>transfer student
Instadrop anime
>MC is Japanese
>not cell animated
>explaining their world's alternate history
This should go without saying, but they keep being made.
>blonde girl is tsundere
>blonde girl is rich and half japanese
>any male characters at all
>girl has pure blonde hair and blue eyes
>is "half" japanese
that's not how genetics works, japan
>self insert mc
>special snowflake mc
>western pandering
>ln adaptation
>female characters
How edgy.
>self insert MC
>made by popular, meme studios
>deep, philosophical themes
>battle shounen
>VN/LN adaptation
>based on videogames or western shit
>comedy with no development
>Main girl is shit and i obviously going to win from episode 1
>Beta MC
>Side character is too superior to MCs
>Lolifag pandering
>too many characters with unrealistic hair colors or hairdo
>powerlevels are too high
>japanese character is white
>God is evil
>"Evil" girl isn't hot
>villain is "morally right" or the likes of it
>too much gore
>all female cast
>all male cast
>characters with chinese-like designs
>love interest dies
>love interest gets revived through the power of love
>water physics are shit
>MC is too good compared to the rest of the cast
>characters have unrealistic fun AKA 100% retarded
>dramatic pauses
>characters always search for the dumbest solution possible
>lewd language and swearing
I seriously hope you don't like an anime with any of these.
Why are you on this board?
Name 56 animes where none of those things apply
You guys are ok sometimes.
And it's oftenly nice to look at what kind of thing is popular here and why i don't like it.
>Fighting anime
>Character dashes at enemy to attack
>Voices out multiple sentences in the time it takes to reach enemy
>HAIYAI even though character is slow enough to talk so much
>Everyone understands character's speech even when they were supposed to be fast
so what shows do you watch?
If you can't name at least 3 anime that don't fit, you shouldn't be posting here.
Not spoonfeeding you guys, this isn't a recomendation thread.
>>japanese character is white
Aren't a lot of rice-niggers white though?
>cgi that isn't by studio orange
fuck polygon especially
If the nips in the anime have blue eyes and brown hair then why not
>posts reaction image from an anime that hits at least 25% of those
Attack on Titan
Death Note