Sup Forums told me to lose weight, now I look like a freak

Sup Forums told me to lose weight, now I look like a freak.
As a fatman I was protected by the fat acceptance movement and local NHS equivalent.
Now I have too much skin, everyone hates my looks a d nobody will pay for my plastic surgery.

Take the redpill from a dead man walking. Once your body create new fat cells they will never die. Once you go fat there is no real way out.

Learn how to surgery

You need to visit a surgeon and have that shit cut.

Nie sraj.

Try a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting; eating too many carbs can inhibit protein turnover

continue the good work. you are being reforged.

Fast until the skin tightens again

It will never look sexy like before :(
Before I could fish for chicks that are into big guys. Now, nobody wants me.

fly like squirrel

At least your not fat.

t. guy from your pic.

how much did you weigh before

Listen faggot. I lost weight and now I'm stuck with too much skin. Your toxic died ain't gonna help.

I lost weight and don't look like a sack, you just had a bad luck


then eat again

150 KG

go find a /fast/ thread on /fit/, they'll have the info you need.

Intermittent fasting is the solution to excess skin and stretch marks.

Maybe you should've thought about that before becoming such a fat disgusting piece of shit.

Fill it back up with muscle

You are a woman ok?
Also, get rid of that mole.

Real? Source?
I want to lose weight but turning into pic related is a big fear of mine.

Try fasting to trigger autophagy and tighten your skin. Take caliper measurements. Fast for 3days or more. Repeat measurement to check elasticity

i would nohomo titty fuck that dude.

that's a funny jacket

>Once your body create new fat cells they will never die
lmao @ ur shit education.
research autophagy
lose weight fatty.
still a good 30-40lbs overweight there.

No, but i lost from 100 kg to 75 kg so not as much as you

>i'm healthy but now i look bad :(
i guarantee you look better now than you did

That isn't OP, that's an Australian man named Brian Flemming.

Start your own movement that protects you from ebil bullies. Guys with granny titties acceptance movement or something

It looks like you had surgery already for this to happen.
Seems like you didn't lose it naturally through diet and working out.
But, for certain spots, you need surgery, other spots will stretch back to normal, but you should lift weights to fill up what you've lost.

This isn't political, and I didn't want to see your naked body. Reported.

Tightens the skin.
Also, fasting.
Fasting eats excess skin.

there's no way to fix it but surgery
don't waste money you could be saving on any of the snake oil these sheisters will try to foist on you

>I didn't want to see your naked body. Reported.
cracked me up

[citation needed]
take your time

>Bagman with floppy tits telling a woman to get rid of a tiny mole.

I'd say move to Sweden and you might get surgery for psychological problems.

Also try eating things high in collagen. Bone broth or something of the likes.

Biology major here.
They get smaller, even flat but they never die. Once you go fat you will always gain weight quicker as you have fat cells to store fat already present.

How the fuck does that even happen? Did you remove the fat by hand?

How did you lose weight?
By dieting or surgery?
The skin stretch’s back to almost normal size, ask any after pregnancy woman. But it takes time.
And you need to replace tha fat lost with muscle, eat protein, go to the gym.

If you're a butter ball, you need to lose the weight slowly.
Stop doing everything to fucking excess. That's what got you in bad shape in the first place.

Pace yourself, ffs.



If this is really you, well done my man. Like I'm legit proud of you.

You may want to go in for surgery though.

unleash the memo

>Once you become MASSIVE there is no real way out

Make some tatoos in the extra skin, go to the knife and sell the excedent to the Japanese.

Lol you're wrong, you just got WAY too fat to the point where it permanently destroyed your body. I weighed around 280 6'2" at one point and I lost all that weight, now I'm down to 200 flat. And I have no loose skin to accompany it.

I lost 100 pounds I have a few stretch marks but other than that im good.

look at him, that was never going to snap back perfectly into shape
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but his skin was FUBAR and nothing but surgery can fix it now

why do people refuse to accept this?
live with your mistakes, learn from them

>cares more about getting a slim chance to get laid with a tiny minority of female fat fetishists than vastly improving his health and objectively being less of a subhuman piece of shit

Sorry OP I guess not everyone can make it, you tried


memo drop today?

They have plastic surgery for skin.


same bro except I was 300 pounds and 6 '3' and very minor stretch marks from when I was putting on the weight.


It's more about your cardiovascular health, you formerly fat shit. Save up for some skin removal shurgery.

but tell us how did you lose the fat ? how much have it been since you lost the weight ?
did you try sports,lifting ?
there are many transformations out there that dont have fat rolls,maybe they were slow,or did a really good surgery

How does intermittent fasting help? That's when you only eat one big meal a day, right?

Ketosis(when your body starts eating your fat and excess skin) doesn't activate before three entire days of absolutely no food, at the earliest.

So intermittent fasting should have no effect, right?

Any sensible healthcare system, would take any case such as your own. Someone losing a vast amount of weight, and now dealing with an excess of skin. And make sure you get the cosmetic surgery to clean that up, free of charge.

That's my two cents.

>I have a few stretch marks
I'm a monster!

your body is always eating fat
ketosis just skews the ratio, and not even by a significant amount

That shit is hella expensive, because it's very niche and quite hard to do well.

These. Fight back against the freak skin!

Your skin will go back to normal over time.
Just eat healthy, and continue to exercise.

Drink plenty of water and use a moisturizing skin lotion with vitamin E and collagen.

Add a strength training regimen to your exercise. Muscle will fill that skin slower, but in conjunction with fasting, skin care, and natural shrinkage, it will go faster and look better.

It could take 2-3 years for this to happen, so keep up with it.

Start lifting weights. Refill all that skin with muscle. Otherwise, have fun having extra skin or getting fat again

Under-rated post.

Everyone knows when you lose weight, you have to do it slowly

I see a lot of bitching user. Start massing and fill that shit back up with muscles like said.

Or cut it off like the other anons said.

Ill pay for your surgery, pm me

Start getting swole.

Pay for your own plastic fucking surgery dickhead.

Tip lel was just about to post this

But he's not wrong.


wear it like a flab of honor.

no one can do what youve done


the money would spend on food you can now gather together to pay for surgery.

Wrap chord around your skin really tightly. It'll fall off when it dies and you'll be good as new

when that happens to someone, does anyone know if eventually the skin re-tightens?? Or it's just like that forever???

Your body isn't eating fat when you eat a calorie surplus.

By ketosis, I am not talking about keto diet, but eating absolutely no food at all. After which your body starts eating itself, mostly fat, but also a bit of excess skin, cancer tumors and unfortunately muscle as well. A water fast.

>did you try sports,lifting ?
No sports, only low calorie food.

>nobody will pay for my plastic surgery

And why should they? It's your fault you ate too much and were fat, nobody else's. Pay for it yourself you bone idle sack of shit

Starving is the cure to cancer?


best ketosis diet is a week long amphetamine binge btw
just saying
get amped up and watch that excess skin eat itself

Oh, nigel. Have some compassion. Unlike most fatasses he actually did something about it.

The idea is to be healthy enough to survive until you can upload your conscious to cyberspace


Start lifting faggot. Put muscles where your fat used to be

Gym + fuckloads of protein.

Holy shit how fat were you? I'm on my way down now from 135 Kg (183 cm tall), lost 8 Kg since christmas and my goal is to go below 100 Kg b4 the summer and long term to get down to around 80 Kg. I'm a bit worried about having a lot of loose skin, anything I can do to prevent it?

great job on your weightloss anyways. You're not going to die from cardiac arrest at 50 anymore

that's a lot of skin

That shit is expensive user. I used to weigh 600lbs. Am now 215, to get all the excess skin cut off, I'd have to have a facelift, upper body lift, Timmy tuck, below belt lift, and a couple other things.

Insurance doesn't cover cosmetic surgeries.

You did it wrong moron.

So get fat again you stupid faggot

does this include the kid with downsydrome who bags my shit at walmart?

>he actually did something about it
after he made the stupid life decision of being a fat fuck
