A renowned scientist has made a sensational claim that almost 100 years ago, a human-chimp hybrid was created in a lab in the US - before later being killed by panicked doctors.
Evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup claims his former university professor confirmed that a successful 'humanzee' experiment occurred in Orange Park, Florida in the 1920s.
It would mean that a female chimp was artificially inseminated with human sperm, before successfully falling pregnant with a half-human, half ape child.
Gallup told The Sun : "They inseminated a female chimpanzee with human semen from an undisclosed donor and claimed not only that pregnancy occurred, but the pregnancy went full term and resulted in a live birth. FUCKING FUCK. THIS IS DISGUSTING!!! IMAGINE WHAT ELSE THEY HAVE DONE IN THE UNDERGROUND BASES!!!
Didnt Stalin want to make a half human half gorilla army but then he remembered his country was full of slavs so he already had one?
Carter King
And thus the African American community was formed - Schlomo's greatest tool in creating a nation of obedient.. Mutts..
Luke Long
>It would mean that a female chimp was artificially inseminated with human sperm >artificially
Matthew Martinez
Sounds interesting, probably fake though
Jason Bailey
needs mutt face shooped in
Aaron Carter
>the mirror
Lincoln Moore
Can't be right,
If this were possible, there'd be millions of these things running around Africa...
Asher Nguyen
fucking mutts
Adrian Garcia
It's called "mullato".
Leo Nelson
Pedophilia is the end goal? Think again.
Henry Adams
The entire basis for calling Negroes human comes from the fact we can interbreed with them.
If you can interbreed with a chimp, we need to admit they are ALSO human and afford them human rights.
Pray this is a hoax, because chimps make niggers look like docile swedes when it comes to violence, aggression, and viciousness. If it's true, We'd need to free all the ones in captivity, and integrate them into society. SJWs and PETA fags will push HARD for this. It's the ultimate virtue signal, and nobody is more oppressed than a race that was treated as entertainment, enslaved and used for medical experiments, and thought of as an animal.
Logan Gomez
>At a prestigious zoo in Florida the male chimp died and soon the female became restless. The executive comitte decided that she was nervous because she lacked a mate, so they had to find a suitable partner for her. After looking far and wide, they didn't find a suitable chimp for breeding. Nervous that the female might die from lack of dick, they appointed John the junior director to find a solution. John , desperate, went to the black zookeeper, Tyrone and asked him to fuck the chimp in exchange for 300 dollars. Tyrone:I'll do it, but it will take some time until I raise the money.
Mason Turner
could be big. clearly explains finally where niggers came from.
Tyler Ward
>"Hi, do you have battletoads?" Perfect, fucking perfect.
10 years ago felt like yesterday.
Isaiah Carter
impossible, incompatible chromosome layout
same reason why you cant create halfcat-halfdog
Jeremiah Richardson
James Rivera
Parker Anderson
thirty bucks says they used nigger sperm. proving those useless ducks really are closer to monkeys
Asher Edwards
>same reason why you cant create halfcat-halfdog
You mean a Fox?
Chase Moore
What about donkey horse. A mule
Jayden Cox
Jordan Jones
Is a horse-donkey a honkey?
Jonathan Ortiz
Landon Ramirez
Already happened in Catalonia, where SJWs and Antifa are in the government.
Carson Brooks
No need to go underground, le 56% are literally all humanzee's!
Mason Hughes
You shaved a chimps head and now half of Sup Forums actually thinks its half human?
Come on.
Aiden Turner
Elijah Davis
Angel Peterson
fake news, we already have them living in our "inner cities".
Zachary Martinez
You are apes too
Christopher Cooper
FPBP, why go to the trouble when Straya's got nearly half a million of them already?
Angel Phillips
"99% of Americans are 100% idiots". - George Bernard Shaw
Luke Collins
That's just a partially shaved chimp with a monkey standing in front of him.
Easton Parker
>Looks 99.9% chimp
It's just a balding chimp morons. And humans and chimps have different chromosome counts, doubt that's compatible.
Aiden Nelson
In the more civilized world we call them niggers user...
Bentley Rogers
Pics or it didn't happen.
Gabriel Richardson
>create halfcat-halfdog
Cameron Clark
On the other hand, Gorillas are gentle and kind.
>mfw cuddly gorilla waifu
Tyler Parker
Why would anyone want to be European?
Mason Garcia
They do not have an incompatible chromosome layout.
Tyler Baker
That picture is not from 20's but more likely seventies, moron. People holding SLR cameras rof god's sake! Also look how they're dressed.
I remember there was a case also of a shaved ape of some kind being used as a prostitute in a south american hellhole. Presumably this has happened before and nothing has happened.
Hunter Carter
>10 years ago was 30 years ago I want to go back ;_;7
Well look at that. Apparently neither do niggers and apes.
Jace Wood
Sup Forums is an American site. All you fucking foreigners need to STFU or we will make you BTFO. We got nukes.
Julian Perry
Since when is UK tabloid credible source?
Cooper Harris
>That ape has it's own community center.
junta de vecinos, no se como traducir eso.
Liam Diaz
100% bullshit
Stop getting your science information from the Mirror.
Ayden Diaz
Its an extremely explosive idea with regard to controversy and theoretically it "shouldn't' be right. But yet we are extremely close nonetheless and it could totally be possible experimentally, but it would have to be suppressed because of the ramifications.
>I remember there was a case also of a shaved ape of some kind being used as a prostitute in a south american hellhole. Presumably this has happened before and nothing has happened.
Yes I remember also seeing Pic Related about serbians opening dog brothels. Disgusting shit.
Leo Cox
We should do this. The only people who object are christians and who gives a fuck what those retards think?
Dylan Hughes
So that's why so many terrible things happen in Florida. God hates everything within a 1000 mile radius of that things birth.
pretty sure the donor was a nigger. could confirm the fact that they are non-human and could reproduce with humans just because some sapiens hybridation on them?
Juan Allen
what if they mated that humanzee with another human. and the result of that with another human again and again until its almost impossible to tell the difference (only on the appearance). and that new kind is what we call feminists today because they have the brain of a chimpanzee
knowing humans and chimps are very close genetically... and these kind of experiments never became really mainstream, a lot of things could be possible.
Jason Carter
Adam Nelson
somebody here also heard about the "Bili Apes"? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bili_ape larger and more advanced kind of chimps? chimp-gorilla hybrids?
Cameron Hill
ED... WARD...
Blake Martin
Why does Drudge go full Alex Jones at times????
Hudson Jackson
Damn leaf......just.....just fuck you ok.
Brody Long
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_the_chimpanzee >Some physical and behavioral evidence led the Bergers to believe Oliver was a creature other than a chimpanzee, perhaps a human-chimp hybrid. Oliver possessed a flatter face than his fellow chimpanzees; was in the habit of walking bipedally, rather than on his knuckles, much more often than his chimpanzee peers (until he was later struck with arthritis); and may have preferred human females over chimpanzee females. >In a December 16, 2006 Discovery Channel special, Janet Berger stated that Oliver started to become attracted to her when he reached the age of 16.[4] He eventually tried to mate with her, and it became apparent that Oliver could no longer stay with Janet. this is disturbing, when you look at that chimp he had clearly not a normal face. >However, full DNA sequencing has never been performed. Although many requests were made for access to Oliver for medical testing during his later years at Primarily Primates, and again after his death in 2012, it was the policy of P.P. to refuse all such requests, calling those inquiries "scientific tourism". shitty excuses.
Adrian Davis
Are humanzees allowed in the ethnostate?
Cameron Phillips
If you shave a chimp that doesn't make it human
Camden Allen
potato also have an extra chromosome... so i'm not convinced. do you know why africans are not always bright and good-looking now?
Stalin and Lenin BOTH experimented with Chimp/Human Hybrids...
They wanted a super-soldier. Smart enough to use weapons, too stupid to ask why?
There is nothing NEW about this news... .
Lucas Wood
Die you subhuman piece of shit.
Sebastian Morgan
>Stalin and Lenin BOTH experimented with Chimp/Human Hybrids... >They wanted a super-soldier. Smart enough to use weapons, too stupid to ask why? >There is nothing NEW about this news... >.
Why is the assumption that such hybrids would not only be viable, but would actually perform and not instead suffer from some form of developmental disorder?
Nicholas Scott
How do you fit 25 Europeans into a Fiat?
Tell them one of them is a royal and the rest will crawl up his ass.
Jose Gonzalez
Alexander Barnes
Connor Jones
This is impossible. Anyone who believes this shit is fucking retarded and doesn't understand basic biology. If the claim was that they spliced human and chimpanzee genes, then impregnated the chimp, maybe, but 100 years ago? Nope.
If you want to spread fake news change the story to >50 years ago human chimp hybrid was created by adding some human genes to chimp's genes
Nathaniel Collins
What's so special .. we have had niggers on this planet for ages already. why do we need to make more?
Luke Bailey
Aaron Butler
Technology is more advanced than you think, and many groups had technology that seems crazy to us now a long time before it even became public knowledge.
Kinda like how we had internet and working fax machines in the 1800's, even cables laid in the ocean for it.
Christian Cox
>You need ogryn?
Noah Edwards
Ryan Phillips
Niggers are fucking whites, it's the same thing
Robert Clark
If you believe that shit in the last paragraph, holy fuck your hilarious. Out of your damn mind mate.
Carson Cooper
Welp *clap/rub hands together* You know what to do people
For science!
Gabriel Stewart
I'm genuinely interested in seeing if such a thing is possible. Scientific ethics be damned.
Joshua Edwards
This is no secret, it never actually was a secret... Next time are you "exposing" Dr. Sergei Brukhonenko experiments?
Elijah Murphy
Nonsense. What is a mule?
Horse-donkey hybrids are almost always sterile because horses have 64 chromosomes whereas donkeys have 62, producing offspring with 63 chromosomes. Mules are much more common than hinnies.
Asher Thompson
# You do know cats can mate with rabbits and have offspring don't you? Their similarities are far greater than those shared between man and ape
Joseph Davis
They do this shit once in a while, the state of the art is favorable, they make the experiment,create an ungodly abomination and then regret it and hide it.
Government made mutants.
Jayden Long
There is no end. No matter what horrible thing we allow them and they come up with they'll always find worse and worse and more degrading things. With genetic engineering or VR it could get hellish for a literal eternity.
>FUCKING FUCK. THIS IS DISGUSTING!!! IMAGINE WHAT ELSE THEY HAVE DONE IN THE UNDERGROUND BASES!!! This is why they have to do it hidden away from the public.