Am I missing something here?
Why did Punpun just turn into a full edgelord after running away with Aiko?
Am I missing something here?
i'm not sure what the fuck does that mean anymore
"edgelord", nigga what?
not him, but didn't he become a psychopath at the end
The horns have nothing to do with being edgy.
>–After Punpun graduates from high school, the aspiring manga artist Sachi Nanjo appears. Was she always part of the plan?
>Asano: I’d intended on making a love triangle between Punpun, Aiko and Satchan from the very start. In chapter one, there’s a scene where Punpun’s dad looks through a telescope and talks about the summer triangle, and I put that in there so that, reading back, I’d remember that Punpun was supposed to be about a love triangle.
>–You were foreshadowing that in the first chapter!
>Asano: Vega is Orihime, Altair is Hikoboshi — and then with the addition of Deneb, it becomes the summer triangle. Satchan similarly creates the triangle with her and Punpun and Aiko — or Hikoboshi and Orihime. The horns Punpun eventually grows (volume 11) aren’t devil horns; Hikoboshi is also called the cowherd star, so those horns are supposed to be bull horns.
>not edgy
>someones trying to murder your gf
>trying to prevent it is edgy
Its Sup Forumsllright.
Are you underage, or is your vocabulary for some other reason so limited you think "edgy" covers everything that's not cute and fluffy? Do you even know what edgy means, you faggot?
confusing dysfunctional for edge
>planning to kill gf afterward
>not edgy
enlighten me then, oh wise senpai
you seem to have all the answers
Do you, or do you not know what edgy even means? Why are you using terms, shitposting, if you have no idea of what they mean?
so apparently you don't know
figures, I'm also not OP
Why are you trying to change the subject so hard, user? I am not the one who is blatantly shitposting while claiming things are edgy.
I ask you once more, do you, or do you not know what edgy means? Why are you using the term and acting as if you do, if you do not?
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
>implying I don't
You seem to be the one misinformed
>i know what it means, do you know what it means
>yeah i know but i'm not going to tell you because you don't know what it means so i'm not going to tell you
you guys are children
Why are you inserting your own delusions into my posts? I never said I know what edgy means. I am asking user if he knows the definition, since he is blatantly shitposting about something being edgy, then trying to deflect my question back to me.
I'm going down to the sea
the mangaka didn't know what to write after them being kids
you can see it by the shit ending
wrong, he literally planned the love triangle from the beginning. read his interview. plus the ending made perfect sense.
I don't care if he planned if it is garbage
why is it garbage?
>Am I missing something here?
I think so.
Aiko is just batshit crazy. Punpun is a spineless wimp, so he is bound to play along.