Shimakaze is a good girl
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Amatsukaze is better
She dresses like a whore.
Trapfags be ye begone.
How big is her dick
Maybe if Shimakaze ever gets a kai nii, she'll be less slutty looking
what a cute boy
2.5 inches. He's also the bicycle for big girls and boys to use. Quickshot is what he really is.
So which is the most waifubait ship? I know they are all supposed to be but some seem to attract lonely neckbeards a lot more than others like pic related and kaga.
Shimakaze is a daijoubu girl
Shimakaze is good warm fuck hole/meat toilet/cum dumpster, and great for deflecting degenerate thoughts you may otherwise have about your waifu. I've never thought about old faceless men sodomizing my girlfriend because I can just imagine Shimakaze being railed by 10 of them instead.
Kaga and Haruna are waifubaits
Shimakaze, Hamakaze, and Kashima are fapbaits
I was watching porn the other day and the dude fucking the girl had two Shimakaze posters up in his room. It just made me think: "these are the kind of people who are into anime." I mean I always new that the people who write doujins are mostly married and have normal lives, and I was fine with that, but just seeing something like deeply affected me. You guys all fuck 3Ds on the regular, huh?
I think I need to fuck myself off for a little while and reflect.
>and the dude fucking the girl
yeah I'm sure about that
I'd link it to you but I don't want to get banned. But now I have the impression that people who like kanColle all are hot chads who fuck all the time.
dumb boats need love too.
I need the link for reasons.
Only look at this link if you are prepared to question your existence. This might have been the most disturbing thing I've seen for the last year or so.
Just fuck a whore with money. Use a condom and don't blame me for STD's if you decide to go for it. you literally lose your virginity to anyone if you just go outside. If there are men who like ugly ass girls then that means there are women who like ugly ass guys.
He's just trying to show off that he fucked someone as a weeb. Probably paid a good sum for the whole ordeal
What about my waifu Taigei
The hotel.
She's not dumb, just lazy.
All of Kujou Ichisos kanmusus are fapbaits.
Their basically the same characters with varying boob sizes anyways
No user, you don't get it. You have to jack off to it yourself to know how much of a loser it makes you feel like. While you fap to boat girls because, there are people out there RIGHT NOW being ironic weebs and using your fap material to get laid. I liked 2D porn because it was detached from reality, but now it's too late for me. I get triggered no matter what I fap to now.
That's the plan.
Shokaku. Definitely Shokaku.
Shimakaze is a good girl (male)
It's all about perspective.
Just because someone fucked someone in the vagoo doesn't mean that person won't fap to boatsluts anymore. Being weeb who faps to trap Shimakaze porn in his spare time is not automatically a loser. Even if you fucked a woman that doesn't mean they won't eventually yearn for the ideals of the 2D world to be real again.
Could be the girls room.
Kongou best boat dess
Tenryuu is the best ship, tomboy, and girl.
I can't stop thinking of her as anything more than a rude and deceitful bitch
Sup, long Hoppou.
I think of her as just having a mild obsession with selfies.
reminder to sage
>japanese porn
>not censored
>stupid tomboy
>best anything
Hahaha. No.
I am going to tear your beautiful little hymen into a million bloody pieces.
Not even original being a chuunibyou eyepatch wearing reincarnated heavenly dragon.
Sup hip hop.
Wrong abyssal.
Stop making silly faces.
Shiggy is the best wifeboat and I'm not a lonely neckbeard.
>great normal design
>redesign is kawaii uguu tier
i trusted you fumikane ;_;
>redesign is semen demon tier
Fuck yes, Fumikane.
What's the matter, too cute for you?
not you guys as well
does no one have a sense of style or taste anymore