Frame Arms Girl

>ao gets into a highly secured lab on her own, no question asked without even someone to escort her around the building

So Ao is either imagining this happening as part of her delusion, or her latent psychic ability (which is how her Gourai awoke) also allows her to exert control over humans?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's just a fancy toy factory.

>developing highly advanced robotics and AI
>also developing holographic virtual worlds
>facial scanning technology probably to fight corporate espionage

Gourai butt

I did say it was fancy.

She was probably there on Factory Advance's request since they might not be pleased that Hres disobeyed The Three Laws, not sure why she'd want to talk to Hres though besides trying to achieve UNDERSTANDING

If Ao was a corporate spy then its already too late for factory advance because she has her hands on numerous prototype FAGs not yet fully released to the public as well as upcoming planned weapons. If they're trusting her with their prototypes and have her under contract why wouldn't she be allowed in the lab?

Ater makes regular Hresvelgr look like a nice girl.


Line stickers when?

Do you have the one with Materias' rape faces when they were talking about ravaging Ao last episode?

What if the Ova has this draw style?

Regular Hresvelgr is a nice girl!

Nope, (not yet).

Hres is the "I need to only rely on myself so I can get stronger" character who learns to accept help from and rely on others.

Only Gourai's lips can save her.


K-kissu? With G-gourai-chan?!

But will Ater somehow revert back to Hres or will she stay the same physically after the KISSU?

>her latent psychic ability
Ao is unstoppable



Remember a "real life" Hres will keep bothering you until you play with her and you die from exhaustion

>two fangs
Worst toy.

Why is Chibi Architect so much more expressive than regular Architect?

I guess they didn't feel like just drawing five different iterations of the same expressionless face.


I want Baselard to sit on my dick.

She doesn't care about your dick, she's a fag.

Her parent's aren't actually who they say they are

Why is chibi Architect more expressive?

How would anime Ater fit into that reality? Hres gets mindbroken and starts wearing a wig and contacts? Or it's her twin sister?

How will Gourai win this Monday? The power of friendship? Kissu? Super Gourai Kai? Or will she actually outskill Hres?

Everyone join the battle and gang up on Ater

>disobeyed The Three Laws
There is literally nothing wrong with that, if protecting one human requite harming another then it should be done if it require wiping out humanity it should also be done
It's 85% kiss 10% friendship and 5% wild chance. And yes gangbang on Hres is also friendship.

Kissu, but Stylet gets jealous and she gets one too.


The power of money

bukiko ex machina


Ep 12 summary

>ラストバトル」 パワーアップにより大暴走のフレズヴェルク・アーテルと必死にバトルする、轟雷・改。 轟雷の勝利のため、フレズヴェルクを元に戻すため、力と心を合わせる一同。そして、決着がつく…! 「君に贈るもの」 フレズヴェルクもあおの家に住み着き、今日はみんなでクリスマス。様々な出来事、想いを乗り越えた轟雷とあおの間には、強い絆が生まれている。そんな二人の関係を羨ましく思うFAガール達は…。

The moment someone offers her money to talk it's all over for them.

Harem end confirmed.

>Hres reverted back from Ater and lives in Ao's home

But whose harem does she belong to?

Hres' secret aidoru persona

Gourai's obviously.

>Christmas episode with Hres

They keep finding ways to make me watch these FAGs

I hope all the FAGs dress up in Santa outfits. Stylet gets to be the reindeer.

Go to bed, Raph- I mean, Materia.

They already did that

Oh right. That was in the dream world, though, not in 3D.

>tfw your incestuous lesbian teachers show up at your house naked on christmas

The dream is real
Reality is the illusion

dreams are funny like that


Dream not of what you are, but what you want to be

If you were Ao would you let Gourai sleep in your cleavage?

>FAG is almost over

I really feel the Busou Shinki anime is a much better show.

can't cute girls do cute things anymore without you damn edgelords edging shit up with your edgy edginess?

I mean what the fuck?

>creators ask people to not call them FAGs
>instead F.A.Girls
>FAG in real life

are they doing this on purpose or is it a language thing japs don't understand?

At least FAG will still have an active product line +manga, they may even leave the show open for a season 2.

PV images in about 1 1/2 hours


She's too dumb to talk about any of the FAGs in detail.

>Gourai's really honest and cute!
>Stylet is very bulliable, I guess...
>Base-chan is the shortest but I don't know why
>Hamburgler has pretty eyes and is really strong
>etc etc

Hamburger is a-ok

I hope Hambugrler turns back to her normal form.

Rape and human trafficking victim Hres.

tfw you will never puni puni gourai's cheeks


I was right, Stylet will kiss Gourai.

I wish they were two separate characters. Ater is too good to just be a powerup.
It's been so long since they kissed. Does Stylet really have the guts to do it?

It's her destiny.

The only clear stitch of this that I've seen was tiny, so I made my own.

>there's no Base lewd even on any official illustrations
Life can be very sour.


Angela is better than piss-hair ater


Its the latter since they were referred as FA:G, but someone probably brought it up when they tried to sell Frame Arms and its relating things to the West so it is now FA Girl

A FAG Houki shouldn't be this sexy

So I'm catching up on this series and I see finfags switched to a version with the TV station logo at some point. Is there any other release that has no watermarked logo?

It's an amazing butt.
Those hips are probably illegal somewhere.