Let's settle this once and for all before serialization returns. Did he cheat? If so, how?

Let's settle this once and for all before serialization returns. Did he cheat? If so, how?

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Machi helped him in a 1v1 death match.

A deathmatch has rules?

I was rereading the manga from the beginning and noticed this clever bit of irony.

No, Hisoka and his cockboys are all butthurt.

He didn't. Disregard any faggot who says otherwise.

This was all me.

Nice paint

>Did he cheat?
There are no rules about how to survive being chased by an homicidal maniac.

But there are rules to official fights in a commercial tournament setting, and I'm pretty sure one of them is not bringing your friends.

You know, if I'm chasing someone through a hospital and he hides inside a surgery room, I wouldn't stay out of the door calling him a cheater until he gets out just because it is forbidden to enter the room during a surgery. Heaven Arena was merely the place Chrollo picked to wait and bid his movement.

He didn't need to. Clown got outclassed in everything. Hisoka is a fucking joke.

Except Chrollo was willing to fight Hisoka as thanks for helping with the whole no nen problem

The only real rule they had was that it had to be him in the arena at the start, and that he had to start after the ref told them to start. It was him in the arena, and he didn't start fighting beforehand, so he didn't break any rules.

Hisoka had to chase him, though, they didn't fight right away when Chrollo got his powers back. Besides, Chrollo gave him what he wanted, an interesting fight, so he doesn't have any reasons to bitch.

5 minutes in and the ref is dead. And he himself that any and all weapons are allowed so there is no rules

Because he wanted to accumulate more abilities before they fought. But he wasn't fighting against his own volition.

Also I'm pretty sure Hisoka wanted a 1 on 1 fight

I'm pretty sure that using the spectators as fodder is against the ruuuruus

>Also I'm pretty sure Hisoka wanted a 1 on 1 fight
Then, he didn't break any rules, 1 on 1 was just one of Hisoka's whims

>But he wasn't fighting against his own volition
I'm pretty sure he didn't want to die, and didn't care about Hisoka living or dying, Hisoka was just pestering him and won't stop until one of them were dead, so the situation was pretty much forced upon him. He fought doing his best, doing less would have been disrespecting Hisoka.

It wasn't.

Bring me Heaven's Arena rulebook

Who cares even if he did. There is no fair or unfair in battles.

Well, murdering is illegal. But again, Hisoka was out to murder Chrollo, so if Chrollo was a cheater Hisoka was a cheater too.

>There is no fair or unfair in battles
One would think that having the strongest being in the world being bombed would have driven the point home, but hisocucks can't help themselves.

That was completely fair, devil-kun. Meruem threatened all of humanity, humanity's collective efforts fought back

Hisoka threatened a member of the Spiders, the collective effort of the Spiders fought back. And I'm talking about the borrowed powers, they didn't help in any other way.

Except he didn't, he just wanted to fight Kuroro

I know this is another bait thread, but for Chrollo, any rules outside of the Ryodan, and maybe Meteor City, mean shit to him. And having been a few years within the Troupe, Hisoka should have been aware of this.
To the next thread please.

I have no idea what we are discussing

It was a 1on1 duel but chrollocuck had to bring his troupe members, illumi and the meteor city elder to fight with him.

Chrollo cheated in the deathmatch between him and Hisoka. Machi, Shalnark, and Kortopi were in the stands helping. This is widely recognized, it's only a matter of being confirmed.

t. Hisocucks who can't accept that his clown isn't an invinvible powerhouse

Except he literally is as long as he doesn't get decapitated. He can just keep OMRGing and giving himself luffy limbs

No, Hisoka wanted to kill him in a fight.

But only him I mean. He wasn't threatening the whole troupe, unlike Meruem who wanted to subjugate the human race

If that were the case, his "cheating" is merely not giving into the whims of Hisoka, a guy who wanted to kill him.

The Spiders are true nakama, you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. It's not Chrollo's fault if Hisoka doesn't have friends.

>Machi, Shalnark, and Kortopi were in the stands helping.
That doesn't even make sense. Shalnark and Kortopi had borrowed him their abilities, they didn't have any way to help. The only reason to think that Machi helped him was a comment on Hisoka's part about fishing reel, which doesn't make any sense because Chrollo could manufacture as much of those antennae as he wanted.

You know there are other ways to die other than suffocation, right?

Watch Feitan burn clownie to a crisp then get back to be.


Hisoka knew what he's signing up for when he decided to pick a fight with the head of the spider.

Oh. Shit.


Not quite as sweet as this irony
>Knov chastises Killua for running away after experiencing Pitou's aura
>Later turns into an old man out of fear and recuses himself from the entire plan after getting a taste of Pitou's En
Man, fuck Knov.

>Fight against a spider
>bitch when it uses its legs
Chrollo blew the fuck out of him. Too bad Hisoka didn't stay dead.
>It's not Chrollo's fault if Hisoka doesn't have friends
What about Illumi?

Did he cheat?


If so, how?

By being too awesome.

if chrollo has prep time and knows his opponents ability he will always win. hisoka fucked up by giving him prep time.

No, he fucked up by assuming chrollo would respect the rules of a duel. Hisoka viewed the fight as the chance to see who was stronger, chrollo viewed the duel as just a way to get rid of annoying pest so he used his comrade's to help kill him once and for all.

Not if his opponent is massively faster than him

Nice ones but this is my favourite.

If he knows his opponent is massively faster than him he can find and steal an ability that can counter that as long as he has prep time.

He can steal an ability that makes him faster? Nen isn't magic.

nen is basically magic, they can conjure up anything, make body doubles, turn into motorcycles, clone any object, clone people, mind control people, shoot electricity, etc. I assume nen is how alluka can grant any wish asked, and also how she can kill so many people at once. There's more to the system with the rules obviously and there's more things they can do with it like zetsu, ren, ten etc. but it's basically just hxh's version of magic. So I don't think an ability that can counter super speed is out of the question. maybe it wouldn't make him faster but rather slow his opponent down.

>Nen isn't magic.

Magic by definition is something that lacks an explanation or science behind it, therefore nen isn't magic.

explain the physics behind nen then.

What I meant is that nen has restrictions, it's not just a "make yourself faster" thing, it can only put out what you put into it. Chrollo can't just go steal the invincible ability or the turn me into Goku ability because no such thing exists.

There were no rules explicitly stated for the match, Hisoka just went in under the assumption of a 1v1 with no preptime.
Chrollo did nothing wrong besides not making sure Hisoka was nothing but ash before leaving the arena, and I say that as someone that was rooting for Hisoka.

They are all based on aura, which in HxH is a thing. Same concept than Yu Yu Hakusho but with a better explanation.

Chrollo didn't cheat

Hisoka cheated the fanbase out of decent writing

Still wouldn't have beat him. Going toe to toe against the two top assassins in the Hunter world after him with no prep time and formulating a plan to steal their ability should have driven it home that Chrollo isn't someone Hisoka should have gone after or taken lightly.

aura is not a real thing, there is no science or rational explanation as to what nen is or how it works, therefore it's magic. having rules is not the same as understanding what it is, even harry potter's magic had rules.

Aura is an energy all life beings emit in the series, think of it as the residual heat we emit from spending energy in real life.

I've read the series, it's still magic since there is no rational explanation as to how 'life energy' can transform you into a motorbike or predict the future. Do you have the chemical formula that transforms life energy into material that contains the properties of both rubber and gum?

Why would you need a formula when it's demostrated that it's possible in the manga, if you asked this to Hisoka he would just rip your head off with Bungee Gum as a demonstration.

My point is nen is just magic.

If chrollo got his nen removed by the exorcist on greed island, why doesn't he have a nen beast following him? I thought the nen beast would follow you until the nen is removed either from fulfilling the conditions to remove it or the user removing it themself.

It isn't within the context of HxH.

>There were no rules explicitly stated for the match
Correction, there was one rule agreed upon. A death match and weapons were allowed. "Only one will survive" were the only criteria.

Because it probably sticks with the Nen Eraser rather than the patient.

It follows the exorcist doesn't it? Have we seen that guy since Chrollo got his Nen back?

>Have we seen that guy since Chrollo got his Nen back?
No. But at least I know he's probably still alive since unlike that Chimera Ant he can't "digest" a nen ability eaten by his beast and Chain Jail's release conditions seem to be "only at death" so he's probably sitting somewhere pretty with a nice guard and a lot of cash.

I see, that makes sense. For some reason I thought it would follow the person whose nen it removed.



>Pitou did nothing wr-

Hory shit

do you have any of the goreinu ones?

You mean 5 seconds in when they were done with explanations.

That wasn't Pitou, Pitou was busy healing king and it was Pouf who was guarding the place that day.

Reminder that Hisoka kicked a flagstone into the stands of spectators during his fight with Gon in the manga and that nobody gave a shit. There were never any rules in Heavens Arena.

What did he mean by that?

A VCR to watch that entertaining ass Chapter Black tape.

he just drew poor children playing with garbage instead of having a normal whealtie life

There was never a fight, it was in name only. Chrollo set up an elaborate execution while Hisoka was overly confident and thought he could take Chrollo on Chrollo's terms regardless.

Chrollo said he wanted to be rid of Hisoka, was fine with no rules and was the one who said it should be a deathmatch. He enacted a strategy with no regard for "fighting", simple as that.

Everything Hisoka is doing now is in an attempt to have an actual fight with Chrollo, both in taking away his comrades as well as possibly provoking Chrollo into wanting to fight.

whats the irony. That he's warning against tricksters and gets killed by Hisoka?


Nah fuck you man. He had Zetsu up during the whole thing so it was like being naked in a blizzard while munching on a popsickle at the moment.

Also Pouf is way more fucked up than Pitou so imagine having that psychotic nen rape you raw with no lube or baby oil. His actual mistake was skipping the mission because he was too OP apparently.

I think the tape has relevancy honestly.

It's a recording of Netero's trip to the DC.

Although the method we saw was for a nen ability that had an achievable release condition. If it worked the same for "unbreakable" stuff like Judgment Chain the exorcist would have drowned in nen beasts long ago.
Remember when Kurapika's teacher said you can't just conjure a sword that can cut through anything?
Countdown = Flexible metal. The restrictions/release conditions allow it to bend and endure the exorcism, albeit in a lesser form.
Judgment Chain = Hard rock. It looks unbreakable on the surface, but that just means it has no way to cope with real stress. The exorcism would shatter it the moment the ritual is performed.

No. Hisoka himself bases his fighting style on trickery bullshit, it's implicitly part of the fucking game.

As for all the retards claiming "Durr, his friends helped him!"? He just used their powers, which is Chrollo's fucking Specialist ability. What, he's not allowed to use his power if that power borrows someone elses power? That's fucking bullshit. Unless Machi was LITERALLY in that room helping him, he didn't "cheat", and even then, who gives a fuck?

Everyone in this setting knows that you shouldn't fight fair. There's no "cheating" in a fucking death match between villains, they both did whatever the fuck they wanted, and Chrollo was superior.

Next thing you know we're going to have faggots saying that Hisoka """cheated""" when he killed Kastro because "Durr, he tricked him!".


We settled this matter way ahead of you before. Death match, no rules, preps are obvious win, Chrollo STYLED all over Hisoka so much the memeclown and his fans got butthurt to this day.

Why didn't shoot team up with Meleoron during the invasion, I'm sure knuckle could've landed a hit by himself and shoot could've took 1 or 2 of Youpis limbs out

>Let's settle this topic that there's no way to confirm and that we've been having daily threads about for a year and a half.
This Chrollofags vs Hisokafags thing was very amusing and funny while they were fighting and maybe a little bit after the fight was over. But it's been a year and a half and you guys keep shitposting about it. The worst part is that there are people who take it seriously and zealously defend one character while shitting on the other out of sheer autism.


Well, it's just unfathomable that people would defend Chrollo, a known cheater. I have to shit on him.