Am I supposed to watch Monogatari at half speed or just keep pausing it everytime something flashes on the screen?
Am I supposed to watch Monogatari at half speed or just keep pausing it everytime something flashes on the screen?
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I actually pause because I'm autistc but it's actually just subliminal messaging. Trying to get you to associate certain colors with certain moods and characters and it might be sort of detrimental to you viewing experience to actually study the exact color frames in detail.
It's mostly just flavor and you don't lose much by skipping it. Still my autism commands me to pause for every bit of text.
Just develop faster pausing reflexes.
My autism is telling me to pause too, but I don't think watching this will be enjoyable at all if I need to keep pausing.
Watch it once without pausing and then again with pausing.
The answer is to read the books, as the text is just parts of the books they didn't feel like animating or voicing.
Wasn't a problem for me, I was enjoying every bit of it. If it is a problem for you, just watch without pausing.
Try to read as much as you can without pausing, but don't worry too much about it.
This right here is it. It's just excerpts from the book. The only time the flashes are super relevant is usually at the start of Bakemonogatari's arcs in which you get a good idea of stuff like how Araragi knew of Kanbaru since he went to one of her game's once with some acquaintances etc.
This. To be honest, Monogatari is one of the few instances when I'd personally suggest LNs over adaptation. It's amazing how much of the important shit they cut.
I thought about doing that, but I want to watch an anime, not read something today.
Thanks for the answers though.
If you are using MPC and lots of consecutive still frames concession have info dumps in them, just pause at the first one and press CTRL+right arrow key to move through frames.
it's just a nip jerkoff cartoon so I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it, just try to read as much as you can watching it.
if anything you'll develop good subtitle reading skills so you can watch subtitled anime in the background as the former noise while doing something actually useful with your time
I'm watching it without pauses until the text stops (only really bothering to read the massive textdumps at the start of each episode), then I go back and watch it at 0.25~0.5 speed. It's pretty readable at that speed
You don't watch it because the series is trash. They don't call it Redditgatari for no reason. If I wanted to read a book I'd read a LN.
Watch it at 2x speed while having 4 windows of 4 different episodes at once.
I'm watching it more because I have been listening to some of the OPs a lot than about looking for a really good show.
Don't worry too much about it.
Could I /r/ the "Toothbrushing" scene webm? My old hard drive crashed and I need that footage for a shitpost.
pausing is for the rewatch
>Am I supposed to watch Monogatari at half speed or just keep pausing it everytime something flashes on the screen?
This guide is for SZS but still applies because SHAFT.
Just because Reddit likes something doesn't make it bad.
Yes it does, case in point: Reddit likes Sup Forums.
You daft nigger the people watching this shit on TV didn't have a pause button. You're not supposed to pause. They wouldn't flash it on the screen for 1 frame if you were meant to read it. Have some common fucking sense Jesus Christ why is everybody so fucking dumb?
If anyone actually thinks like this, don't.
Yes. I do the same.
I'll never understand how out of all the girls, RRG didn't sheath his shaft in her.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
It's bait meant to make you want the BD.
no one calls it that but falseflaggers
A bunch of those texts are literally just sections from the novel, but you won't miss a whole lot if you ignore the longer ones earlier in the series
Is there supposed to be a deeper meaning to this or did an autist have too much time on their hands?
She never openly turned him down. He wants them to resist.
Mayoi a cute
read faster fucking retard
Delete it from your hard drive and watch a good shaft show instead, like Arakawa under the Bridge or Pani Poni Dash
So I'm just about to start Owarimonogatari, and the order of storytelling so far forces me to ask: It does get around to explaining whatever the fuck Gaen needed Monkey for and what the hell happened to Araragi immediately before the end of the Tiger arc, right?
Did you skip all of the lists in SZS too?
I've never heard it called that before and I'm not even a fan of this series
I'm not even sure why I'm in this thread desu
It is explained in Owari
Because Tsukihi made you enter it
It's pretty easy to set up a script to do that if you know your ffmpeg options well. I'm sure there's a template out there too.
After a while you get a sense for when it's going to have something flash by and train your eyes on where it'll be. That's usually enough to catch the gist. The longer ones, not so much.
I rewatched all of bake this week because some user dumped pretty much every OP/ED in the series in the /wsg/ OP/ED thread.
Does anyone else kind of prefer the simpler, less extreme way they showed the Kizu scenes in that episode in the brief, rapid introduction?
Did someone say OP/ED
shit is likely problematic for a lot of people
>make the random ass screens
>a subber actually translates that
i admittedly just skip it, even if i can read what i can of moon
Tsukihi or Karen?
I'm leaning more towards Karen desu
It worked at that time, but once they decided to make a full version of Kizu and extend it over three movies they couldn't really keep it that short and simple.
You can pause of you want to, or you can just keep watching. That's the point.
>people watching this shit on TV didn't have a pause button
You do realise that Monogatari is a 2010s show? What kind of modern TV service doesn't come with a pause button? Not to mention that most of the series is comprised of ONAs, OVAs and movies.
2009, to be specific. Even before then they were advocating pausing, though, see . I guess people without DVR just had to record it their own way.
Yeah I know, pretty much my only gripe was with the unnecessary baby crying noise when Kiss-shot was crying when Arararararagi was backing away from her, that was too heavy handed and felt out of place.
I do prefer her new adult look in Kizu though, compared to Bake
Drink some caffeine and you'll be able to read it at full speed, unless you're ESL or something.
I can't chose, they're both shit. They're the two worst characters in the whole series, if they weren't sisters and constantly together, people wouldn't compare them, and n one would even talk about them at all,
That's not what he asked you idiot.
> They're the two worst characters in the whole series,
You could not be more wrong, how is it possible to have such shit taste like this I can't even imagine especially when Snake and Gaen exist
Skee skee skee skee skee
>if they weren't sisters and constantly together, people wouldn't compare them, and n one would even talk about them at all,
Even if they didn't appear beyond the toothbrush and bath scenes, people would still talk about them from those alone
It was a response to the "too much time" part. It doesn't actually take that much time if you know what you're doing.
You have to be an autist with too much time to "know your ffmpeg options", though.
Snake is an actual charcter and not just a shitty joke that only appears occasionally, so she already has both sisters beat regardless.
Gaen is at least useful to the plot and has a distinct personality, to the point that sh'es literally the only girl Araragi dislikes.
>You have to be an autist with too much time
One of the least autist boards on the site.
Karen, but Tsukihi's OP is better
>tfw objectively worst girl is the one you relate to most
We are all sneks
True enough, its so catchy, platinum catchy
That's why I don't like her. She reminds me of my middle school self too much.
Who was your onii-chan?
But what if they're a Nip ESL?
Then they play shmups so their brains are already running at a high speed, and they only have to read the cards since they can listen to the rest.
I leaned towards Karen at one point, then towards Skeehee, then back to Karen, at this point both is the only option
The Fiyah Seestahs are a package deal anyway, especially if you're their onii-chan
I miss when people would make these.
>Sup Forums
>probably number 1 normie shelter only after Sup Forums
>least autist board of the site
>especially when summer's basically arrived.
>number 1 normie shelter
>when /soc/, /fit/, and /cgl/ exist
>tfw no user onii-chan
It's fucking anime I refuse to believe this
Sometimes i forget there's normie containment boards,they really do seem to only be there to have a place to redirect faggots into.
>implying /fit/ isn't just autists like us that think getting swole will give them a change with real women (or anime women for the crossboarders that are reading this)
The most that the frames will ever do is show inner thoughts, but it changes nothing. Everyone's character is bared and easy to see.
>What kind of modern TV service doesn't come with a pause button?
All open and cable TV doesn't have pause here, and Japan isn't know for being tech-savvy. I mean most of the people still have CRT tvs and VHS
26 days!
THey just keep getting bigger.
Or smaller, if you're going chronologically.
They are supposed to be big.