based Sup Forums chapter again
We Can't Study/Bokuben
my heart hurts and not in a good way
>Sup Forums literally has more screentime than everybody else
>she'll still lose
That's a cute Uruka.
I want my Fumino chapter, god damn it.
cute smile
Just fuck already
>All of this screentime will be tossed out the window to force her inevitable loss
At least it's not Nisekoi
not gonna happen, and the reason why i say this becasue one of his works, the childhood friend won
/lit/ mad as fuck.
Wow, the kr scans look even worse than the horrible English scans.
Sup Forums > /diy/ > /lit/ = /sci/
Hopefully /adv/ will choose the right one in the end.
>another worst girl chapter
Maybe I'll start skipping them.
>Fumino being a bro.
I'm alright with this.
delicious butthurt
I only see the symptoms of losing, user.
Fuck you. Nisekoi is 8.5/10
Sup Forumsfags' tears will taste better.
I'm not butthurt.
Sup Forums always wins baby
>main girl losing
What are you on about?
I sense an axe.
>tanned tits
great chapter
So who's generally the favourite girl in this series? Sup Forums?
I'll randomly pop in the (remaining)threads to post that she loses.
I just want to see him shirtless once is that too much to ask?
Holy shit.
Based shirtless user
We to love ru now.
cutest chapter of this cure ride so far.
cute* ride
Yes you are.
Yeah, in a spinoff of a more popular work where the most cliche and predictable girl won and he wasn't being ridden as hard by an editor for sales due to just being a spinoff.
He has done more than just a nisekoi spin off
Sup Forums fags are the new Onodera fags if you followed the Nisekoi threads.
Whats his other work where the childhood friend won? Especially a genki brown childhood friend introduced several chapters in?
>Saying you are going to start skipping chapters because of a single character
Sure you are not.
He wasn't talking about the Nisekoi spin-off.
Not tanned, but all the other points apply
Sup Forums and /sci/ are pretty well-liked.
/lit/ kinda faded into the background.
>thinking anyone will win when literally all of them lose come graduation
Is this going to end up like GJ-BU where waifufags were trying to shit up the place with their winning shit and then instead being heartbroken over the fact that everyone went their own separate ways in the end?
i find it funny how much posts can change if Sup Forums doesn't care about something
plebbit took over for nisekoi since people weren't making threads
i can tell you're from the latter
I didn't say I was going to skip them. I was just wondering if I should start. Doesn't seem to be worth it though.
What are chances of Yuiga falling for Furuhashi?
Oh wait that manga was garbage but wasn't that the same guy who wrote Esprit? That was actually really good, at least in the beginning. Didn't know he was doing this now his artstyle kind of changed.
Thanks for the dump. Brown a cute!
Oh my bajeezus
Fucking author and his blatant favoritism.
>GJ-BU having no winner
>Forgetting Orange's lipbite
Anyone read Espirit?
Sup Forums and /sci/ are formally in the running the the MC bowl, when will best girl /lit/ join the fray?
How's the series performing? Should we be expecting an axe any time soon?
Lets not talk about it
It's been at the bottom of rankings, and all this Sup Forums screentime makes it suspiciously look like it's rushing to an ending
Vol1 got a reprint but again, the initial print was fairly small
Hopefully soon, then we can have chapters devoted to her feeling guilty over falling for the same guy as her friends.
The rankings are less than stellar, yeah, but it still has. Few series cushioning it fromthe bottom. How it'll fare once those series get axed is another matter. Plus, we don't know if CrossAccount will eat into its votes.
I want chapters devoted to /lit/ and /sci/ studying not this romance bullshit.
What kind of manga do you think this is?
kek. This series is 100% cute shit.
Man fuck this shit. I'm reading this expecting /lit/ being the main focus and this is what I get. Better drop it now before I turn into otter again.
another Nisekoi chapter
Shes irrelevant
Uruka is the only romantic interest, it stopped being a harem
Manga about geniuses that want to get better at something they completely suck at.
That's why it shit. I blame Sup Forums if this getting axed.
This series is gonna get axed, so author is trying to make Sup Forums win quickly
i smell axe-kun coming
Expect that was nothing more than a poor excuse for a plot device.
Everything is an excuse for a plot device
Even your shitty life.
Not an argument.
Damn. I like this series but this just seems like he's already prepping for this to end. Unfortunate really. I probably liked this the most out of the 6 or 7 they added.
>This is a story about a boy who have to tutor two geniuses girl that want to get better at the opposite field of their expertise.
>JK, this is a story about a girl trying to get her childhood friend to fuck her.
I hate this.
Nice argument, faggot.
>no u
> this shit again
/sci/ chapters were nothing more than dumb cute shit as well, actually the dumbest of the bunch. That's what the series is about, dumb cute shit, the "study" part was nothing more than a premise/plot device.
Why would you want to read a manga about studying
They said the same about economics user
Because they don't study
Robot and Stone will survive on fujo power, I really hoped this would survive as well, but things are looking grim.
repeating this shit doesn't make it true, marie and poro getting axed, this is safe for another 15-20 chapters now