Now that the dust has settled. What is Sup Forums verdict on Death Note
Now that the dust has settled. What is Sup Forums verdict on Death Note
Light dindu nuffin
Not as good as teenagers think it is but still pretty good.
Nigga should've just killed the people who were investigating him while he had the chance instead doing all those mental gymnastics.
Started good, but dragged out for far too long
One of the better sports anime
I wish light would have just gotten the shinigami eyes and kill everyone
DEath Note has no veredic it goes straight to the sentence, that's why it's called Death Note senpai
Still love the Opening and Endings
Best swimming simulator.
disappointing that Light never seemed interested in Ryuk's world
Was good
THIS. Nothing more, nothing less.
it will settle with that fucking watcher generation for 40 years in desert. Forever newfags
t. that fucking generation
Finished it earlier, Mikami going to the bank a second time was a shitty asspull, light would have won.
Light's death was well made.
This. a good portion of it in the middle could've been cut, but I do like how it starts and the very end
Why didn't he just tell mikami to save a piece of the real notebook and just proceed with the normal plan but instead of writing on the notebook in the warehouse Mikami would write on that piece of the real notebook...
Bullshit.This counter-culture is starting to be annoying.Death Note is very well structured and I'd like to see someone point me better characters than Light and L.
They have so much depth to them,all of them have.Maybe not Misa but at least she redeemed herself by jumping off a building
9/10 if you drop it when L dies.
If he had been the only person from invastigation squad not killed by Kira, it would have raised suspicion.
Beginning with L is amazing. L's deductions actualy make sense and his obsession with Light comes not only from his suspicions but also the fact that he sees him as a rival in intellect and wants him to be kira so he can beat him and prove his superiority. The introduction of Mello and Near are not bad but it felt as if they rushed out the second part with the bullshit asspull of Near just watching hundreds of TV screens and just going like " Meh it's probably that dude lol " and them just focusing solely on spying that guy for weeks just because Near had a " good feeling ". The ending is pretty good by itself but the way it happened just feels like bullshit.
Like most things it started off really well, then it got popular and it was milked until it became shit and was put out of its misery
Yotsubs arc was still pretty amazing but sort of dragged on, then everything after L's death was awful
Well the authors admit that they themselves hate to drag a series longer than it should be, and they were essentially forced to continue after L died. It was too successful at the time for it to end so soon.
>Now that the dust has settled
Fuck off
>Light's ideals are retarded and naive as fuck
>Light is a fucking retard
>it was pretty good until L died in a retarded way and it was shit past that point