I have accused Nunez of crying wolf for a year

I have accused Nunez of crying wolf for a year

Finally we get to see if he's legit or needs to be hanged.

Other urls found in this thread:


He’s a larping buffoon. I don’t know what he thinks is in this for him.

So how much do you guys get paid to browse pol? I don’t really like my job.

Do it for free to mock reddit autism


- All he knows how to do is jack off horses!
- He's from Tulare county which is a horse-jacking off county
- He has a farm so he probably smells like horse semen
- He's no match for glamorous and urbane Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff lives in glitzy Los Angeles and goes to parties with Moby and Carol King
-Devin Nunes probably goes to horse parties with farm workers
-He probably hasn't even read his memo and if he did he probably got horse semen all over it
-Nobody wants to shake Devin Nunes' because it might have horse cum all over it
- Devin Nunes lives in a sister-fucking flyover county full of rural and surburban retards
- Adam Schiff has friends like Kobe Bryant and doesn't smell like a horse

>shill can't greentext

>reddit autism
hai newfag


The memo is nothing more than GOP grandstanding and vicious lies. It's extremely biased and seeks to weaken our federal government. The people can see right through this fucking charade.

this totally isn't a shill thread
>2 seperate ids use the same term to refer to nunes

seriously try harder.

>I have accused Nunez of crying wolf for a year

On r/politics, presumably. Certainly not on Sup Forums

We see all faggot

Wtf do the Russians have on him?

i'll just leave this here

Such vicious lies...that it made FBI director Wray go from threatening to quit his position to protect McCabe, to doing a 180 after reading the memo, and pushed McCabe out within hours of reading it.

You Dims better get ready to accept that our government agencies were weaponized to favor one political party candidate, over another.

friendly reminder that nunez real surname is nuñez. He's a castilian mole.

Like Obama weaponized the IRS to go after the left's political opposition? Like Obama weaponized the DOJ to wire tap and take over the computers of Sheryl Attkison and James Rosen?

Yeah, Democrats would never abuse their power to crush their political enemies. Pish posh.

Sheesh,,,and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Though my cynicism leads me to think no one will be in handcuffs after this shitstorm...I beleieve there is an epic purging coming to the Federal government.

Legislation should be implemented to punish liars like this PoS. As an elected official; repeatedly having no consequences for lying to the American people is atrocious.

If Nunes is peddling lies...why did it make FBI director Wray go from defending McCabe, to after reading the memo, pushing McCabe out, immediately?

Not only is this going to be a YUGE win for Trump, it will also dismantle the absurd claims that the President had a Russian agent in his campaign staff (Carter Page). If that were the case...Mueller would have issued an indictment already.

Seeing professional liars like Pelosi crumbling while in previously sympathetic company on national TV tells me there's something to this,. no matter how hard the left tries to get its spin out ahead of the curve.

As a recovering liberal, I am confident in this: The first and most important tactic in the liberal playbook is to always accuse your enemy of what you, in fact, are guilty of doing.

No, there's nothing suspicious about Freedom Caucus and Tea Party supporting the agenda of a hostile foreign government. LOL!
You're all going to prison for sedition.
ie Falling for the bait...You think Wray and Mueller aren't talking to each other.

>I have accused Nunez of crying wolf for a year
youre a nobody and no one cares about your opinion

It's really hard to face the facts. I feel sorry for you user.

Drain the swamp
Cause you’d be in jail
Promises made, promises kept
Swamp is getting drained. Military intelligence have been setting this up for a LOOOONNNNG time. And trump is their guy. And he’s ours to.