"Devin Nunes can be a Russian Agent” - MSNBC

Not even a joke.


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When can these people start being arrested for slander

They are calling a duly elected member of the congress a Russian spy for political purposes

When does this become illegal?

The memo must be really, really damning if they're acting like this.

I've never seen them so panicked.



I think the problem is they don't want to sue them for slander because the news will spin it agianst them as being authoritarian and against free speech. They should just bite the bullet and do it though, none of this will get better until they have real consequences for doing this.

jesus christ, they really are setting the narrative up to be pushing war with russia when the memo gets read at the SOTU.

Assassination is honestly cleaner

MSNBC: All Latin men are Russian Agents

Dig that whole a little deeper, dems. They will never get out again.

God bless you, Trump.

Seeing as the president is I'd say that's very likely

They are setting up the "new Hitler/Stalin" narrative. Whatever the crime memo will uncover, nobody could act upon it since they would spin it like "OMG DEATH OF DEMOCRACY INSANE TYRANT TRUMP WANTS TO KILL ALL OPPOSITION"

nah, better to let these morons hang themselves, these kind of paranoid delusions helped Trump get elected

Good thing the court of public opinion only goes so far. I'm looking forward to the sedition investigations.

Once the memo is out in the open......just watch all the libtards start scrambling back under their rocks....for whence they came........good riddance...

>Tailgunner Joe sees a Russian behind every lamppost
Democrats laugh at him
>Mitt says Russia is a threat
Democrats laugh at him
>Trump rents a suite at Trump Tower to a Russian

They'll refuse to believe it no matter how damning it is.

so the kikes in the west want to import non-whites who hate kikes, and they abused their authority over conservatives so much that even their biggest fans turned against them

they still haven't explained to us why Russia is supposed to be our enemy



>a dairy farmer writing a memo on his own about classified information he admits he hasn't seen

I can't imagine how hard headed you have to be to not believe this gentlem-

Do you retards really believe he didnt review the 100 page report that the memo is based off of?

>we are defined by our first profession
Wtf I'm a lemonade merchant now.

Desperation is a stinky cologne

Ed Schultz said, on air, that Scott Walker would "see the inside of a jail cell" before he saw himself re-elected.

That was 8 years ago. Walker has been elected twice. These people are provocateurs, who speak free from any accountability. They are truly reckless and not held to any standard.

What does that make Obama professionally? A Shiftless nigger?

>Russia Russia Russia!
"The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back." Obama

>When does this become illegal?
When they do something.

A real zinger, that one.

deterrent to what?

They laughed at Mitt Romney when he called Russia a threat to the U.S. in 2012. Remember? Obama mocked him. "Mitt, the 1980's called, and they want their foreign policy back." Sound familiar? The arrogant elite media had a good laugh over how "out of touch" Romney was.

Apparently. Bernie Sanders wrote erotica so I guess his opinion is still worth a fuck.


i guess Sup Forums hates freeze peach now


>If the NDAA goes into effect in its current form, the State Department and Pentagon can go beyond manipulating mainstream media outlets and directly disseminate campaigns of misinformation to the U.S. public.
obama made it legal.
then he followed it up by doing this