Why does Kyouko dress like this? Is she a slut?

Why does Kyouko dress like this? Is she a slut?


I mean she is an orphan and had to get food somehow

Kyouko just enjoys MEAT.

No. She's a punk rock rebel from a conservative christian household.

She is a rebel.

There's a champion of justice out there to put her on the straight and narrow.

The blue one is my wife. Keep her out of this.

so what if she dresses like that? why is she a slut?

>walk in your room
>see this on your bed

What do?

Street rat.
And no she isn't a slut. She's entirely devoted to Sayaka.

I was with you until you brought your fanfiction into it

Technically all relationships in Madoka are fanfiction by that logic.

To attract mami

Have you seen how close they've gotten? It's certainly not carpet munching levels but their intimacy was increased to 11.

Now this is fanfiction.

Is Kyouko a loli?

How often would Kyouko shower, considering she is a poorfag?


Not really.

She's 14. So halfway between a loli and a proper woman.

When do women get their tits anyway? It is between 14 and 15?


Being a poorfag didn't really make a difference to her since she just did whatever without paying.

Great, you have no argument. We're done then.

Do we forget that this woman stole Kyouusuke from her?

loli is not age though. It's a body type. And Kyouko's body is very loli.

She's probably got a decent set in her if she lasts a few years more.

Neither of those are canon. Kyouko and Sayaka are just friends and the shota is with Hitomi.

>loli is not age though. It's a body type
It's both, anyone who tells you otherwise is just a coward normalfag


This is canon and there is nothing you can do about it.

It's not both. It's just body type. If it's age then we have to call Dizzy from Guilty Gear a loli. And we have to call Rachel Alucard a grandma. Age has nothing to do with it.

Even if she were to end up with Kamijou. He'd be the type to stand her up on dates and practice more on his violin. The Butcher would never let Sayaka be happy.

Holding hands does not mean anything sexual.

Don't forget Hitomi getting stood up in Rebellion.

But that's wrong.

see loli is just body type.

So you're a retard that can't read

>Holding hands does not mean anything sexual.
Lewd jokes aside, Lovers hold is all about intimacy. And commonly use for couples in anime.

I love how people have the headcanon of Homura being a carpet munching dyke when she literally wasn't aroused by hugging a naked Madoka.

No-one willingly goes through year after year of endless cycles for someone without there being a motivation beyond 'She was my only friend that one time'.

I already see this on my bed every day, except a slightly different pose

She's just a 14 year old girl, user.

>Kyouko's body is very loli.
What? No it's not, what's wrong with you.
If you call Kyouko a loli you'd have to call Homura and Madoka lolis too.

christian family rebellious daughter theme

You know, I suddenly realized those Apples she's always with have some connection to the fact that she's the daughter of a Christian priest and they are forbidden fruit.

C'mon man, this is Symbolism 101

Does she still believe in God?

After her family died, she lost all faith in anything. I think she did offer a prayer of sorts before she went kamikaze on the Mermaid Witch though.

Apparently. One of the last thing she does before she dies is offer up a prayer.

I was looking, and I actually don't have a slow enough slowpoke to describe this post.

Does she still think that her dad was right?

Did you not watch the flashback? She thought her dad was so right she sold her soul so he would get the audience she felt he deserved.

>people can't be motivated by anything except for passionate love
You people are the worst.

Right about preaching off-doctrine, or right about murdering her family and killing himself and burning their house down?
because I think the answers to those are different

Ask her to put her cute boots back on.

Does she STILL think her dad was right?

She clearly thought her dad came from the right intention. Whether his actual faith was correct or not Kyouko clearly saw it as worth attention and prominence. So even if she didn't think he was right she also didn't think he was wrong.

She blames herself for his insanity. She probably says a quick prayer every night begging God to not send her dad to Hell because it's all her fault.

Eh, if only The Butcher was just straight with an answer.
Instead we get a "probably" to a question about Homura having feelings for Madoka. The anime industry needs to quit with all the subtext.


That's was before the movie and he answered ambiguously because it would be a spoiler otherwise, dumbfuck

>hugging a naked Madoka
retconned, they have space dresses now

>that's was
>lack of punctuation at the end of your sentence
>calls me a dumbfuck
Oh ho ho ho.
Yet people still deny Homura's motivations being love after AI-YO.

Actually improves desu.

Not an argument

I tend to agree, they're pretty.
Lots of people seemed offended by the replacement though.

Naked space hugs is better apparently.

I know, just a statement.

Just plop down on the bed next to her, maybe kiss her belly.

So that onii-chan pays attention to her. She is a brocon.

The bangs are different but not bad for a Notkyouko.

the fuck is this shit

Purest form of love

>unironically using the term 'hetshit'

Fixing lesbians with a good dick.

This is how you chose to bump the thread?
baka senpai.

If it's not [Male self-insert character] x cute girl, then it's hetshit.

So Male MCs that aren't self-inserts can't get together with cute girls?

Go back

She's a bit older than that.

She's got the body of a 14 year old and the mind of a 26 year old. No wonder she's kind of fucked.

She has all the coolest guns though.

Is Homura the magical Girl of /k/?

I like to think so, though most cosplayers on /k/ seem to be more into 2hu.

She's a saint.

Makes sense

When I write for my Kyouko character she is an existential atheist.

Be very concerned as to how she got into my house when the doors are locked.


By stealing money from ATM's.

She doesn't have the mind of a 26 year old.
The brain is a biological organ, it's not aging when she repeats the month.

She's just a 14 year old who has experienced 26 years worth of the same month of suffering


I guess the Butcher is a Yurifag. No wonder all the Iri and Saber stuff in Zero was so homoerotic.

you're posting lewds of someone other than your waifu?

>lewding your waifu in front of others