Daily reminder that the jewish conspiracy theory is created by schizophrenics in their log cabins who are ranting and...

daily reminder that the jewish conspiracy theory is created by schizophrenics in their log cabins who are ranting and raving about society's eventual downfall that never comes or even is progressed towards and that if you believe it you're a retard

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Be sure to say sorry to your folks before you kill yourself, they deserve it

>mandatory reading
skip to Catherine II so your low reading capacity won't burnout

>mandatory reading
>because it glorifies the government which blamed everything on the jews
now that is totally not bias at all

the highest echelon of power in the bolshevik government was run primarily by jews...
why do you think wikipedia says there is no english translation? perhaps is it to stymie lazy communists like yourself from learning that a certain group of people were complicit in the deaths of 60 million people and that communism, marxism and the like led to now UNSPOKEN EVIL

Jews are an ethnocentric group of people that are over represented in positions of power and use that power for their own interests. How is this a conspiracy? It's similar to your ideas of institutional racism and white privilege

What about evils of Kraut genociding 30 million Slavic people?

You mean it had jews in it, it wasn't entirely run by jews lol

How can the same board that admits there are shitty white people that don't define the entire race (wiggers, adulterers, etc) yet pretend that entire races and religions are defined by minority groups?

You're assuming I hold beliefs about institutional racism or white privilege because I disagree with the jew meme. That's a pretty shitty argument lol

I am distraught when any such evil is done. All we can do is thank and remember the sacrifices people made to stop Nazi germany and be wary that such evil or tyranny does not resurface.
Let these numbers tickle your cashews then and if you think they are propaganda bullshit then read the fucking book if you are so interested. There is no conspiracy that spans any huge group of people but there are certainly fishy things going on with the media, academia, and the acceptance of dangerous political ideologies and many of the intellectual circles that promulgate these ideas can have a high proportion of a certain people. Why is it that on university campuses Marxism and communism are treated with a sort of dignity that should be erased given one is savvy to the horrors it has created and the prosperity it did not?

>you can't judge an entire group for the actions of an individual
>all the rich are evil, eat the rich lol

t. Roman in the year 350ad

Probably because the ideology can be separated from the fools and the atrocities that some have done with it. Not every communist country is guilty of the same atrocities, which is something a lot of people miss. While the ideology is arguably flawed, it is not guilty of the frequent misuse by other countries who have tried and failed to apply it. Communism is an ideology that only works with the most extreme nationalism in the people under it, and only in small countries, something every large country that's tried it has missed heavily.

A lot of the ideas in it are discussed even today. Hell, some are even used. You can discuss these things without advocating for their atrocities.

Who said anything about the rich? Learn to quote people properly next time.

Jews started a communist revolution in Germany dude.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

It wasn't an argument it was supposed to bring a perspective by framing it in terms you understand

>Communism is an ideology
Yeah Marx the creator of communism was a kike. Lenin the founder of the Soviet Union was a kike. Trotsky, Lenin's chosen successor, real name Lev Bronstein, created the Red Army.


Even your Rabbis admit the Jewish role in communism now. Get with the times.

Your image is right though, commie fag. Why bother arguing with someone as retarded as you when I can just call you a cuck, call it a day and not waste my time with a gigantic faggot like you.

Do you deny the facts? I don't get it. The media is transparently Jewish and Jews have wrote about this.


It's not just in the USA. I can elaborate on the Jewish media in Sweden, Canada, UK, France, Brazil, etc. Pick one.

>you can't judge an entire group for the actions of an individual
Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.


hannah johnson's blood libel is freely available at johns hopkins university muse.jhu.edu/book/16000 required reading on the jewish facts

Why do the kike shills fuck off whenever they meet someone that knows how to counter their pilpul and basic bitch non-arguments?

I wish I did live in a log cabin out in the mountains somewhere..

You're right it's true, the JQ is largely a conspiracy theory. But that still doesn't disprove our other arguments pertaining around race, IQ, crime, and the failed social experiment called diveristy. Also niggers, I can't forget about niggers.

Also, my great-grandmother was a Jew.

This thread is another sad attempt by the OP to distract everyone from noticing his homosexuality.

They've certainly been accused of it for centuries. Everywhere they go. Would you believe me if I told you a Canadian Jew named "Blake Leibel" committed "Blood Libel" when he tortured then scooped out his girlfriends brains/drank her blood not even two years ago?


>JQ is largely a conspiracy theory
What part do you disagree with? I'll gladly elaborate.

spartacus uprising

So it's a strawman and not an actual argument, gotcha.

You can't just ignore my rebuttals.

That Jews are the only ones pushing this mass immigration/globalist propaganda. I can assure you there's people of every race pushing this shit, I've seen them all.

Nobody has ever suggested that Jews are the only ones pushing mass immigration. This is typical pilpul shit, that because a few shabbos traitors exist we can't notice that the movement pushing for our replacement is overwhelmingly Jewish.

I'll add that the people doing the silencing by omission and suppression are overwhelmingly Jewish as well. In Canada they run virtually all of the centre-right publications at a massive loss to flood the market and dictate the national conversation. National Post, Global News, Walrus, Metro, Rebel, and the Toronto Sun are all owned by Jews and operated at a loss.

When it comes to the replacement agenda it's best to show people how to recognize the Jew, and then go from there. Pointing out that all three of the UK race mixing ads during Christmas were created by Jew owned corps and/or Jew owned advertising companies isn't as effective as teaching people how to recognize trends.

People may not like Stormfront, but they were silenced because they talk about the one subject Americans are forbidden to talk about. The ADL has silenced pro-European videos YouTube wide, kikes took down the Daily Stormer six times, Hope Not Hate (Jewish UK MP) have ruined dozens of lives in Britain, etc. All in the last year.

I can when I'm making lunch.

>Nobody blames every jew for the actions of the majority but it's undeniable that most of the dire issues we face in our lives wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here

So you're saying no one blames the jews but then go to blame the jews. I thought you were supposed to know your shit, as you boasted in but I guess not.

anecdotal -- the image posted is also presented without a verifiable source, and I'm not going to go down and search every single date in there.

Daily reminder that the capitalist conspiracy theory is created by schizophrenics in their gay bars who are ranting and raving about societies eventual fall of capitalism that never comes or even is progressed towards and that if you believe it you are a retard.

I love setting my flag to the communist one because it brings out fags like you who can't make arguments

>minority groups
top kek.

Why must I repeat myself? Nobody claims every single Jew is evil or that Jews are entirely behind all forms of evil in the west. We claim that Jewish influence on the whole is genocidal and if we don't remove them from the west they will remove us.

Check the pastebin. That's why it's there.




What the fuck are you talking about? I never accused you of saying the jews were behind all evils in the west. You can't even reply to my post properly.

>every post on this website must be an argument
>no fun allowed!
>the internet is serious business!
Are you sure you aren't actually a communist?

If you were an intellectual you'd make an argument instead of constant strawmans. But I get it, arguments are hard. That's why you use Sup Forums instead of more intellectual boards and sites.

His is a statement, and not an argument. It is that you are full of shit, and he makes if very well. Although there is no need to point out the obvious.

Also, you are a nigger loving faggot piece of shit. That is a statement, not an argument, fuckwit.

but where the arguments doe

The source is obviously wikipedia.
>inb4 hur dur wikipedia
Its very good for lists of things such as historical events.

Says the guy with a jew flag

You have one too though

Nobody is going to argue against some faggot shitposting. We are just going to shitpost, faggot.

That's because Sup Forums can't argue

I'm not defending Jews tho

Where did I make a strawman. Communists by definition of communist believe that capitalism will inevitable fail. Communists literally believe that communism is a inevitability. I don't really care what snowflake version of communist you are.
I also never claimed that because you were a communist you were wrong about the jewish theory (which you are though), I never even brought it up.

You should probably go back to your intellectual websites where you can jerk each other off about how much better you are than commoners.

>Make strawman
>called out on it
>sperg out

"For decades, Alan Yentob was the dominant creative force at the BBC"


ITV is Jewish controlled.


ITN is Jewish controlled.


Anglia Television is Jewish controlled now that is owned by ITV.

BSkyB is Murdoch, so you can take that or leave it.

I say convenient because in the UK BBC is the most prominent and Murdoch is a crypto. I'll have a better response next time this comes up. I can't find the notepad with the info I compiled.

This is pilpul projection. You're the one not making arguments.

You haven't come up with one argument. Your initial post is just a strawman of everyone on this website. All you've done is questioned with an agenda, you've yet to make any real arguments. All you've really sad so far is "naah i'm going to not believe this or that try again buddy, gotcha!"

how is it a strawman when it's right doe

Not to mention the largest film studio by far is now Pinewood Group as they've bought up all their competitors during the 2008 crash. They produce a ridiculous amount of content in the UK.


You'll notice most of these kikes served on the BBC board and hopped between ITV/Sky/etc.

>the straw man straw man
>being this ass mad that you have to focuse your attention on a shit poster
>being this absolutely rustled over being called a hypocrite
>i-i'm not a communists
I think its time you take a break buddy. I don't want to see you cry.

You don't even know what a strawman is. I thought Jews were supposed to be intelligent.

You don't have to project so much, you know. You can just tell us how you really feel.

There are 'Jewish conspiracies' but they aren't a global hivemind plot like some retards say.

It's just like there have been left-wing conspiracies but people lazily watch one Yuri Bezmenov video and go on about that Saul Alinsky book saying there's a global communist conspiracy.

Saul Alinsky was definitely Jewish. Nobody claims that there is a Jewish hivemind. We claim there is a pattern of behaviour and that Jewish supremacism/nepotism/corruption/subversion is off the charts in the west and that they must be removed if we are going to survive.

Hey dont talk shit about ted you city fuck


The Jewish Problem - Joseph Goebbels

I don't believe anything. Checkmate faggot.
>He thinks he can know things.

>one rando "jew" writes about "jews controlling the media"
>It's troo dey atmidded it its troo its de joos! JOOOOOS!
> kikes you cuck! kikes! cuck kikes!
Meanwhile in the real world
and one that's gonna get you all yelling about CIA niggers

The fact that Jews failed in their 1950's anti-party plot and were sidelined from government until the collapse of the Soviet Union doesn't detract from anything i've said.

> Joe Gobbles, one of the fathers of modern propaganda
> a decent, unbiased source
pick only one

I just find it annoying because A: Yuri Bezmenov was Jewish and he was obviously a walter mitty looking for a quick buck. No doubt the Soviet Union was evil and there was definitely a Jewish element to genocides under the USSR. Rules For Radicals is dumb and is about as revelatory as a shitpost on Sup Forums and it annoyed me when I realized this was what people were scaremongering about.

>jews controlling the media
Who runs the media in Sweden? Of the seven largest Swedish dailies five are owned by Jews and the remaining two by American investment banks, one being Goldman Sachs. Not a single big daily is owned by Swedes. The Jewish Bonnier family have the biggest monopoly, owning four of the biggest papers 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film companies, 176 magazines, 23 major papers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets according to their own website.

One of the largest Swedish dailies is the Dagens Nyheter, the Bonnier owned and most influential paper in Sweden, which shapes public discourse. This was the paper that covered up sexual attacks on Swedish girls at a festival in 2015. The Bonnier family also fired the Chief Editor, Erik Månsson, after he published articles in the 1990s showcasing opposition among Swedes to mass immigration.

.. in fact, the open borders campaign in Sweden started in 1964 when David Schwarz, Jewish, penned "The Immigration Problem in Sweden" in the Dagens Nyheter. This started a fierce debate, led by Schwarz & his Jewish co-thinkers. All Jewish contributors favoured multiculturalism. This resulted in an immigration bill in '75. The Cons. Rightist Party, which first embraced multiculturalism was led by Gunnar Heckscher of Jewish descent. This is in accordance with that lovely lady from Sweden who says Jews lead the push for Europe to become multicultural. In fact, Israel even pays migrants $3,500 to "relocate" to Sweden.



It's a speech Goebbels gave on the Jewish problem.


Yes I totally believe you. Jews run capitalism, created communism, run their own fascist state and the world oligarchy. You totally convinced me. I especially like (and was persuaded by) the Nazi propaganda posters you punctuate your relevant and unbiased posts with.

It's important to learn how Jews took over American culture in the 1960's. I agree that Jew Alinksy is overrated, but he mentored even Hillary Clinton. Americans seem to forget how close she came to winning.


Yes yes, no use in driving your point in with those awesome infographics I've never seen 500 times before on this board. I believe you. Hail Hitler!

Good morning Schlomo, how are you doing?

Typical Jewish argumentative tactics. I claimed that Marx was a kike, that Lenin was a kike, and that Trotsky was a kike. I claimed that 90% of the 1918 German revolution leaders were kikes. I will now claim that Jew banker Jacob Schiff was the chief funder and facilitator of the (((Russian))) revolution and that the Warburg clan in Germany helped create the KPD, which created antifa.

Dumbass cunt.
You know what? I'm really sorry for you. Must be hard living with autism.

Hail Victory. Hitler is dead.

Typical neurotic non-argument kike post.

daily reminder that the bourgeoisie conspiracy theory is created by schizophrenics in their log cabins who are ranting and raving about society's eventual downfall that never comes or even is progressed towards and that if you believe it you're a retard


2/10 Schlomo you made me reply

I haven't been following this thread that closely but you are an insufferable cunt, go fucking die in a hole somewhere.

Are you disavowing US crime statistics and facts?
Yeah, I guess you are.

>jewish conspiracy
This cabal controls America through Israel.

Dear Nazi Fags,

What happened on September 2nd, 1945?

> daily reminder that the jewish conspiracy theory is created by schizophrenics
You have to love an asshole with a commie flag posted this.

Adolf Hitler On Americans


Jeez Communists are so cringe

>You mean it had jews in it, it wasn't entirely run by jews lol
someone is going to post an image that proves you wrong ... weve all seen it and checked the source. youre just lying here

>How can the same board that admits there are shitty white people that don't define the entire race (wiggers, adulterers, etc) yet pretend that entire races and religions are defined by minority groups?

this is fallacious because jews are not a race, they are an ideology, an ideology that says all other humans are not real humans but animals with no human souls that were put here by god go be slaves to the jews, the one true race of man. in contrast white people are not an ideology, they are a race. so not only is your loaded question a weak deflection, but its also a false dichotomy. you are fucking braindead.

>You're assuming I hold beliefs about institutional racism or white privilege because I disagree with the jew meme. That's a pretty shitty argument lol

actually you implied that you hold those beliefs by pretending (white) race and (jewish) ideology are the same metric in your own argument. talk about a lack of self awareness ...

More than half of all Jewish immigrants to the Jewish state are atheist. Jews don't give a damn about what you believe in, only your bloodline. Real and imagined.

Time out, I think OP is actually /ourguy/. Hear me out.

Every so often Ill make a thread specifically for redpills on kikes, never gets a reply. This faggot makes one thread pretending to be a kike and there are endless redpills dropped immediately. I need to step my game up.

Wow. A people used to (and one of the main targets of) oppression by the Tsarist regime were on the vanguard of the movement to fight said regime? Color me fucking surprised.

> ITT: autism and historical illiteracy
Later cuntheads. I'll leave you to your "redpills".

How do you justify your treachery in America and Canada? How do you justify the famines and executions of tens of millions of Russian and Ukrainian peasants? How do you justify Morel in Poland. Kun in Hungary. Mandel in Belgium. Adler in Austria. Herzog in Brazil. Lukanov in Bulgaria. Epstein in China. Slansky in the Czech Republic. Jakobson in Estonia. Brandes in Denmark. Roitman in Romania. Slovo in South Africa?

etc. etc.