Early Neverland release, because NS has competition again
The Promised Neverland
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Fuck man, Ray scenes always have me on edge. Dunno how he's gonna escape
listen to this while reading
>finally the blood loss is catching up to them
took them long enough
tfw you'll never make a manga as gud as this
>last week some redditor scans and translates a sloppy chapter with korean scans 2 hours before Niggerstream version was released
>Niggerstream panics and proceeds to scanlate the next chapter on the day the raws are released
Goddamn Ray just stop being a suicidal punk already
Hard to get rid of old habits.
I wonder if he'll fall down like Emma because of the blood loss next chapter.
you can see him having chest pains due to low blood pressure in the bottom left panel of
someone dump the chapter
The woman is a trap.
not much happens, it is another calculation chapter
The demons are many times larger than Ray. How the fuck has he been able to outrun them this whole time? How did the boss demon slice the beast demon's head off while it was inches away from Ray without seeing Ray? Small details like this really take me out of it.
Judging by the nature of this manga, the helper is not to be trusted. Either it's one of the bad guys pretending to first help them and calling the pursuers to reel the catch in or she (?) belongs to an unknown faction and is an enemy of both the demons and the kids
it is a forest, you move easier if you are smaller
serves them right
Who says it didn't see Ray? Do you think it just killed the monster, which was chasing nothing at all, because it felt like it?
As for outrunning them, I don't think it's been very long.
The page makes it pretty clear, actually. They have to be careful with the trees.
nah, it's good
Latter is what I thought, although not hecessarily as an enemy.
I hope William Minerva is some creepy and crazy quasi-pedophile guy who believes himself to be Peter Pan.
Stop this meme
Doubt he'll be as severe as Emma, unlike her, it was implied that Ray only had an incision to remove the tracker since they still had plenty of time while Emma had to lop her whole ear off in limited time and Emma said "I'll get it out". Also Anna was more concerned about cleaning up Emma's ear over Ray's, which could mean he didn't cut the whole thing off.
is it a meme? I didn't know... fucking hivemind
Has Emma's hair always been screentoned?
Showing the inner thoughts of the demons was a mistake.
it is orange so...
Sometimes characters with light brown hair are either drawn with their hair filled in with ink or just left blank. Red in many series is also left blank, so it only just struck me as off now.
Fucking hell I would shit myself if that thing came flying at me
last scene!
you are a big guy
>This is just another predator.
I felt it was the first decent Neverland chapter in a while
Me too
Another semen demon to rival Emma?
Good thing this isn't giving me flashbacks or anything.
Would you trust the mysterious character?
I think it's cool that the japanese are using the old western novel and the superhero genre in their manga nowdays, it's quite fresh.
It's pretty boring now but this chapter was good. It isn't the same without Norman.
The start of the arc was just pretty slow. It needed the smart demons for a real sense of urgency.
it's future Emma coming back to help them escape, we time loops now
Her name will be Tinkerbell, bet you 99.9%
Will Ray get captured? Fuck!
Endgame right here, boys.
Reminder that Emma x Nevermind you already said it for me
Fucker's gonna die and still finds the time to be smug.
>"Come to Neverland with me, Emma!"
Would Norman be supportive if these two had a romantic relationship or would he go full /r9k/ and snitch on Ray to the demons?
Nah, m8. Ray's endgame is right here
He would be fine. But you know, it's time for the pretty boys to win at least once. Ray is a generic character and when the manga becomes more popular, the fandom will ship him with literally everyone.
And Minerva is future Norman, right?
Please post cute Emmas. When my waifu suffers, so do I. Please cheer me up.
Her pain will end soon. She'll sleep forever.
Don't bully me, I'm already sad enough. I just want happy Emma.
I'll post small Emmas.
It's not a meme, it's the nature of the series being infodumpingfest.
Btw, I can not understand who has found the chapter that good. I mean, it was not crap, and the new character is interesting, but it's far from exciting. You have to be very naive if you don't think that another miraculous plan will save Ray and the others (as always).
Zero stakes, one hundred keikakus = The Promised Neverland
Is it fucked up that I'm kinda glad Ray's gonna stay away from Emma for a while? I like him and all but I really want the focus to be on her now and if he's only going to meet up with the group later then this development pleases me.
Thank you. All Emmas are best Emmas.
I know it's already been brought up before but it really does look like Emma's hair has been getting longer. Is she really gonna go that route and cover the missing ear? What about Ray, is he really going to go lumberjack on us?
Hair length compilation when?
I surely hope so.
>I like him and all but I really want the focus to be on her now and if he's only going to meet up with the group later then this development pleases me.
the focus will be on the new girl
I'm just happy the issue with the demons wasn't immediately solved in one chapter
Well, obviously it'll focus on her but I mean problem solving and stuff. I want to see a struggle and Emma can offer it.
So, niggastream is the only group consistently translating this? I'm thinking of picking it up.
I would be happy too if Ray wasn't so confident. Plus: those fake deaths were a mistake.
I will cuck the fuck out of Anna.
Excellent posts, user. I feel better already.
no, Anna is a good girl
Yeah, it's longer. The spikes are starting to get more droopy because of gravity and everything. Kinda cute.
I can be Ray's good girl (male).
I think everyone looks better now in general. Though there's no telling if that's the characters actually growing or if the art style is just morphing.
Ray's pretty fucked, then again he might actually keep his promised and make it to the location. first.
I think it's both. Concerning Emma specifically I think she does look better than she did but the hair also seems pretty intentional. I'm guessing it's just gonna be to cover the ear like someone already said.
>new girl
None of them will ever match up to Emma. Best girl till the end.