So how long is this gonna be?

so how long is this gonna be?
this is pathetic and sad
are they ever gonna turn back on their site?

>are they ever gonna turn back on their site?- 0 post shown.
I hope so. I hate having to seed now. I want to leech.

works fine for me

They'll invite people eventually, it's your own fault for not making an account while you could.

they left their twitter as well

are they that scared of trump?

There has never been a reason to make nor use one

>discussion about a pair of kirbys

Says the person whining about not being able to get into the site

You can't create torrents without an account.
I got into ABT through my BBT profile.

Still his own fault.

>made an account because I was too retarded to search with Google
>deleted anyway because of inactivity


Reminder that the new EU ruling will force EU webhosters to purge torrent sites that host illegal copyrighted content.

>didn't realize you could search with Google until I read this
>account still active
>saved by below average intelligence

You're not missing anything.

Bakabt is only good for manga release for now. You can find other content if you actually search the net and not depending on a single source.

>manga releases
like raws? or translated?

I don't think they have raws. All the scans there are English-translated iirc.

You must wait like 1-3 months until your upload is approved if you are not somebody's friend. Even if everything is done right.

The only reason I was there, it was public so I could archive and share content there. Now it is pointless, I switched to Nyaa-only.

It gives me loads of schadenfreude to see people complaining about no longer being able to download dead torrents for older shows on the new Nyaa, a few months ago they were the guys who said AB and BBT were unnecessary lmao.

try IRC next time lads.

Quality over quanitity.

>You must wait like 1-3 months until your upload is approved if you are not somebody's friend. Even if everything is done right.
What a shitty practice.

They can hire more moderators.

There would be 0 problems if they announced this shit few days earlier.

>heh, nothin' personnel kid
Loving every laugh

really, XDCC prob has them.

Agreed. And they still have that fucking long blacklisted content even after they go private.

Why the fuck would anyone download from BBT when Animebytes exists? The only thing BBT does better is torrent retention.

To be fair getting into AB is considered pretty hard, I remember reading on their twitter they should be opening apps again in the near future though. Good private trackers are annoying to get into, but it's easy one you get your foot through the door.

>post yfw you have a BakaBT account
>post yfw AB account
>post yfw OT account
>post yfw 2 Nyaas for everything else


I'm content with AB, never bothered with BT consider they ban licensed anime & having a porn account is useless where there are plenty of publics

I'm only on AB and my Baka account was pruned years ago though I don't really care. OT is Oppaitime right? does it have anything you can't find on public channels? nip porn is easy as hell to find.

>he didn't sign up when they had open registration
Easy peasy, they even recruit on other private trackers so it's hardly hard

What's pathetic and sad is that not only do you not already have an account, but that you're unable to find what you need on your own without relying on BBT.

>does it have anything you can't find on public channels?
Nope, desu it probably has less. not even 2 years old yet

I thought they would've changed that rule bu now. surely it won't be long

They confirmed on the forum that they have no plans for open sign-ups anytime right now.

So what's the best public site to use for older OST's now?

I thought I was going to miss downloading what I want, but AB is surprisingly easy to keep a good ratio on.


Lossy or lossless?


>tfw you have an AB account
>tfw when you have a qtorrent 3.+ ver

also jps is missing a lot anime wise

I fucking hate this argument when my account got purged

I'm sure you thought this would get at least someone. Have a (You) for your troubles, user.

>considered pretty hard

Kill yourself if you're actually this dumb.

>recruit on other private trackers

Name a pt they recruit on. I have never seen an official AB recruitment thread, but I'm not on all of the big ones.

I'm already on AB, so I'm not begging.
Just interested.

Christ, take it easy, I'm just talking about what I've seen from general opinion online, not sure why though.

If /ptg/ is to be believed they recruit on the cabal/major trackers.

You're projecting.

Yes, all it takes is spending time in the right channels on ryzen, but you're still being way too autistic for this subject matter.

AB has less than 2000 open slots. No way in hell would they have an open signup anytime soon. Too bad because we have 8 days of freeleech on AB that ends tomorrow. Sucks for you.

Forget BBT for a minute, I just noticed how the screeching war between the two new Nyaas stopped getting reported here some time ago. I take it the mods took to delete new threads about it?

That's still not how you sign up. If you retards are going to talk out of your asses, at least pretend you know what you're talking about.

the original nyaa is back and shitposting toned down even on /nrg/

Everyone stopped using Nyaa.pantsu since it became more of a pet project rather than the other Nyaa which is the livelihood of Diaz and his friends.

It ended today. I thought it went til tomorrow. RIP my ratio.

It's still a way of getting into it.

Thank god that's over.

>implying i'm not still using pantsu

Wasnt Daiz and his autistic friends ruling the other site the reason to use nyaa.pantsu?
Wasn't the common thought that nyaa died so we could break free of the shackles laid upon us by Daiz?

It doesn't surprise me that anons are retarded.

It's fine for new shit, but some old shit takes like a week.

Old shit doesn't load at all. New stuff is fine, but we already have HS for most of that anyway

Me too, the screeching that came from .si after it came out helped cement my choice. I'll use it until it's ever shut down.

>tfw you own an anime store in tokyo and have all releases you want

Literally how I got in.

At this point, I'm beginning to think that you are actually just talking out of your ass, and want to look "cool" for "getting into AB so easily".

Pathetic, honestly.

He's probably just got his account and trying to show off but instead he's coming off as an angry retard.

That's great, user.

As for me, it looks like most of the known sub groups are uploading to si at this point exclusively, so I guess I'll stick with them for now.

They're both open source and accept pulls, so I don't really care. Granted, si is in a non-meme language, so it is a lot easier for the community to get involved.

How? I download new shit from direct sites and then seed the torrent, and everybody's done the same so nobody is downloading. will be back with new staff, just wait for it.
Too bad is lost forever.

I found out I have account few days ago when mail came in about account pruning, I never used it and still I don't feel like I'll ever use it.

Seed freeleech shit and abuse the yen system for all it's worth.

You don't need to worry about if people are downloading or not, AB has a very generous bonus point system so just seed for a long time, you can get yen from the forum for uploading stuff too.

Because it really is that easy. You can idle in IRC, you can write an application, you can harass them on Twitter, you can do literally fuck all and still get in. It shouldn't be considered hard to get in just because it's not an automatic signup process.

Nope, dead forever. Nyaazi and barren Pantsu is all we have forever

See, you are being autistic, but you know it.

PTs are all about signups, interviews, or invite forums. If getting into a PT involves none of those things, it can be considered "harder than normal".

Which is exactly what we, including the original user, are saying. Just because you now know the process and know how to go about it doesn't make it any less challenging to figure out for the PT novice.

Get off your high horse, user. You don't have to look cool here. This is no reddit-karma for you to collect.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

>methods easier than interviews and invite forums
>it's harder because of this metric I made up on the spot

The only one on a high horse here is you. AB is not a difficult site to get into, stop acting like it's a secret club.