Kirito is the real black swordsmen. Whoever the guy on the right is he's in for a world of pain if he thinks he can take on kirito
Kirito is the real black swordsmen...
He's on a world of pain already. Heck, he's barely on a world, his author is a lazy piece of shit.
this thread is gonna be hella epic
Sword art online is one of the best if not the best anime out their. Really underrated
Is that dude the blacked swordsman?
Lmao right such a fucking faggot. He got cucked right infront of him.
This isn't Facebook, faggot. We do legit shitposting here.
Please take baiting seriously.
Bait harder.
not only is this poor bait, it's not even original poor bait, this exact same shit thread has been done like 40 plus times.
Left is Black Swordsman
Right is BLACKED Swordsman
>it's shitposting even if it is ironic
what changed Sup Forums?
this, if you want to shit post, go fucking use that retarded O MY rubber meme shit.
>knowing about what happens on fagbook
You have to go back
This but unironically.
>>knowing about what happens on fagbook
Doesn't that depend on your friends though?
I never really got the "go back to Facebook" thing.
>faceberg friends
Get out.
Never post again.
Lack of elitism
He looks cute
This Reddit humor has to stop.
Can Kirito tame Donovan?
Donovan can sure let him ride his sword, not sure about taming
Quality thread.
This really was a massive mistake.
>there was a time naruto threads were shitposted into oblivion and it was made clear they are not welcome
>now boruto threads reign free over Sup Forums
But elitism is bad.
He was a good boi making his own way in life and had a job unlike most black people and he was pretty skilled too which is even more rare for a black man. Gutts owed Donovan his boipucci as reparations for being white and keeping the black man down. Donovan didn't buy his boipucci rather Gutts' father payed Donovan reparations for being racist and gave him his sons boipucci as interest. Donovan was merely dong what he did for his people to fight racism. He is a hero that all blacks should look up to. He is also the skull knight.
With the rerelease of .hack GU, SAO is going to get fucked hard
Yamero kudaplease
Who would play guts in a live action movie?
I watched SAO after reading Berserk and holy fuck when they called him The Black Swordsman I just laughed outloud.
Pls leave Sup Forums we don't need your kind here.
Idris Elba
i hate you
I mean left is OP inside his game while right is OP in real life. If they fought in VR, Guts will be a noob with a lv.1 character so he will lose. But if they fought in real life, Guts would win by flicking Kirito with his finger like a fly.
Why redditors need to force every joke?
This would be the equivalent of a gamer fighting a bobybuilder. In real life, Guts eats him. In the game, Guts probably becomes a god.
Wrong, Ordinal Scale showed that Kirito is Jesus-tier IRL too
Wow. The more I hear about that movie, the move I get excited, not! Good thing I'm not LNfagging this franchise, I wanna experience the disappointment in real time.
But Kirito's with his game powers vs. Guts will be an interesting fight.
Again if you consider Ordinal Scale, Kirito curbstomps anything by the ends, it's pointless to try