Well Sup Forums? Trump is a failure
Well Sup Forums? Trump is a failure
>Trump is a failure
More like Amazon is a success
Most of those places have been going bankrupt for years before the tax plan was a thing, fuck off.
I hope you retards aren't doing this for free
first most of those closings make us happy, for example macys. macys is anti trump, thats why their brand is tanking and it makes us happy. second most of those closings are in the state of california, or in cities that are democrat plantations. this makes us happy, because there is now more demand to be shared by the surviving libertarian small business owners or larger riggt wing companies. third most of the layoffs associated with these closings are seasonal, which means that only democrat wage slaves are losing their jobs. the right wing managers and subordinates will promote out to other stores or businesses, they set their new job up before the fall because they are adults.
nothing in your shitty image would make a trump supporter upset, all you have done is disrespect yourself by wasting your own time. you could have been cleaning your room and taking action on your goals but instead you tried to lie to yourself and others. fucking retard
also you say coal isnt coming back but the scrubber industry is exploding like its 2007 and clean coal hit the private sector all over again. coal never left and every year it gets bigger because you cant produce wind turbines and solar parks without hedging more coal plans for surety and back up power. you are a fucking moron
Those businesses were going down the toilet for decades, so blaming Trump doesn't solve the problem. As better business models are created, inferior business models are replaced.
Would you blame Bill Clinton because Montgomery-Ward disappeared in 1998?
Trump also has another problem with being effective. The Republican establishment is pissed that someone outside the establishment has become president. Establishment Republicans appear to not give a shit about gun rights or obamacare simply because they are butthurt about losing the presidential nomination.
I like Trump because he worked hard to take power away from the ATF so that people could buy gun supressors without so much intereference by the ATF. The Republican party is supposed to preserve freedoms of civilian gun owners.
This is almost as brainlet as thinking Trump caused the racial fracturing in the United States.
All trump has been doing is taking credit for Obama’s economy, and didn’t trump say he’d save everyone’s jobs?
Wait, so it or is it not Obama's economy?
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
They were all bleeding money during Obama's reign.
>what is online shopping
Old, deprecated shit is leaving.
New, modern technology jobs are flourishing.
Isn't that a good thing? The only people that's bad for are low IQ, unqualified tards that aren't ready for the new jobs.
But those can just move to the 3rd world shitholes they love so much.
Also, shouldn't dems be very happy about all these jobs moving to Mexico?
I mean, you'd think that since they're so supportive of the Mexicans who illegally immigrated to the USA, they should also be supportive of the Mexicans who stayed in Mexico.
There's no way the dems only give a shit about Mexicans in the USA because illegal immigrants produce tons of mutt babies that happend to be allowed to vote legally, and they hope that because they paint Republicans as literally hitler and make the real Americans pay for their lives, they will vote for them, right?
that wasnt trump, that was me automating online retail. faggot
>liberals want big-box stores
>liberals want big corporate chains
>liberals bitched about closing these very chains down when obama was in office
Holy fuck the left is cannibalistic.
>Hate corporate
>Hate the 1%
>the corporate, the 1% is now bankrupting
>Somehow not okay with it and pat trump in the back for doing good job destroying the 1%
Why the fuck is leftist so damn retarded?
look's to me like it's Obama economy that truly failed and shitted its self along the way.
President Trump is going to save Kmart and Sears! Yes!!
He's trying but Obama fucked things up so bad it's a tremendous battle. The fault lies directly at the feet of the ones who voted for such an inexperienced individual. Race had a lot to do with getting Obama elected so if you think about it the main people to blame for Obama failures are african americans and women.
Pruning the dead branches for new better growth. Anyone with an iq over 65 knows this. Those low paying jobs are being cleared for better ones. Enjoy the winning, faggot.
>failing companies are still failing
the man cant micromanage everything, nor can he save everyone. businesses are born and die every single day. Blame Amazon not trump.
>wtf all my favorite stores are closing i hate trump
I know, beyond a shadow a doubt... that most, if not all of those, occurred prior to a month ago when the tax bill passed. Also, wtf are they trying to imply? That the tax plan is bad for businesses? They bitched about it for months saying that it was ONLY good for businesses and bad for regular americans.
>brick and mortar dinosaur stores closing is Trump's fault
sure buddy
>trump killed retail
hmm, that doesn't even make me think
>Holy fuck the left is cannibalistic.
more so than you realize.
They're entire system is based on multi-dimensional cannablism. If its they're not eating the young, they're obliterating cultures and committing genocide of entire continents.
see King niggers 8 years of havoc and destruction across the middle east as he used ISIS as his proxy army
>What is modernization.
Luddites truly are the worst kind of scum.
Not according to Dear Leader.
Sieg Heil!
You’re an idiot
We couldnt be that lucky to have such a great dictator as our great president Donald Trump.
All of these franchises have been bleeding money for a decade. My KMart and Sears disappeared 4 years ago.
The growth and expansion of companies had grown under trumps deregulation policies and allowing many other businesses that were closed to re open such as coal and steel. The businesses that are closing are mostly customer service and goods that come from China and other places. People either went to Amazon or went without in many areas because of the economy throughout the United States. How can you say this is Obama's doing for the economy doing well. The stocks have soared and many other industries in the United States are now booming since and only since Trump became president. Look at the segments of the Obama presidency where he said we just have to deal with no growth and we need to rely more on foreign goods. He was wrong just as you for your misguided shareblue statement
Are you ready to abandon democracy or will you elect Obama's son and die like dogs?
>They're entire system is based on multi-dimensional cannablism
Easy there killer, Sup Forums's not ready for that one.
>Coal's not coming b-back
I love how environmentalist decided that burning wood pellets through deforestation is better than burning coal.
>economy failing under obama
>Bush’s fault
>economy turns around once he is out of office
>Thats obamas doing
Kek, the mental gymnastics is impressive
retail stores have been doing poorly for over a decade due to online shopping you dipshit.
those stores in particular have been dying for a long time now.
The great President Donald Trump can be my dictator anytime. He is a god among men.
So a bunch of companies acquired the SJW infection through forced/PR diversity hiring schemes during Obama's presidency. These companies are now feeling the effects of poor management and reporting poor profit and how to downsize to keep afloat.
All you need to do is forge the crown that will mark his permanency. Then the evils of democracy will perish.
>stores close when online shopping becomes bigger and bigger
wowee this sure gets my noggin joggin
Tou and Kmart and Sears and Macy's have all been tanking for TEN YEARS PLUS
And also, blame Amazon and all other online shopping.
a """""success"""""
>Well Sup Forums? Trump is a failure
Online shopping has replaced brick and mortar.
Uber and Lyft replace taxis
It's Trump's fault.
>not understanding basic economic principles
You fags will jump on anything.
When an economy is at "near full unemployment", it becomes cost ineffective to retain labor over the equilibrium. These workers are let go to prevent product prices from rising.
Oh, Alex has been telling us this for years. Psychic vampires, the lot of them.
>toys r us
hasn't turned a profit since 2012, bankruptcy was inevitable
the CEO has a massive interest in real estate, letting the company fail as it has been since fucking bush was in office is in his interest. nothing to do with trump
downturn of american retail generally
>sams club
sams club is inferior to costco and they're repurposing 10 of the closed stores to fight amazon on the ecommerce front, which is where walmart wants to move to ultimately
durbin swipe reform under obama capped profitability for big banks on debit card transactions, which made offering truly free checking accounts unprofitable without minimum balance/deposit requirements. this has been a trend since 2010 when dodd-frank passed.
>kimberly clark
declining birthrates worldwide mean less diapers get sold and other companies reducing prices on their goods because they're more competitive means that kimberly clark needs to trim fat
carrier is dumb, they are banking on NAFTA not being repealed or substantially changed
everyone knew that was a lie from the beginning
>already failing businesses continue to fail
Yet if, against all odds, they turned things around and recovered all the revenue lost to online retailers, I'm sure Trump would receive no credit for their success.
one word needs to come out of trumps mouth/twitter for him to make everything better.
I hated all of those stores and am glad I can just shop online from home rather than talk with or deal with the Democrats that work there.
Wise words from the based bong.
This all happened way before 2016.
>janitor at toys r us
>would always pretend radio was malfunctioning to avoid calls to come clean vomit or feces from the restrooms
>store closed in 2015 because of low sales
>sage this nigger thread
>retail stores closing
This has literally nothing to do with the taxes
Traditional retail has been dying for years
>trumps economy is shit
>trump is taking credit for obamas economy
Pick one, liberal.
nice try vladimir
sage, what are seasonal layoffs or fads?
>Obama's economy
>stop, my sides
Anyone who knows anything about business knows there is a beginning, middle and end.
Tony Robbins says this all the time. Businesses do really well while growing, but it is a challenge to maintain, eventually things become stagnant, becomes too big to over see everything that is going on and then dies. Just the way shit is.
> shilling for free
>Those low paying jobs are being cleared for better ones
>being an amazon human droid is now a good job because i need to defend daddy trump on a polynesian silk threading aficionados forum
wew lad
>List of companies that failed at online shopping
>Trump's fault
Look at the history of those businesses. It is true. Kmart part of sears closed many stores a few years ago. Sears is not far behind because bad practices.
Macy's is expensive and still sells shit from China. Walmart atracts trash, so there is only so much you can get out of that, and they are starting to look like kmart, unkept, un organized, poor management, and not upkeeping with the times.
The majority of these failures have nearly nothing to do with the legislation and everything to do with the evolution of American's (and the world's) method of shopping. The current trend is to shop via the internet. That is it. This topic was widely discussed several months back and is currently seen in Walmart's restructuring towards a larger e-commerce investment and to use Parcel for their delivery service. They are being forced to do this because of the massive portion of retail consumed by Amazon's internet retail services.
tldr: More internet purchasing is causing the failure or restructuring of goods providers.
not to mention it literally hasnt had time to benefit anyone.
>of goods providers
more clearly stated: of brick and mortar goods providers
>Trump fucking over big business while small business flourishes
Best timeline.
Macy's is not a name brand. This store sells goods made by Nike, Chanel, etc. While Sears actually has a store brand, its majority of sales is also in the realm of reselling other brands. Amazon (as an example) also sells these brands but with the convenience of being able to do it from your bed.
Also, the Carrier factory was supposed to completely shut down. It is actually keeping the 1,100 jobs it promised. While their current layoffs and movement of jobs to other countries is disheartening (maybe even vile or despicable), they have legally honored their agreement. I mean to say, it's okay to bitch about something but be informed of the facts.
I love when people who don't know anything start spouting off. Just about every retail store has (((investors))). Seems like all the investors decided to pull out of retail at the same time
>all these stores that were scheduled to close cause they can't compete with online retailers is Trump's fault
At least try to shill correctly
two posts by this id; ridiculous shill; I'm out of here
>a commie defending centralized big buisness
Who would of thought in 2018
> primarily this
Toys-r-Us, Sears, Kmart, etc. are outmoded distribution platforms.
Economist's could see this coming while Bush was still in office.
Ask yourself OP.. Would you pay twice the price for a toy just to have the privilege of walking into Toys-r-Us?
How about buying overpriced everything at Sears, or Kmart when you could go to outlet stores or Wal-Mart for the exact same thing for less money?
These businesses committed suicide by not changing with the times as many MANY businesses have and will as time progresses.
Congratulations You're a moron.
If your job can be done better by a glorified Roomba, you don't deserve even minimum wage.
As for those of us that are smart enough to move into robotic sevice and repair.. We'll keep working, maybe even see a pay bump.