Billy is not the only one returning.
Twin Angel BREAK
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Disabling spoiler in the catalog was a mistake.
Best girl (female).
>Twin Angel
>3 people
lie with her
Should have called themselves "triplet angel". Also I regret not watching the original show now, definitely would have been very excited by this episode.
They sure changed a lot.
Mary is the villain of the season, there's no contest.
And Billy x Yuuki is the romance of the season.
So if you fall in love with someone you can just feel sense their sexual energy from anywhere in the world?
The show just keeps getting better and better after that disappointing start. I should rewatch the older stuff sometime.
If it's true love, yes.
I can't believe Sumire is fucking dead
Misty Knight?
Are the 2015 Twin Angel OVAs going to be subbed?
I can only find raws on nyaa.
Probably never, Twin angel is just not popular enough.
This episode was great.
I was grinning the second he showed up.
He was but a boy when he was thrown into the pit, but he crawled out of it a real man.
Imagine how hard Yuuki would have been if she (he) was there.
Because you're so original, right?
Fucking hype.
Who is that?
No idea but have you seen a hedgehog? I'm missing one.
I'm in love with Billy
Is this you?
Is Misty Knight the most OP chara in the animuverse
I actually forgot this show existed until I saw this thread.
Is Billy the greatest hero since the Last Action Hero? I think so.
He is, according to my calculations.
Dont bully Sumire
Delet this
she's not even the best sumire this season though, she's really been a failure
Threadly remind that the original angels are very cool
There were some gags about that when Kurumi finally joined them.
I could maybe try next season when I hopefully won't have to TLC a current show, but is there really any interest? I mean it's a fun OVA but Twin Angel is not popular in the first place and it's not as good as the original TV series. Only saved by the silly Italian dude, really.
>Lets go fever time!
>Angel tornado!
>Music from S1
Are we AotS now?
Fk I'm at work for the next seven hours, don't let the thread die.
>I'm going to drown soon but instead of hurrying up and save me, let's talk some more.
I want Billy to leave
I want Mugino to leave
Aw hell yes.
Did the original Twin Angels always have those capes? I don't remember them.
> Kurumi
> Milk
You'd think I'd learn from Precure doing the same thing
They didn't always have the capes. I don't remember seeing them in Tokimeki.
I didn't realize that Mary is trying to revive the big bad from Twin Angel 3 pachinko, that game with Italy'n shit and where all of these random characters in the Twinkle OVA came from.
This fucking guy
>the dark face of pachinko
It's nice that this show warns people that pachinko is literally sucking the life out of you.
It's their ultimate cloth from the end of the series when they attain godhood.
Didn't he become an android or something? He was talking to a robotic voice.
Didn't she throw him away? Why would he still side with her?
We were AOTS since episode 8 or 9.
>It's nice that this show warns people that pachinko is literally sucking the life out of you.
It's pretty ironic since the show's source material is the pachinko and it heavily advertises it.
>It's their ultimate cloth from the end of the series when they attain godhood.
I genuinely don't remember them getting any power-ups in the series, they did get an "Ultimate form" in Twin Angel 3 though, thanks to that annoying blonde loli.
I've been calling it AotS since episode 1. They all laughed ay I have the high ground.
Is it wrong that I want to fuck her more as a hedgehog
Well she was a very cute hedgehog
>best boy Billy reclaimed his trap from across the country though the power of love alone
How could anyone doubt this man?
It means you're not a pedophile so it's a good thing.
Why would anyone trust Elliot Rodgers?
I wanted to rub her belly
I started watching it when I was midway through, but I only watched the first 7 episodes so far. Now I'm obligated to watch the rest before next Friday.
Is it even possible for someone to die in these kind of situations in an anime? They are always saved at the last moment, but I never saw someone actually dying to this kind of bullshit.
>he just ejects them out
Thats the only gripe i have with this show. Characters die and come back like it never happened. Show's full of zombies, they could shoot an episode of Walking Dead in there...
This has literally nothing to do with what I said. And the whole villains objective os to revive the big bad, so it's obvious that the medals have the power to revive things.
>Characters die
Literally never besides the twins.
More like Thicc Angel
They'll probably be back by the end. Just look how many empowered coins they got to spare, they can even turn them into humans with that.
Fucking fatass
Meguru > Sumire
Veil is going to come back and lend Meguru a hand in the final battle
>Baron of Kado died
>Salome and her fuccboi died
>Black Trader died
>Satan died
>Two of the three Twin Angels died
>John Gurubashi died
>Billy died
>Kuma Mask died
>Twin Russians died
Why is this series so dark?
Don't bully.
I hope it does happen.
Only on Sup Forums I could discuss whether a hedhehog or a loli is sexually more appealing.
I share your thoughts, but a loli is fine too.
I want to sexually fuck this hedhehog!
How could they make a hedgehog sexually appealing? I'm not into animals and I'd still rub my dick all over her little belly.
I don't know. I'm definitely not a furry.
While whole episode was great. Especially the villain being a villain, and the loli being a loli.
Oh shit, why did I open this thread? Why?
I am still only halfway through Tokimeki Paradise and haven't even started this one yet.
Gotta get around to it so I can watch the last episode with the other four of you.
Mary, if you didn't want anyone to be able to stop your evil plans
Maybe you shouldn't have left all these magical girls just lying around nearby
If this show doesn't end with anyone going to space I'm going to be very disappointed.
They are going to come back, right?
I'm sure Misty Naito-sama duct taped them back together on his way.
AotS confirmed.
meguru on the front page!
there isn't any interest other than that guy, me and another dude as far as I know.
I'm probably just going to end up watching them raw, I'm halfway decent with japanese anyway.
Sorry user, there's only me, you, and some other user finishing this show
It sucks that BREAK has to air close to the weekend when all the popular shows come out. If we'd have the weekly thread on Monday or Thursday we might reach a 200+ post count.