What is Mr. Anno's best anime and why is it KareKano?

What is Mr. Anno's best anime and why is it KareKano?

the teeth girl

That's not Eva, you fucking faggot.

Eva > Shin Godzilla > Love & Pop > Kare Kano > Shiki Jitsu > Ryusei-Kacho > Gunbuster

Not to say Kare Kano is bad, everything The Master directs is good at the very least.

>Eva is better than Kare Kano
Come back when you turn 15.

The dental lass

It's Eva. Anno's part of Kare Kano was good though.

Kare kano falls apart way harder than EVA by the end, the last episode not only is not even an ending, it doesn't even have animation and it's just voiceovers over manga panels.
It's one of the worst anime episodes ever done, if you can even call it anime.

>dat shitty ending
Just no.

its shit

I was legit mad at the last episode. How do you fuck up so bad? Why would you end the series with the drama of a secondary character that was introduced like 5 chapters?

It wasn't intended to be an ending fucktard. They were counting on season 2.
And it's still better than EVA TV ending

Don't come back at 15 wait a little longer than that

That's because the mangaka was a cunt and threw a bitchfit at Gainax and made Anno quit the show.
The manga was shit, the anime was passable when Anno was making it, but then it got worse than anything possible after he left.
OP is just a retard who wants validation for liking this tripe and shitposts about it constantly.

>Muh eva
It's Nadia.

The Manga was alright at the beginning, even good maybe, but it really goes to shit with muh sojiro at the half if it.

Do I watch Kare Kano or Nadia next and should I be fine with Rising Sun's BD rip of Nadia?

>better than Kare Kano

underage b&

Use THORA. No point going 720p on a show shot with 35mm film.

Honestly, Kare Kano is proof to ANY Anno of those doubters who say he's a shit director. He legitimately improved this series, and every episode after 18 is evidence for this.

Literally who?

in what way

People who say Anno is a bad director don't know shit about good directing anyways. Eva is more than enough proof of his skill as a director.

The real question is who influenced the show.

>no Nadia


