New study claims lack of diversity in games is like experiencing 'everyday' racism

>A study conducted at the University of Saskatchewan claims that a lack of diversity in video games has a negative effect on players that’s akin to facing “everyday” racism.

>CBC reported on Sunday that Cale Passmore, a researcher at the university’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab in Saskatoon, believes that a “lack of diversity” in racial and ethnic representation in video games has a negative impact on players. To that end, he released a 92-question survey to “almost 300 Americans” to solicit feedback for his study.

>“We started out talking to friends, people of color, we created a survey that asked the types of questions that are on people’s minds but get buried or not approached,” Passmore continued, adding that the results “showed that the lack of diversity affected people in different ways depending on their own experiences.”

>He stated that “the same long-term effects of depression, detachment, disengagement, low self-worth are present as outcomes, as you would see in everyday, daily racism.”

>The researcher added that his research found that “color-blindness” on part of the developers contributes to the lack of diversity, stating that games with skin-tone options were typically given to characters with Caucasian features. He claims this is akin to seeing a character in “black face.”

>Passmore says that game developers can “do better” by allowing critics to “influence and create, to give feedback” on their character designs and development decisions by hiring them.

How do we stop non-"diverse" videogames from oppressing "minorities"?

Would diversity quotas, "cultural critics" making creative decisions, censorship or publicly-funded studies about gamer privilege & gamer supremacy fix it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Racism will always exist. You cant stop it.
Humans are born to hate other skin colors.

Holy shit leafs need to fuck off.
Americans, why haven’t you dropped some nukes in Leafland? They are fucking ruining everything with their meme president

This does NOT deserve a thread and is NOT video games

nice pseudobiology

It is related to video games tbough. Thats the topic of the article.

This user gets it. Soys will deny this

Sounds pretty retarded mate. You want diverse video games, you can make them yourself. I'm sure they'll sell really well and break records and be even a little bit fun to play.

nice naivete

I just want to play some fucking quality video games

The title is not wrong, both things are nonissues,



Because who else would it be other than those maplechugging pricks?

What if we force all the races to interbreed until everyone becomes the same rootless brown race with no national or ethnic identity? No more evil whites, no more evil Asian supremacists...

Then there will be no "racism" because everyone will be the same" That will be true diversity and equality.


don't leaf scientists have anything worthwhile to do?

It's video game related and evokes discussions about online gaming communities. Of course the soyboy mods will delete it.

Back to Resetera you go, retard.

I'm better than you because you are different.

People here fight over consoles, something that does not matter in the slightest. Humans are born to hate people that are different.

>lack of diversity in games
what games

what games are not diverse

>Sup Forums getting angry at obvious clickbaits written by random """journalists"""
I won't even bother, we all know this is bullshit which should be ignored

>Linking directly
ffs Sup Forums


And then people will slap over each others about "muh nationality"
When will people realize that this may be one of the few things that will simply never change and grow a fucking skin?
If someone call you a nigger call him a cracker, and the other way around

lol nice one mods

I play ESO on PSN to unwind after work. You know what I can tell you I have NEVER seen in this game, EVER? EVER. I have never seen an avatar of a black woman. Not even as a joke avatar. Players do not make them. Some bros will make black male avatars, but when they make females, surprise surprise, they make white avatars. Forcing "diversity" onto a gaming audience will only turn your players away.

So you are denying in group preferences? Wow just wow

>lack of video game diversity

Agreed. fuck cowadooty clones and muh open world meme

P5 last year was a breath of fresh air but is still say to little to make any difference

Everytime I've played an MMORPG I'd find myself teaming up with black people all the time and guess what:
>They make white avatars even though brown skin is an option.
Fat is an option too by the way, no one picks it.

Not really, because games today are incredibly full of forced diversity and as far as I know they aren't suffering any shortage of sales.

Oh hey Sup Forums. How did you guys end up in this part of town?

>retard mod moves it to Sup Forums instead of /trash/
lol wait they're the same things lol

>almost 300 americans
that's a big sample

>It’s almost as if the players don’t care, only SJW’s do.
What a huge fucking shock

>not wanting to be an overweight loli brawler with max dex and sta

>playing dragon's dogma as a fat character
>harpies try to pick me up and carry me off
>they barely get me off the ground before giving up
c-checkmate beanpoles

Sup Forums mods only want discussion about the politics and culture surrounding videogames to be contained to NeoFAG, Rebbit and other Orwellian leftist strangleholds, as if Sup Forums hasn't always been full of that shit.

Meanwhile Sup Forumsirgins stay in the dark or can't talk about it freely.


Once you’re here you can’t go back you know, enjoy your stay!

> allow critics to influence your game development and pay them to make decisions for you

I mean, not even hiding it anymore: Progressive creeps like this guy simply want to be a priestly class. We tell you how to develop the game, how brown the characters will be; why be creative yourself when you can tell others what you want to see.

The real question here is, why Black people can't be good at any sort of video games?

THIS, the sort of people who Believe OP’s canadian studies are like Anita Sarkeesian, they see everything through a reductionist lens, They look for something as trivial as videogame entertainment to spout political agendas and get Angry And Offended that their “ideals”serve no purpose in videogames.

Capitalism unchecked really is cancer.

Didn't they learn with mass effect already?

I refuse to buy a game where the main character is a fat ugly nigger transgender woman. Won't even pirate it.

FUCKING THIS 10/10 senpai

I play Madden and NBA live, I see nothing but black people. Is that a problem?

>(((Canadian study)))

Rise of the Tomb Raider: fell flat on its flat ass

Mirror's Edge Catalyst: mediocre reviews, low sales

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: BLM/white guilt crap, bombed so hard it killed talk of the next installment

Mafia 3: tanked so hard that they had to sell 8 million full price units to make up cost of their abysmal failure, as of this post, they sold 3.67 million globally, not all full price and had massive layoffs

Watch_Dogs 2: diversity meme game, tanked hard, was a laughing stock instantly

Dishonored 2: underwhelming sales, forgotten a week after release

Battlefield 1: had okay sales just because of pedigree, multiplayer forgotten a month after release

>Hollywood is suffering its worst-attended summer movie season in 25 years
>Ratings for Grammy Awards Drop 24 Percent
>TV Ratings: Oscars Drop to 32.9M Viewers, Telecast Takes a Bigger Hit With Younger Set
>NFL ratings finish regular season down about 10% from last year
>ESPN has lost nearly 13 million subscribers in 6 years, but it is not as bad as it sounds
>Videogame Sales Are Fading and It’s Crushing GameStop

They've been pushing their agenda through every venue hardcore for the last years, and they've suffered for it but they don't care because their desire to propagandize outweighs their desire to make money at this point.

Please be sure to inform your hematologist when he's matching your child for a bone marrow donor

Sup Forums mods are clearly compromised if they don't consider this vidya related. Wtf Sup Forums get your shit together.

>Half of video games are made by Japs
>not enough diversity
>evil whitey is behind this!

This is how stupid libs are

>I have to be around my own kind or feel bad, so diversity will make things better somehow

That comic is too true.

From Saskatchewan no less.

Saskatchewan is a complete fucking joke of a province, I'd give more credence to a study coming from sub-Saharan Africa.

Don't forget Wolfenstein: The New Colossus underperformed as well.

I'm just pissed it's happening to Dishonored, that series is fantastic. Ironic that any game with a woman lead, or especially a black woman, even if it's not SJW-influenced in the slightest, will underperform because of this forced diversity shit.

If Alien was made today it would be regarded as SJW trash and nobody would see it. What a fucking tragedy.

Mods have been compromised completely since 2013 at the very least. It however doesn't matter that much because whenever the mods push to hard they get slapped back (ModCat getting fired, NeoFAG meltdown, etc.)

They will delete any topic that makes leftists look bad, or lets people talk about the politics/culture surrounding vidya in a way that undermines the leftist narrative, but they let threads that make "the right" or "Sup Forums" look bad for hours.

Sup Forums is just a marketing hub filled with Rebbit/NeoFAG-tier mods at this point.

Characters like Ripley from Alien never really bothered anyone as far as I know, but to modern SJWs it's not enough to just have a somewhat capable woman, it must have the whole intersectional feminism and critique of "white patriarchy" enforced with it. If Alien were to be remade today they would probably turn it into a parody of itself.


>play japan vidya
>become dispondent
>shit there not enough whites
>quit job
>go on welfare
>develope crack addiction
>have 8 kids with 5 women
>get arrested for armed robbery
Anyone else have this happen to them because there arn't enough whites in Japanese vidya?

Gamergate again

so stop being shit at video games

>mr game & watch

The only people that ever have issues with diversity are those that actively look for it and try to force it.
Literally no one who actually plays games cares either way.
In both mirrors edge and portal you play as hapa women but no one gives the slightest fuck because it's just presented as being a decision in character design rather than forced diversity for the sake of "YAAAAASSS GIRL SLAAAY".

jap games make me feel bad, not enough white people

But anons don't you realize that the Japs make Nazi white supremacist video games and cartoons? All these characters with light skin & blonde hair

In Final Fantasy 7 you have a main protagonist who is a lost and broken Aryan ubersoldier with blonde hair & blue eyes (when have you seen a Japanese person with real blonde hair & blue eyes?) who has to rediscover himself (a caricature of the White man today) named Cloud Strife who is battling against a villain named Sephiroth who was genetically engineered by the Shinra Corporation (a take on the ZOG military-industrial complex) from the cells of an ancient long buried and dormant alien lifeform that attacked the planet eons ago and nearly killed everyone. What's the lifeform's name? Jenova. Literally one letter removed from Jehova (Yahweh, God of the Jews). There's an entire scene where Sephiroth goes on a rant about his people the ancients who made a covenant with God to wander the Earth endlessly until they found the "Promised Land" (Israel) and he considers Cloud's entire race to be filthy traitors because they broke this covenant made to God and settle down where they were

In Zelda you have an Aryan ( or "Hylian") warrior with blue eyes & blonde hair trying to save the Aryan princess & royal bloodline from the clutches of the wizard Ganondorf who is a male outcast from a matriarchal desert tribe (Judea) with a hook nose, kinky hair & a tefillin who uses dark magic and deception to become the dominate the entire world. The map of Hyrule field looks exactly like Germany. All characters (Gorons/Africans, Zoras/Asrians, etc.) live in their own ethnostates peacefully until the evil Ganon comes to fuck it up for everyone

But they still have diverse casts of characters to hide their devious agenda. This is why it's not just necessary to force diversity quotas in games, we must SEIZE THE MEANS PRODUCTION COMRADES or the evil Japanese capitalists will brainwash our children to become evil Nazis

Does anyone else rember wet on xbox 360?

Non whites need to fuck off out of our games then if they cant handle banter.

God I'm sick of them. Go create your own games and ban Westerners if we are so horrible.

Why the fuck is society hell-bent on attacking video games at every angle since their invention? It's mind boggling how all of their criticisms can be aimed at any other form of media, yet they go to video games.

Because its the hobby of young and middle aged men. That when men get together they make jokes about women and brown people so now they need to be made more "diverse"

In otherwords, they want to turn our games puritan and lecture us about 76 genders and how we need to remove all the strong white male characters and replace them with women and POC.

>Why the fuck is society hell-bent on attacking video games at every angle since their invention

Because they want to control how you think. It's called cultural hegemony.

For them, videogames are at best useless, and harmful if they don't try to brainwash the player just like so many other forms of media.

They won't rest until every single piece of media you consume pushes the agenda they want. They didn't care about games as much when it was more niche (although they still created the ESRB to have more control and regulations over them), but now they're mainstream, and easily influenced through the internet so they want to use them as another outlet to shape culture. Get them while they're young.

But I can't even begin to comprehend where they are finding racism in modern games to begin with. Every fucking mainstream title has a diversity quota. New games are chuck-full of muh strong women and minority characters. What the fuck more do they want? White people getting hung and fucked in video games by spics or some shit?

they want us to be slaves and prop up a system that only women benefit from

Please, grand theft auto is as black as you can get


GTA is known for being not really politically correct.

They totally set themselves apart from Hollywood culture.

“Fat” is an option for SWTOR, but I only see it on male characters and all of them are sith warriors or bounty hunters

These people must be wiped out. There's no other solution. They try to destroy every part of society. The government should send the army into these universities to kill every single 'professor'. That's the only way to stop these people.

Yep, any board outside of Sup Forums that brings up Sup Forums gets shit on real fast as being the "cancer" of Sup Forums. It's not even just the mods, even the regular board members are cucked up beyond belief and are apathetic towards politics, never mind that its influence and over reach affects their hobby and is turning it into shit.

I tried paying as a black guy (default avatar) on VR Chat and got called a "nigger" multiple times. Didn't even say or do anything, just walked into the rooms.

I tried playing as a white guy on VR Chat and got called a "cracker-ass faggot jew kill yourself" multiple times. Didn't even say or do anything, just walked into the rooms.

I tried playing as an anime waifu on VR Chat and got called a "queen" multiple times. Didn't even say or do anything, just walked into the rooms.

>we hate videogames
>pay us to to tell you how to make your videogames

git gud

I'm seeing more and more threads being moved from other boards to Sup Forums. That means our ideas are spreading outside despite all oods.


And soon, we will control this whole board! Bwahahahahaha

I tried playing as a bearded agender pansexual non-binary two-spirit biromantic genderqueer with a mouth wide open on VR Chat and got called a "tranny-ass faggot bugman soyboy kill yourself" multiple times. Didn't even say or do anything, just walked into the rooms.

Pro Gaming is like the last bastion of meritocracy.

What fucking timeline is this?

I tried not playing VR Chat ever and my life is much improved for it


Fuck off Sup Forums mods!

Complaining about racism isn't about seeing racism, it's about whether the target of those complaints will give into the composer's demands. Game developers always give into this kind of demands, so they'll be accused of racism forever. This is also why you'll never see feminists complaining about rap music; rappers will ignore anyone calling them sexist, so no one will even try to hassle them.

Yes indeed. Instead buy my amazing role-playing book for only 99.99

CSGO taught me to hate Russians and Turks.

God damn as an Indie game dev this shit pisses me off. I will never cuck to these faggots.


The absolute state of Sup Forums mods ...

This theory has been proven to be untrue. India for example is the most ethnically diverse country in the world. They all kind of look the same because they all mixed but racism is still present. The lighter skinned are racist towards the darker skinned and vice versa.

>racism, it's about whether the target of those complaints will give into the composer's demands. Game developers always give into this kind of demands, so they'll be accused of racism forever
Good leaf.

Women unchecked is the cancer
I don't remember there being so much bullshit about representation and diversity in fucking videogames of all things until women wanted to be involved
It's almost as if women just want to ruin everything they touch until fun isn't allowed

so where are all the politically incorrect games???
i want to play as a cross atlantic slave trader. i want to play as a plantation owner, overseeing my slaves growing the new world.
what i really want to play is a game based off the new zealand land wars wiping tribal villages off the face of the earth and laying siege to maori redoubts.
where are my forbidden games that hurt feelings???
only being able to choose a white skinned avatar in farming sim 2017 doesnt hurt feelings, but being able to use blacks as farm machinery would

Didn't the latest Battlefield have a black guy being sent to war to fight and die for the white man? If that isn't racist then I don't know what is.