Quzilax is in fucking trouble

Apparently some jap dude was inspired by Quzilax's Gieger Counter doujin and molested some girls using the same method. The police talked to the mangaka about it, and he's not sure what to do.

This is really bad because loli artists are freaking out right now, especially Noise

Other urls found in this thread:


Geiger Counter is now mandatory reading in curriculum as preventive counter measure.

End of the story.

ayy lmao

>loli artist

Where have you been for the past couple years? He's a bonafide thiccfag now.

Serves him right for drawing degenerate content.


ive always see this around but how bad is it i dont really read lolicrap but im just wondering how messed up is it

>not sure what to do
He should shoot himself for being a subhuman and adding to Japan's problems with his pedophila shit.


>I apologize. Although I haven't read much of the replies and other correspondence, I have caught sight of people wondering if a quote on a news site saying "the mangaka reportedly came to an understanding, saying 'From now on, I will never draw manga depicting a girl being victimized sexually'" is true or not, so I wish to address that issue here.
The nuance of what I said was: "I drew Geiger Counter about four years ago, after which my tastes in what I want to draw has changed, therefore I had originally believed that I was probably not going to author something like Geiger Counter again regardless of the times we live in.

>"It was at that point when I received information that a suspect testified that he read Geiger Counter on the web and committed a copycat crime, that was when I finally believed that I will never feel the need to draw something like Geiger Counter ever again."
What is stated above is entirely what I feel personally. I don't want anyone to be led to think that freedom of expression has been threatened, that I yielded to pressure from the police, that this establishes a precedent, or any other ideas of that sort.

Quzilax is ded...

We just had a thread about this. The jist I got from it is that the police just talked to him but there wasn't really much to the conversation. He had said he already kind of figured he would never draw something like that again due to having different preferences in what he draws now, but the incident made him feel guilty so now he really doesn't plan on drawing something like that again.