Why have girls in anime become less attractive over time?
Why have girls in anime become less attractive over time?
This is mandatory anime viewing for any male anime fan.
Looking fine son.
2D is bad for the yakuza's illegal prostitution rings.
>less attractive
Stop being so biased.
maybe you have just gotten gayer
Because lolis are more popular than hags.
Proved my point better then I could've hoped to.
By defending these designs you have proven you lack any taste whatsoever.
literally nothing wrong
>thinking it's about fangs
old anime girls are objectively less attractive. they had wide shoulders, narrow hips, and fake looking boobs with tiny pencil eraser nipples.
Anime has evolved
Holy shit, I feel like I could reach out and grab those tits. Is this the future?
Because it started from the perfect form. Anime descended to the top of the mountain and branched from there to explore the niches.
There certainly were weird anatomical trends back then.
But some were also pretty decent.
I just miss poofy hair
It's the old argument Miyazaki and his ilk have been repeating over and over: anime has moved from creators who enjoy looking at people to creators who copy the copies of copies of copies of the pioneers who enjoyed looking at people. This is why balloon tits are so common and why those who get paid to draw attractive women have no idea how anatomy works. Repeating certain "tricks" can only get you so far, but to become a truly good artist/animator you need to realize how things work in the real world.
Let's be honest: in terms of character designs KyoAni tops the current market by a longshot as far as studios go.
Because they focus on making the breasts bigger than the head.
They certainly know how to create variety.
I don't get the impression that oversized boobs are more common nowadays, at least not outside a few niche fanservice shows whose main selling point are huge tits.
saber marionetter desing was really original and its a top tier harem (and harems usually suck) so go suck a dick
>really original
Yeah, that's the polite way of saying something is utter horseshit.
I'm only judging the designs, nothing else. I didn't watch it and it might have been a good and enjoyable show otherwise. But the designs are the worst I have ever seen.