In case you didn't know, Rai's Stand is called Doggy Style. It's a reference to the Snoop Dogg album of the same name.
In case you didn't know, Rai's Stand is called Doggy Style. It's a reference to the Snoop Dogg album of the same name.
Very soon...
Part 5 is also probably confirmed for existing.
Rai for EoH2//ASB2 because I need a clip of him yelling it.
Am I the only one who likes jojolion more than SBR? Even though SBR was great
Fuck off doc, stop trying to force JJL to be Araki's Magnum Opus.
Doc always names his filenames, user.
Does Araki speak English? Picturing him listening to Snoop Dogg and not knowing what the lyrics are is strange.
He can just look up translations.
Say that to the English speakers who listen to shit like K-Pop
I agree but I have two "If"s
>The monthly theorising / suspension has kept me much more interested and intrigued. Thinking back to then I first was collecting part 5 volumes, I felt the same way. Upon rereading yonks later it fell down
>JJL needs a satisfying conclusion and a bunch of ends tied up. Araki creates 4 for everyone 1 he ties. I don't want to be left with 4 blue balls
I think it works both ways. I remember french kids singing Candy Shop in butchered franglais having no idea what it meant.
I think Araki has a real love for showing off music and different types. The variation of music shown in Jojo is always pretty interesting.
Don't die on me yet, dammit.
Not all the time.
I hope Joshu doesn't fall too far in the background. Nutman is one of the most interesting characters and Araki is really trying with him.
I kinda wished we got the doodle/very early version of Nutman but I feel that would be banging on the Part 1/JJL comparisons to much.
>I kinda wished we got the doodle/very early version of Nutman
What about the concept design by Araki?
sauce on this shit?
Part 5 never
That's what I meant. It's late I couldn't think of the word in English.
It gives me part one vibes along with the whole call backs.
I also like the contrast of the shorts into trousers in comparison to Gappy's shorts+bare legs. Wonder if Joshu was meant to be a little bit more conservative in general originally.
Shit sorry thought you meant the art.
As for the Stand name:
Doggie Style
As for the photo, it was from a interview called SWITCHインタビュー 達人達.
There's a video online somewhere, but I believe it was taken down from Youtube.
fuck I really wanted that video.
Cats foot. Iron claw
I can't crop, 21 century shit post man
Here's the cropped version
try again never
What happen at the end?
>Doggy Style
Since Snoop is a weeb hes probably gonna enjoy this
I would have never believed Snoop would get a reference in Jojo
I love Joshu. At the very least I hope he and Gappy get to team up and ORA ORA the fuck out of someone.
He was abducted by aliens who want to do experiments on why he has such shit taste.
I kek'd
>not a kino fap
He is babby's first ditzy twink.
Please don't fap to the Dop. He's a good boy.
Mariah was pretty good at luring her victims into traps involving her stand. I wonder what her life was like before part 3.
When does she say "I want to see the starlight."?
I liked her a lot.
>I wonder what her life was like before part 3.
She was probably crippled for life, user.
She's one of the few characters I truly dislike.
Where can I find indecent art of Naranancia, I am asking for a friend
Probably a hooker.
Times in the late 80s in Egypt were rough.
I said, before part 3. Also why do you hate her?
Why do you dislike her?
If she was a hooker she was probably a really expensive escort.
Whoops mb
Here we go with the same old dogshit
Wait, you said "before", not "after", my bad.
In that case, she was probably a mugger or a prostitute.
Probably because she's too slutty for me and gets paired with Joseph whom I like very much, but it's not a big deal. I usually don't give a shit about whatever evil shit villains do.
>too slutty
She is the right amount of slutty.
This is thirsty Fugo.
Now go drink some water!
I have some right in front of me.
>I wonder what her life was like before part 3.
You know how many times I ask this about a good chunk of the minor guys in jojo?
Considering how stands are made from weaknesses, desires and such, I wonder what made them, them.
I mean for Gothcop we know about his want to go back and save his friend, but is unable to do so, Mood Blues reflects that,
Lots of hooker answers for Mariah, maybe it stems from that..Attract men in a literal sense, someone who sees men as stupid enough to put their fingers in plugs like a baby.
But there's stands like Highway to Hell, Notorious B.i.G, Empress, Green Day, Manhattan Transfer ect. What happened to them that made them so bitter and filled with malice to develop stands like that?
I really like Civil War for that reason too, a little bit of juice on the background makes a lot of sense and is really interesting.
That'd be Jolyne
Rai uses his Stand for a bondage fetish
Mariah is only marginally more slutty than Jolyne.
>Jolyne slutty
Te only thing i can think of is that time she flicked her bean and got caught
>I mean for Gothcop we know about his want to go back and save his friend, but is unable to do so, Mood Blues reflects that,
>Lots of hooker answers for Mariah, maybe it stems from that..Attract men in a literal sense, someone who sees men as stupid enough to put their fingers in plugs like a baby.
>Notorious B.i.G
You know, there were some guys discussing a theory about Carne's life before joining Passione in a recent thread.
I'm drinking a bottle
I want Kira to suffocate on my cock.
Thoughts on the live action DiU is Unbreakable movie?
why did you skip the part where she bends over naked for a dyke guard, user ?
everyone except okuyasu and koichi is fit
we need a manlet and someone who actually looks like they're about to kick my ass
I want to tie Kira up and forcefully ride his cock.
I want the Boss to cum down my throat
When did this happen?
>Stone ocean felt as long as steel ball run
Second chapter or something like that.
She can't even say the word 'masturbate' and was madly dedicated to Romeo even after barely knowing him.
If you want slutty, look at Daiya. She tried to brainwash Gappy into being her sex-slave the first chance she got.
Guys here me out
Joshuu was born on earth, but several times he mentions how he doesn't believe in God
Joshuu also displays a sense of carelessness throughout his story arcs
Joshuu is also looked down upon by his god believing family
Joshuu was the first person to see josuke besides yasuho. He feared the new birth.
Now listen
What if Joshuu is God.
He is careless and stupid, claiming to not believe in God so that his family will not be suspicious of him, and it would make sense that he freaked out on josuke since he was a new birth to the planet that wasn't born from Joshuu (gods) heart.
How does Joshuu survive shakedown Road with no issue? Maybe that's because he's a god.
Why did joshuu experience the hell that was Milagros man? It was simply a god trying to play human in order to defeat an evil entity that only targets humans
And let me leave you with this chilling dilemma
Joshuus hair, if turned to the side.
Is a C.
What does C stand for?
The Cars?
I want to cuddle with Bossu under his snuggie.
I want Bossu to do depraved stuff to me
No, but the effort was given.
I want to decapitate Joshu for being a stupid autismal fuck
>really into bimbos and milfs
>twinks and traps disgust me and buff gay porn makes me puke
>yet Kira and Bossu make my willy happy
so this is the power of JoJo
If the next few fights are Damo quality it's got a shot at overtaking SBR for me. I really like the cast of Part 8, but the fights to date have left me wanting. I'm skeptical that Araki can maintain that level of quality for that long though. On the other hand, Sugar Mountain on through to the end of SBR was fucking amazing, so it isn't like he hasn't done it before.
To be fair Stone Ocean is the third longest Part. Probably bumped down to fourth when JJL finishes though.
Which is second? I would bet 4 Josuke balls that SBR in #1
I'm afraid that JoJo will turn my boyfriend gay
It is. SDC follows behind SBR.
>SDC follows behind SBR.
t. anime only
SC is the shortest Stand Part, DU is the second longest overall.
How do y'all read something and not know how long it is?
Stardust Crusaders needed 2 seasons to do, while DiU needed one. 48 vs 39
SBR is the longest.
Nope. It goes;
Steel Ball Run - 96 chapters (23 weekly but at 32 pages instead of 20, and 72 monthly ranging from 7 to 72 pages)
Diamond is Unbreakable - 174 chapters (all weekly and averaging 20 pages)
Stone Ocean - 158 chapters (all weekly and averaging 20-21 pages)
Golden Wind - 155 chapters (all weekly and averaging 20 pages)
Stardust Crusaders - 152 chapters (all weekly and averaging 20 pages)
JoJolion - 66 chapters (all monthly and averaging roughly 40 pages, still ongoing)
Battle Tendency - 69 chapters (all weekly, averaging 19 pages)
Phantom Blood - 44 chapters (all weekly, averaging 19 pages)
I think SDC feels so long because it has so many individual fights whereas the ones in 4 onwards average like double the length of Part 3 fights. Some user did a calculation of the exact number of pages in each Part a while back, dunno how to find it though.
That's because it dragged on for too long, and in DiU they removed a lot of scenes.
Did he delete it himself out of shame of being wrong? It's an anonymous image board he can just pretend it wasn't him and ignore it if he made a dumb mistake he doesn't have to fucking explain himself lol.
I didn't delete it, actually. I don't know what the fuck happened.
I thought he was talking about the anime and I didn't want to clutter up the discussion
Does the Pirates of the Caribbean series exist in canon?