Why do black women pretend to hate white men? They always act as if they are the greatest evil in the world, but will jump on a BWC at the first opportunity that one appears to show interest. Do they secretly want to be BLEACHED?
More and more, Im starting to frequently see more oildriller couples than coalburner. Is there a reasonable explanation for this?
Joseph Nelson
Sage Hide Report Amerimutt threads
Mason Brooks
>woman can't get a thing she wants >woman bitches 24/7 on twitter about how she really doesn't want it gee this doesn't sound like typical thot behavior at all
Brody King
I'm not attracted to Black women. But I'd fuck her for some weird reason.
Cameron Edwards
SAGE slide attempt
Lucas Wood
same thing with my indian flatmate, jumps at the chance to gag on my cock and then i just spunk in his face and throw him away
Logan Sanchez
yes, nigresses hate their negroid features and want more desirable looking offspring, nigresses see white husbands and half white kids as a trophy and status symbol.
Jason Sanchez
White men means economic stabilty, family stability and not violent episodes like the nigs are used to do
Gavin Brooks
I want her thighs wrapped around my head and bury my face in her holy place. FUCK YOU OP I will fall for a black girl one day! They are funnier, more social, more opinionated and more active (also in bed). WHY, WHY DO YOU PUSH ME INTO THIS DARK HOLE
James Walker
how come when a white guy mixes with a black girl it doesn't give me a revulsion feeling when i see a black guy with a white girl i get the same feeling as i get when i see a cockroach or bloated corpse infested with maggots
Matthew White
because the white Y-chromosome is saved when a boy is born and the white x is saved with a girl. that means both lines are able to be white even in the 2nd or 3rd generation.
when a black man has a boy with a white woman the white Y-chromosome is eradicated in the family line.
Carter Hall
Dem thighs tho
Adrian Wood
i wonder if liberal normie people feel the same feeling of disgust and they mask it with ideas or if they just don't feel it instinctualy and that's why they are the way they are
Wyatt Thompson
i think maybe girls don't get the feeling naturally, they probably feel how i feel when i see a white guy with a black girl
Gabriel Robinson
>and more active (also in bed). FWIW this runs completely counter to my experiences, but I've only ever banged middle-class oreo black girls. Maybe ghetto thots go all out i dunno.
Zachary Parker
Robert Young
people, particularly for specific demographics, talk a lot of shit without really thinking about it
Hudson Howard
Most white people aren't masculine enough, that's why back girls hate you. You gotta show her who's boss.
Oliver Morris
Elijah Morris
I would unironically destroy this nig's puss.
Cameron Thompson
The internet tells me it's something about having children with manageable hair.
Imagine life on sandbox mode? That's the negro brain.
Henry Cruz
>her holy place. get a job in the sewers for the same experience senpai
Bentley White
When I was in college I went out to a few places where black girls would party. I never got so many numbers in my life lol. Some of them I hooked up with. One black girl jerked me off on the dance floor. Good times.
Robert Perry
>you gotta punch your woman INSHALLAH! we get. you try to impersonate brown people
Adrian Bell
There is no reason to be black outside of africa evolutionary wise. I always said they are subconsciously bleaching themselves. white women get the single mom treatment. Black women get a man who will be around. Only black women in the general sense actually go up a notice with a mix baby and white partner. To the fake surprise of some people.
Black women are low on the totom pole
Ryan Martin
Sound like >I am not a faggot but...
Jack Bennett
I love black women, oooga booga racists
Henry Cruz
dem hips!
Xavier Ramirez
>Tfw manlet so will never get a great looking gal like that