Molester man

Are you telling me that she was ready to end her relationship with the MC just because her best friend started ignoring her? Isn't this forced drama?

I'm guessing that you're the same guy from yesterday's Molester Man hate thread
Why are you so hung up about this series anyway?
Did it hit some nerves?

I'll repost this every time you make this thread

Feel free to do so. Likewise, I'll keep on shitting on a flawed wish fulfillment greentext story that doesn't deserve the praise it gets here.

Why so much Molester Man discussion lately?


She had known/been friends with jugs a lot longer than she had feelings for molester. People are also retarded so whether it was a real reaction or not Id say it's believable.

If I had to pick between my old friends and a new lover I would honestly probably go for the friends

>tfw all of your friends are already married or are dating

This butthurt user again? Wtf did this author do to you that you are so buttblasted about his works? Pathetic

Molester man is one of the greatest manga ever! I'm so glad it was discussed usually again

A newfag recently found out about MM and OMK, didn't like them, and thought it was his duty to inform of all the rest of us in Sup Forums about it. Meaning, bother the shit out of Sup Forums with daily threads.
He still didn't get it that nobody really gives a fuck about his opinions.
He doesn't get it, though, tipical newfaggot scum.

A shame this artist didn't make more works. I love his artstyle so much. Would have loved to see a non independant work from him.

>bros before hoes is forced drama.

This butthurt Sup Forumsnon was also in a tsuki ga kirei thread yesterday praising the shit out of it and saying it was "romance done right". He got mad when someone mentioned omk.

Not to mention, he always bitches at people who liked those back in the day.
But honestly, how many of you were here when MM got daily threads?
And I think even less were here when we had OMK daily threads.
Those people are gone. The old Sup Forums is long gone.
He's mostly bitching to the wrong people.

I love omk and mm, and I was back in the day. I remember the brocoli threads. Too bad neo/a/ is trash.

It's based on a real life story.

It was only real to the author I.e. he was living in his own fantasy world when he wrote that sytory :p

>A shame this artist didn't make more works.
Yoko Takuma is still doing stuff even now. Has been serialized in Jump and has a new series that just started this week.

Off the top of my head he's done:
>Sesuji wo Pin
Dance Sport and Ballroom dancing manga. Cute as hell but got axed.
>Queen of Beast
Short two chapter story about a girl thrust into a battle between the chinese Zodiac creatures to determine who the next king is.
>Shudan! (New series)
Football (soccer) series, new girl joins the local jr. High soccer team. Not much else to say only one chapter but it's a strong one with a good look at the personalities of the main roster.

And keeping with his old habit of recreating online stories into print, my personal favorite is Pic related
>Sentou Hakai Gakuen Dangerous
A trashy story about super powered students living in a world where their powers make them so dangerous they were placed on a floating island. The student council is about to go to war with the local delinquent group and the MC is thrust into the conflict to save his childhood friend. Loosely based on a play by post Online roleplaying game of the same name.

That would have been around 2012 right? I had just started browsing /tg/ at the time and it's a shame I missed out.

Shudan is from yoko? Fuck me I didn't realized

>daily threads
I wish, it's more like 3-4 threads a day.
I don't understand how he can keep getting away with it.

I thought he's stopped earlier this week?

If one person is dedicated enough to make a thread over and over again it will get noticed as spamming making it impossible to talk about it legitimately without getting the thread deleted for fear of being a spammed thread. OP knows what he's doing and I wouldn't be surprised if it works as I've seen it before.

Yeah no.

Why would you want to talk about a 13 year old manga anyway?

>isnt this forced drama

Not in the fucking least. You have no idea how women think or the importance they place on their friends over a guy they just started dating, and you are making it painfully obvious.

Because I like it. That's partly the reason anyone wants to talk about anything. There are several NGE threads a day because people like it. Why else would anyone talk about a 21 year old anime that hasn't gotten new content since the manga died and the last movie? I'm not saying turning it into a general like this hate general that has been forced on the board. Still an occasional thread is nice and last week when these threads started I was actually hype to talk about it regardless of how negative the OP was.

>Why would you want to talk about a 13 year old manga anyway?
Why do people talk about OVA's from the 90s or manga from the 70s? Why talk about anything if it's only restricted to contemporary works?

>tfw self inserted to MC so hard that broccoli NTR'd my heart away

It wasn't NTR really. Mc was heartbroken thats all. Brocco was a bro.

Too late. From now on, OMK threads will always be synonymous with shitposting ;_;

It's only been a week. Let's see if he's still doing everyday for a couple months and then we can revisit that thought.

Stop making this thread.

Reminder that this emoji user is OP falseflagging. Don't fall from it. He is doing it since the last threads.

No its fucking real and its based from a VIP poster on 2ch. You can search the fucking archive threads of his story on fucking google

Nah, the damage is done. Nothing we can do about it now ;_;

P.s: It's a shit manga anyway


Doesn't mean that the story itself was true.

>adaptation when?


Your beyond retarded

Shut the fuck up, nobody gives a crap abou this shittty series.


Fuck off OP.

Its actually a series of threads/ replies that he regularly updates with. Its pretty much mundane in nature probably like a /vg/ general since he hosts shit like video games and movie streaming iirc





It's an old and shitty manga. No idea why OP is obsessed with it!

>19 posters
Fuck off OP. You do realize spotting your samefagging is easy? Keep being buttblasted for a 13 year old manga that touched a nerve of yours

You're paranoia makes me lol

Molestertards anally devastated itt

Summer. And yes. Fuck off OP

I will say this, While Yoko's art isn't the best, there is a certain charm to it. His side mouth can be pretty ridiculous though.

Everyone here is laughing at you paranoid fuck.

>e....everyone is laughing at you! HAHAHA right guys?
You are retarded OP.

I'm laughing at you moron

Don't take his bait. Either turn this thread around and get a better discussion going on or let this die.

>Uses his trip to samefag

Absolutely pathetic

>Samefag tries to minimod

Keep being buttdevastated about a 13 year old manga OP. You are laughable.

took you a while to post his. Did you use Photoshop or Mspaint?

bump :

