Little Witch Academia

I don't understand, why did she absorb the crowd's magic?

She did nothing wrong, Croix tricked her.

Croix didn't tell her about that part until after she'd already used it.

Rather than putting Chariot and Croix in the same morally gray playing field, that episode just made me hate Croix's fucking guts. Bitter bitch

You know, honestly, this is a big reason why I've grown bored with this show. I don't really "get" the villains or their motivations. Croix wants to revive magic, but instead of helping Chariot or Akko unlock the 7 words, she intentionally gets in their way so she can farm magic in an objectively bad manner? So bad that if anyone were to discover her their first natural instinct would be to shut it all down? What the fuck?

>Croix wants to revive magic
Exactly. SHE wants to do it. She doesn't want anyone else to do it.

Ignoring the fact that's stupid and selfish of her, it's also really poorly explained in the show.

Have we been watching the same show?

She wanted to be chosen. When she wasn't, she was jealous, but she tried to overcome it and support Chariot.

When she saw Chariot doing stupid things, instead of doing what she would have done, those feelings of jealousy grew, and she decided to do her thing, using whatever means (including using Chariot).

Finally, Chariot lost it.

She wants to prove she was the right one. That for Chariot to be chosen was a mistake.

Yes, we have, and that makes her activities even more retarded.

>Durr hurr, you unlocked a bunch of words that have emotional meaning by fucking around
>Why the fuck are you fucking around I should have gotten the staff me me me

These aren't the actions of a believable, rational villain. They're those of an autistic child.

But she is an autistic child. That's the point. She is not being rational, but purely emotional. She is jealous, overconfident, and feels like she was betrayed.

If she was being rational, she would see how things will explode in her face by following this plan.