping
And he never did?
> Yuzu > Kotori > Blue Angel > Asuka > Aki > Anzu > Aoi
All according to my D
Reminder that this line was translated wrong and Yusaku sensed Dark Angel faintly all on his own even before Ai did.
Some anons would disagree considering the eye-fucking with Aki in the garage.
We need Ruri and Aoi to swap brothers.
Shun would do good by her.
You really think that her trap isn't going to 1 eventually?
I just somehow don't see Yusaku falling for anybody. At most he'd become good acquistances with Aoi.
Fuck no, it'll be banned. Which says something.
Getting rid of the trap won't come close to killing the deck.
I don't see Yusaku ever giving a fuck about anything.
Either way, it's not staying at 3. They want her deck to be good, but not consistently FTK.
If Kusanagi could find out Blue Angel's identity so easily, I wonder if other hackers will. Do the Knights of Hanoi know?
They don't want to kill the deck. They want to kill the FTK.
She's not sleeping, she's overdosed on depression medication and has died
Come on, despite how useless she was Anzu was quite pretty
Aoi is definitely the best I'll give you that
>I'm leaving
>Blue Angel!
>*Whispers in background*
>No...I mean...
>Oh no...
>That's not...
>You're... You're just so beautiful...
>You're like an angel...
>Deception Phase
>What relationship do you two have!?
>It's a confession!!
>Ai: What a romantic.