Shingeki no Kyojin

Beach chapter when?

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Annie and Pieck look cute.


Chapter 90

ZP a cute.

Armin a cute.


they do


>EP are cute, CUTE!

so i'm guessing this track is going to be played next episode right?

There was already one, Jean drank old man piss.

When they are in Marleynian trenches trying to capture land or vice versa.

very cute

Zeke: keeping his royal blood a secret from Marley.
Eren: needs someone with royal blood to activate Coordinate. Is also keeping this a secret.


EM a cute and a canon

I didn't think someone would save that because I cropped out the others.

The cutest girls to come out of the continent.

Bye anons. Enjoy your day.

What do you mean? I think Eren's on the mainland to stay and will likely die there, unless there's a real reason for him to return. Like if Reiner or Zeke convinces him, but I don't see him returning before the Marley government is either revolutionized or beaten into to a pitiable state.



>all the male warriors trying to look hard.
>Annie being Annie
>Piku having a fun time danceing in the back.
I love it!

Fuck this is cute. Almost gives me diabetes every time I see it. I can actually imagine something like this going down during their training. Makes sense too since Zeke is supposed to be like a child prodigy so it's natural that girls would admire him.

endgame, brothers

>cucked again

I don't get it

I bet Grisha knows how babies are actually made. I'm sure Dina taught him all about it.

Literally never

she's a good artist

They sure are.


Spoof mikasa is actually more like able

I don't think Zeke will appreciate anyone being touchy feely with his little brother. From what we've seen, the guy seems to have brocon tendencies.

TFW when spoof Mikasa has more character than actual Mikasa

Because she can get her feelings across, while manga Mikasa restricts herself way too much. If she let loose a little more and realized that she's being far too restrictive with Eren, things would go much better for the both of them.

Reiner is so handsome



stop posting Jean

I don't know who that is.

>Best Eren

That's not best Eren, user. Best Eren is a lot more Owlish than this one.



>implying both Erens aren't going to be Owls

He won't mind, I mean it is Best girl Piku after all.


I love Jean.

We know Jean

Top or Bottom?

I don't know who that is I already told you


Do you guys think Kobayashi and Araki are going to change Season 2 finale like they did Season 1 finale

Are they going to insinuate EM will be anime-canon

guys what do i do, how do i get used to not having SnK saturdays for a few years if ever

also 50th for Annie

What if the titans all start spontaneously combusting?

Do you read the manga
If not, read the manga
Then just suffer monthly

You deal with it. SnK threads are usually only up for spoiler week. 24/7 SnK threads have their merits, but I think I generally prefer spoiler week only, even if the way it is now is quite fun and keeps me busy in the emptiness of the average day.


I want Annie to return

Is that too much to ask ;_;


the manga still leaves it up to mostly speculation if she is really leaning in for a kiss or not. It'll be easy as fuck to tell if they have her go for it in the finale

don't worry she'll return in another flashback where she is condemned to die and thusly executed via Mindless Titan transference.

After they were done examining her, they used her to patch up the wall.

it really is not fair to think that themediocre choochooku- whatever the fuck got adapted as an anime and spoof on titan did not

She is being teased lately, she should return in the next chapters hopefully.
And here we go...

I don't think Mikasa was leaning in for a kiss. Not once has she shown any outright romantic feelings for Eren before or after that moment. Isayama has said repeatedly that their relationship is fraternal.

But thing is, if Araki/Kobayashi do their thing, they might change that up complete and divide anime/manga on EM.



Did Grisha ever have a sleepover with Zeke?

should she not die? She viciously murdered many members of the SL, it's not like she would be welcome. SL and friends also know how to transfer powers, and are now seemingly aware of memory transference as well; so they would obtain her power AND her knowledge.

She has little value, the only reason they might keep her alive is a bargaining chip hostage.. but her Titan powers are undoubtedly more useful in someone that fights for SL/Paradis' cause.


when will they learn?



Am I too naive to hope that in the four year timeskip, Annie has been freed from crystal and has defected?

I just want her smile protected.

No. Maybe if he had Zeke wouldn't have daddy issues.

>Captcha: Thomas Jefferson

part of a defection involves the other side wanting you. see she would not be welcome, and because her powers/memories can simply be transferred to someone loyal to Paradis, she has very little value/leverage.


Yes. Literally the only way she's getting back to Marley is in Eren's spine.

Beast Titan out of nowhere during the ride back and the last second is Eren's head bitten off, S3 never.

They can kill her and pretend to be on the right. But if the want to rejoin the rest of humanity they should follow protocol with the treatment of POW.

And more, if they want to repair bridges with their fellow Eldians, killing her, wouldn't be a good idea.


I love you Annie.


Why didn't Pieck just snatch Eren and Bert and run? I think it could've worked.


>all these annieposters

Zeke is secretly trying to help the walls here.

But then we wouldn't have Hoboeren


Eren could transform.

The Ackerhax was behind, it was a big gamble to try recue him.


A damned shame that would be.






