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What about feminine penis getting put in a vagina?

It's about as gay as a woman fucking another woman with a strap on.

Traps aren't gay because they are not real.

>breaking news
I've known about this for years now though.

will trapfags ever overcome their denial?

Yes they do. They just aren't nearly as attractive IRL.

Yes, but this is the first time scientists have come up with undeniable proof. Prior to these past few days, the argument concerning the gayness of traps has been at a stalemate.



There's one problem though; which way to look at it isn't gay?

>Not knowing the truth, fall in love, progress far enough for the reveal to be an "I don't care, I still love you" kind of shock
>Knowing full well that it's a dude, but the convincing appearance makes you question reality and yourself
>Other (specify)

I honestly don't care whether it's gay or not. I see myself as being attracted to femininity; better a cute trap with a tight boypussy than a hulking bull dyke.

That being said, futanari is weird and gross.

But this thread is. mods please delete.

So really fucking gay?

>this guy
pretty much entirely accurate, though I think futas can be fun too if they don't reach /d/ levels of weirdness

Men are naturally attracted to the features of a woman that has the right genes to be a practical mother. This includes wide hips and big tits. Also thicc ass and legs because it is both a sign of high estrogen and a strong lower body is necessary to run from predators.
A man can come close to this, minus the tits (unless they go full tranny, which is different from a common trap).
Though it seems like our genetics would cause us to prefer thicc women, lots of men like skeletons. This makes it easier for traps to pull off being a woman because all they have to do is be skinny and have narrow shoulders in comparison to their hips. A trap can't really work out their lower body too much or they'll become muscular and look far less convincing. Additionally, facial structure comes into play, and though they must look at least somewhat feminine, makeup can further aid them. By mimicking a female's appearance, a trap can trigger response in some men's brains that says "fuck her (him)."

TL;DR: Men are programmed to fuck women. If it looks like a woman, fucking it is nothing out of the ordinary.


Sounds like Fake News

Boy pussies are the best.

This. Only fags like girl pussy.

>Boy I sure wish this cute girl had a penis I'm totally not gay

Trapfags in a nutshell

I never said I prefered a girl with a dick to one without. I prefer vaginas, but if she happens to have a dick I'm more than okay with it.

Is it gay to want to be a trap kitty boi?

Nonsense. Men are programmed to be attracted to vaginas, because those are the most unfakeable signal of fertility, and repulsed by penises. This is basic-level pulling-shit-outta-your-ass evopsych, user.

The pink anus of the trap is the most perfect thing in the world

So does that mean you're attracted to every fertile vagina you see? Plenty of gross woman are very fertile. Explain why some straight men prefer anal sex with a woman if the vagina is the only thing they're attracted to.


traps are gay
futa are gay
fags are gay
girls are gay
there's nothing in this world that's straight

Yes. And furthermore all men are too, some are just in denial or otherwise mentally defective.

God i just read this gem, the cock block ending was to much he didnt even make out with her a little bit.

not that user but you are looking at only one part of the equation there, sure a pussy might be the biggest indicator for a male to make fuck with a particular thing, but all those other things that the guy brought up are also part of it and for some guys that's enough for them, me being one of them, not gonna lie

Nah, they are real. They just don't age well at all like at all

Joking about traps not being gay is a psyops. Resist the gay propaganda.

I only like traps because I'm a lonely tard.

You're attracted to this? I'm sure she's more than capable of bearing children.

They are

This is true but traps can trick your brain pretty easily.


>implying anyone here considers ANY 3DPD attractive
all equally repulsive desu


>That being said, futanari is weird and gross.
So, so true.

faggot detected

Cute is cute, it doesn't matter the dimensions.

That was sarcasm user. Congrats on being dumb enough to accept a parody of antitrapfag beliefs as true.

Futa is 100% gay. Traps are not.

>it doesn't matter the dimensions.
The state of neo Sup Forums.

Traps are gay, Futa is ok. - Nikola Tesla

Saying liking traps is gay is like saying liking buck angel is straight.

Text doesn't carry tone like you think it does. No reason why I should know that it was sarcasm.

Traps are 100% gay, Futa is 50%

And we thought 2013 was bad. Look at this shit now.

>He thinks cuteness can be contained in 2 dimensions
>He doesn't know that recently cuteness has been proven to exist even the 7th dimension.

I see some one didn't take physics at AnimeU


lets clear the air here

crossdressers (aka traps) are gay

fictional characters that are literally girls but labeled as boys are not gay

liking a girl with a dick is not gay

God bless hachimitsu scans.

Cute is one thing. I own weeb merchandise such as plushies and figures that I find cute. Sexually attractive, though? No fuckin' way.




It depends if you can be attracted to cuteness or not.

I am when it comes to lolis, but those are 2D

Trap hentai does NOT count as yaoi

That's not what the tags on sadpanda say

If you cant be cute in 3rd, then explain this
Exibit A, my picture
Exibit B, youtube.com/watch?v=nkcKaNqfykg

Check m8 atheists, ill have you know I got my doctorate in synthesizing 2d cuteness in 3d

But I already said they can be cute. Just not sexually attractive. And holograms are just made up of light, the same shit that an anime character on a screen is made of.

>And holograms are just made up of light, the same shit that an anime character on a screen is made of.
So the same thing your vision is made up of? By that logic everything is 2 dimensional because everything you see is in 2nd. Your brain adds a 3rd dimension by placing two 2d images ontop of each other to simulate a 3rd dimension