I don't understand, why did she absorb the crowd's magic?
Little Witch Academia
She did nothing wrong, Croix tricked her.
Croix didn't tell her about that part until after she'd already used it.
Rather than putting Chariot and Croix in the same morally gray playing field, that episode just made me hate Croix's fucking guts. Bitter bitch
You know, honestly, this is a big reason why I've grown bored with this show. I don't really "get" the villains or their motivations. Croix wants to revive magic, but instead of helping Chariot or Akko unlock the 7 words, she intentionally gets in their way so she can farm magic in an objectively bad manner? So bad that if anyone were to discover her their first natural instinct would be to shut it all down? What the fuck?
>Croix wants to revive magic
Exactly. SHE wants to do it. She doesn't want anyone else to do it.
Ignoring the fact that's stupid and selfish of her, it's also really poorly explained in the show.
Have we been watching the same show?
She wanted to be chosen. When she wasn't, she was jealous, but she tried to overcome it and support Chariot.
When she saw Chariot doing stupid things, instead of doing what she would have done, those feelings of jealousy grew, and she decided to do her thing, using whatever means (including using Chariot).
Finally, Chariot lost it.
She wants to prove she was the right one. That for Chariot to be chosen was a mistake.
Yes, we have, and that makes her activities even more retarded.
>Durr hurr, you unlocked a bunch of words that have emotional meaning by fucking around
>Why the fuck are you fucking around I should have gotten the staff me me me
These aren't the actions of a believable, rational villain. They're those of an autistic child.
But she is an autistic child. That's the point. She is not being rational, but purely emotional. She is jealous, overconfident, and feels like she was betrayed.
If she was being rational, she would see how things will explode in her face by following this plan.
It's actually quite simple. She wanted to be the one who revive the words, because she's studying magic and wants it to be great again.
But instead Chariot receives the rod, and she only wants to make people happy, which Croix thinks is wasting magic power. Chariot is famous and everybody thinks she's great and it hurts Croix in the butt, because she want to be great and powerful (or something like that).
So she's tying to poses great power through other means... and there we go, she's planning something BUT we don't know what yet and apparently it will be explained in following episodes, so hold your butt and wait (actually it's better that way, cause we don't received whole story in first episode, but instead it's given us little by little)
>But she is an autistic child. That's the point. She is not being rational, but purely emotional. She is jealous, overconfident, and feels like she was betrayed.
And she's portrayed that way all of twice in a 25 episode long show? The rest of the time she's supposed to be this cool, level-headed intelligent scientist type who literally invented a new form of magic specifically to combine modern technology with ancient magic?
THIS is how you choose to represent an autistic child? Fuck, the 80s had better autistic childish enemies in their cartoons. Just look at Mok from Rock and Rule, or any villain voiced by Tim Curry.
>she's planning something BUT we don't know what yet
Another issue I have with the show. All I see is Croix getting in the way in very odd and unusual ways for...apparently reasons that I'm not allowed to fathom until the climax. I'm not very scared about her plans moving forward or impressed at the means she's taking because her actions have been on par with your general Sentai villain of "make a monster and pray it kills the heroes this time". Plus we have all these scenes of Ursula-sensei going "Grrr Croix!" and shaking her fist every time Croix's name is mentioned, and even running off and confronting Croix...over nothing. She just stands there with an angry face to indicate "I sure don't like you for also reasons" and then leaves peacefully.
Is this show even about anything? Fuck, Monster moves faster than this garbage.
>Croix wants to revive magic, but instead of helping Chariot or Akko unlock the 7 words
Akko would turn into Chariot 2.0
And we now how well that ended
>And she's portrayed that way all of twice in a 25 episode long show?
She has been portrayed as a cool, confident and smart scientist. And she is. But she is being played by her own emotions. She's not even aware of it. That's how overconfident she is.
She is not written as the perfect villain. She is written as a human being. You may disagree about the writers managing to make her believable, but her being rational is just a facade that breaks as you learn more about her.
>But she is being played by her own emotions. She's not even aware of it. That's how overconfident she is.
That's retarded and unrealistic. There's something called the "cool off period" where you start seeing things rationally again after you're done being mad. If she's smart enough to invent a new type of magic, she's cooled her jets about the whole Claimh Solaris thing. At least enough to objectively reassess her goals and what they mean and how to reach them.
But no, she'd rather start literal wars so she can farm emotions instead of taking a better chance at helping Akko grow as a human being. There is NOTHING about this character that is human in any way, shape, or form. Flawed or not.
You sure don't know shit about humans and their actions.
She want to be in power, to be greatest witch and anything else is meaningless.
She don't want to be in shadow of others, she want to achieve her goals no matter what, even if that means using other humans.
That's actually very realistic. We don't have some random guy who want to 'rule the universe' because of things.
Maybe she don' want to 'cool off', she's concentrate on her goals, and just 'fucking' with others for own pleasure, and someone else emotions means nothing to her.
>Show needs to have black and white villains to be good
Kind of reminds me of evangelion. Everyone wants to trigger 3rd impact, but instead of cooperating, they kill each other for no apparent reason.
When Chariot fucked the moon, after she used her, she helped her.
When she almost killed Chariot, she saved her.
When Chariot went to save Akko from the tree's pollen, she let her be.
She's just too obsessed with her plan to realize how it's gonna backfire. She wants to prove everyone she is right, and everyone else was wrong. Pride has no cool off.
I'm just upset they didn't have the balls to have Ursula knowingly and willingly steal magic. It would have portrayed Ursula as someone who's actually trying to find the words even at the cost of ruining some future witches' lives but guilt eventually prevents her from continuing; Croix being the one who will stop at nothing and will go to extremes to obtain the reconstruction magic.
Instead Ursula looked like she fucked around way too much with her magic show, found out she did a bad thing, then went on suicide watch for a decade. It makes her look way less competent than earlier in the series when we thought something actually serious caused her to go into hiding.
>She want to be in power,
I'm sorry, what? Where? Cause that sure doesn't sound like anything that was shown on the show. That sounds more like character analysis you pulled out of your ass.
>after she used her, she helped her.
Which I still don't quite get why other than "Oh we have to cover this potential plot hole up of people remembering the night Chariot when kinda crazy".
>When she almost killed Chariot, she saved her.
>When Chariot went to save Akko from the tree's pollen, she let her be.
After she went through the effort of trying with serious intent permanently ruining a 15 year-old's life and trying to manipulate her into distrusting the only teacher that she has (which, by the way, Akko buys into whole sale with literally 3 lines of dialog from a teacher she barely knows) for...more reasons?
Literally what the fuck is this chick's motive? She's doing all of these insanely horrible things and then backtracking on them the second it gets even slightly serious? And this is supposed to be "human" because it's flawed?
It's flawed because it's distinctly NOT human in the slightest. She wasn't even actually all that sorry for the pollen incident, because she just goes right back into damaging Akko's psyche to get back at Chariot in the most petty and unbelievable manner.
It is mostly unspoken but very clear if you look at the way Croix reacts in the flashbacks. Its a shown not told thing to me it was clear as day. She was always jealous that the shiny rod never chose her and that made her want to blow the entire trial up even if that is stupid/selfish.
But in the end she once knowingly did that at the end. When her dreams of being famous and makes people happy starts to fade, she went to her last resort and shoot the moon (at that time she wasn't thinking clearly). But realized her mistake she change identity and hid from world.
Croix is actually kinda contrary to her: 'what means some human magic when there's great power at stake. And Ursula is consume by guilt of what she did, and that's explain why she didn't told Akko earlier about her Chariot thing.
But the moon thing was more selfish than trying to break the seal on reconstruction magic, hence making her look incompetent.
I accept the jealousy, but the power thing? Nothing has shown me any such thing and it sounds more like a subjective opinion.
Humans are not logical or perfect you know. She clearly wanted to be the chosen one and never really accepted Chariot being a valid choice. She only is screwing with Akko because she is the next chosen one and it passed over her again and that pisses her off to the point where she is taking a magical hammer to the problem. The fact Chariot/Akko are not very smart makes them easy to manipulate so that is a realistic point as both were never shown to be the analytical types.
Her motive is she wants to save magic same as the trial goal just she doesn't care how it is done. Her motive is essentially a well intentioned extremist who has the same goals as the heros but does it all in an evil manner due to pent up anger/jealousy.
I'm not sure what your referring to about the power thing. The emotion magic stuff?
Yeah, I thought it was lame how they made Chariot totally innocent and Croix totally evil. Making Chariot into a complex character who was willing to hurt people for her own ends would have made the show way more interesting.
Anyway, going back and watching the early episodes of the show ultimately confirms my impressions of it. This show had the potential to be something truly special, something like Evangelion or Madoka that people remember for years to come, but there was just so much wasted potential, largely in the form of poor pacing which caused important events to lack the gravitas they deserved.
yes, it was selfish. She was trying to stay at this famous position and not thinking of others at that moment (it was incompetent and like 'childish dream' to hold this position) and that's why she feels so bad about that. And she wasn't thinking about words at all, just her own desires.
>Humans are not logical or perfect you know.
But they are completely predictable. Just saying "Humans are flawed" does not and should not excuse garbage writing coming from such a high end team. Someone up above said something sarcastic about villains being black or white, but most of her actions are contradictions to any of her other actions except under the context that she's supposed to be the villain of the show because the show needs a villain.
I mean, you're saying this character that is supposed to be cunning and savvy enough to figure out other people's emotional states and to emotionally manipulate them went 10+ years in absence with her friend without being self-reflective at all, without reconsidering her plan, without questioning why magic is dying, etc? That I'm just supposed to think "Well humans are flawed" and lie down when this character is seemingly evil purely for the sake of being evil? That's nonsense.
Oh, my apologies. I thought you were a different argument chain in the thread.
In ACTUAL response to you, yes, I buy the jealousy, but I don't buy the idea that it has to be HER being the one to do it, especially because her emotional state indicates that she just wants magic to be revived regardless of how it gets there. I can buy the idea that she believes she might be the only one capable of doing it, but I don't buy the idea that she selfishly wants to be the one to discover it. I think it's a different sort of egotism that is supposed to represent her from what I've seen.
I think it would make Chariot out of character with her flashbacks and current state to make her not totally innocent. They show her childhood dreams and early flashbacks and also her remose/guilt filled life afterwards. The chances she was willingly complicit was slim to none. I don't think LWA is even remotely supposed written to be like Evangelion or Madoka that would make it much more edge/dark than the viewership in general wants.
Humans are flawed are a legitimate tool in writing it would be very strange if every character acted perfectly logically. Croix is a well intentioned extremist type villian so she obviously has standards (not intentionally killing) but everything else is fair game. Why does she stop Chariot from dying is obviously because she doesn't want to be batman who is unwilling to kill but will let a situation they made become deadly. That entire evil plot was just supposed to drain out Akko's magic for good to remove her from the competition if she fell Croix would likely have a roomba pick her up and dump her on the road outside the school.
Her logic is that emotions are tools which makes her blind to the fact emotions are the key. Instead of understanding the emotions emotionally she studies it from a purely technical point of view and determines anger based magic is the most efficient form of emotional magic and since the magical seal responds to emotion it would be the most efficient way to blow it up. Your making the illogical conclusion that a nominally smart/cunning/savvy person can somehow always be perfectly rational and smart. Smart people can do stupid things and the show made that pretty clear to me from way early on which is good writing. Take Steve Jobs he had a rare treatable form of cancer and most consider him to be at least a PR/business/tech leader but he chose to do a juice cleanse instead of getting prompt treatment which is very likely what killed him. ...
Many smart people in the world just like Croix think they are experts and often become overconfident in their abilities and try to act as if they know it all which can lead to them making extremely stupid proclamations like in 2020 we will easily have a petabyte of ram in our computers or many other dumb predictions. The humans are flawed is not nonsense.
I buy that Croix wants to be the one chosen when the rod picks Chariot the look on her face gives that away. Jealousy implies that she wants to it so if you buy the jealousy bit that is it really. Jealousy is by definition pretty selfish.
>I think it would make Chariot out of character with her flashbacks and current state to make her not totally innocent.
Yeah, it would make her out of character, which would be more interesting than the route they've currently chosen.
> I don't think LWA is even remotely supposed written to be like Evangelion or Madoka that would make it much more edge/dark than the viewership in general wants.
I agree. I was just saying that it could have been a great classic like Evangelion or Madoka, not that it had to be edgy like them. "Great" and "edgy" aren't identical. Although admittedly my own tastes run towards the edgy end of the spectrum.
>Humans are flawed are a legitimate tool in writing it would be very strange if every character acted perfectly logically.
It's not even about logic, it's about predictability. Humans tend to act the same given similar stimuli, which is why the entire study of human psychology is based around. Croix erratic, unexplained behavior aren't those of a Machiavellian mind setting schemes into motion with a strict code of honor. They're the result of two ideologies clashing together within the writing team. Croix is meant to be a villain, so she does villainous things that are evil for very poorly thought out reasons that do not advance her stated or intended goals. But then she does good things because Japanese people shouldn't "cross that line!" despite many of her actions logically leading to people dying, such as starting war. Akko and Chariot, people whom she is supposed to be jealous of, get a pass however? Wat.
>Her logic is that emotions are tools which makes her blind to the fact emotions are the key.
Which is completely contradictory to the fact that she understands human emotions of other people enough to emotionally manipulate them. Even from a teenage year. She's not even really displaying very many other signs of outward sociopathy, as apart from a single episode of jealousy, she doesn't seem to let her own ego rule her, and returns to save Akko and Chariot when a sociopath would have let them die.
Smart people have their own internal reasons for doing their stupid things, and will generally be very open to waxing philosophic or morally about why they chose those ideas and actions to take. But it's not outright contradictory of previous behaviors regarding similar topics. A computer science geek making a basic medical error isn't on the same par of a murderer making a basic murder mistake.
Post dorks
I want salesfags to leave
first it's just small belly rubs
then it's full body to body nude oil massages with happy endings
Chariot is not totally innocent either, while she was unaware of the damage she was doing she still did it, and you can see on her regretting what happened to Akko.
shit fucking taste confirmed.
>Hey, Chariot, wanna make your magic flashy? Use dreams~~ nothing can go wrong!
>By the way, you ripped the magic from those people, no biggie.
Croix was being mean and jealous by preying on Chariot's desires/insecurities and I wouldn't have Croix any other way.
End of Evangelion is the greatest work of Japanese animation, come at me.
You're implying with this argument that you're not responsible for doing something wrong just because you got tricked into it. You do have some responsibility, and all Ursula ever did was run from hers and hide.
I want to give Sucy my mushroom.
>that you're not responsible for doing something wrong just because you got tricked into it.
Most countries, law systems, and individual people in general would disagree with that statement. It only comes into question when an action might have a real and obvious back lash ("Hey, take this 'toy' gun, point it at me, and fire!") versus when there is no apparent or immediate reason it would cause danger to anyone ("Hey, flick this light switch on for me in this dark room, would you" when the light switch is rigged to an electric chair in a room far away)
This thread looks alright, Lets use this one.
*blocks your path*
Forget Diana!
>greatest work of Japanese animation
Nah, that's still Akira.
She tried that that, and in the end, nothing came of it, so now she's doing it herself.
*blocks your path*
>They're those of an autistic child.
Are you implying she's not autistic?
>. This show had the potential to be something truly special, something like Evangelion or Madoka that people remember for years to come,
Here's the thing. I do agree that LWA had a lot of wasted potential, but I DON'T want it to be another Evangelion, or another Madoka. It doesn't need to be the over-the-top, nor have an over-the-top ending.
Sure, people remember those. But do you know what people also remember?
Thats the kind of ending image. I'd rather LWA ends, if it has to end, end with a sequence thats moving over something thats over-the-top. Just like how Bebop ended. Just like how Haibane Renmei ended.
Or, if it has to be spectacular, it should be a "measured" kind of spectacular. (like how Joseph sends one guy into space with a volcano)
threesome when?
Coming to think of it.... would a threesome with Akko, Amanda and Sucy work? I know Akko has had a lot of interaction with both, but I've hardly seen Amanda around Sucy.
>I'm sorry, what? Where? Cause that sure doesn't sound like anything that was shown on the show. That sounds more like character analysis you pulled out of your ass.
She literally says she wants to be the greatest witch in the world.
>Which I still don't quite get why other than "Oh we have to cover this potential plot hole up of people remembering the night Chariot when kinda crazy".
It's the same reason she tried to help Chariot when she fell. She still cares about her somewhat, so she doesn't want her to die, but she wants to prove that Chariot's ideology was mistaken by crushing everything she believes in.
Nah, despite Sucy's tastes, she prefers to just having Akko to herself.
I think Amanda will be disgusted by Sucy's presence, but Akko won't care because she is a smelly nip with worse hygiene habits than Sucy.
cute cute CUTE!
I want more Dia/Akko/Amanda. Maybe some cute greentexts of Diana and Amanda competing for Akko's affection/attention (even though they know in the end it'll be the three of them together regardless).
Yeah people don't do irrational and stupid shit out of jealousy in real life.
You should write anime scripts, user.
>smelly nip with worse hygiene habits than Sucy.
Nothing really comes close. Some NTR greentext stories are alright though.
I miss Sucy greentexts. Especially the comfy AkkoSucy ones
I don't think that user is necessarily saying LWA should be grimdark and psychological when all he's saying it should be "like" is like two of the biggest most noteworthy shows of their respective genres.
Then maybe I'll have to try my own hand at it.
Do you have moar?
>Akko you fell asleep on my bed again...
>Akko you better move or I might do my experiments on you again.
>You wouldn't like that, would you?
>Ugh this is so troublesome...
I can't imagine Sucy acting as a normal girl, but I think Akko's influence is slowly humanizing her.
So our group is a Japanese girl with sunshine on her mind and pretty much mentally 8 years old, a British girl whose childish at heart while known as dignified and a cool beauty, a American girl who acts more like a thug and stripper, a Finnish girl whose so flowery you'd think she'd wilt if you left her alone, a Filipino girl who may or may not have a stash of illegal mind altering shrooms, a German girl whose possibly a future terrorist and a Ukrainian girl whose gorging herself 24/7 least a demon spring from her insides and unleash untold havoc and at the heart of it all a orphaned French woman whose suffering from chronic self depression and emotional abuse.I'm not gonna lie,guys, this sounds SJWsty as hell.
Yes, this is what I meant.
"Whose" is not the same as "who is," user.
>I'm not gonna lie,guys, this sounds SJWsty as hell.
Oh no how terrible
Glad to know Sup Forums still can't make a comprehensible sentence.
The hell do you want? A Sup Forums approved show with blonde blue eyes everywhere?
If you think actively hurting people would make Ursula, a character defined by her passivity unless forced into action, more complex, you have the tastes of a child.
The character who is willing to fuck over everyone and harm people for their own ends, while pretending to be nice and helpful, is Croix. Having another character in that niche is redundant.
I want to believe this is bait, but there are too many people who think that more suffering = more nuance. Emotionally arrested motherfuckers, the lot of them.
Translation please, someone I beg of you.
Oh, God forbid an international academy of magic has students from around the world.
I'm Sup Forums and even I think this is bait.
You faggots are ruining this website
It would be cute if she hid it from Akko and only turns into a softie when she looks away.
Will you be okay with her biting the cap off, tear the stalk to little strings and suckle on its precious essence?
100 percent yes.
That's unadvised.
comfy end game
Hey, life is all about risks, you know?
Sadly, this is as unlikely to happen as Sucy trying to grow mushroom on Akko's dirty underwear.
I know, but guaranteed death from bleeding out is not mere risk.
>tfw Akko pairs well with a lot of characters and can't decide which one to like more
This stupid dork is too cute and she deserves everyone's love.
no but I
d like some accurate representation, 95 percent of the world is what you described and yet, there's really only one in the cast and she has green hair, on top of that, people from that many countries becoming a group of friends isn't realstic at all, people tend to stick with their own kind and finally, if they all come from so many backgrounds how can they understand each other when they talk? I don't expect a flip, a finn, a german and especially a Ukrainian to understand english. The most I could buy is the American and the Japanese girl and maybe the British girl being a group but the rest, it sounds too ridiculous to be serious.
>and she deserves everyone's love.
>Falling-naked-from-space-into-all-of-your-friends-and-everyone-you-love KLK-esque ending for LWA when?
It's like how they describe potato people; they got a whole lot of love to give.
do you think she had any stalkers or creepy fans like a true aidaru?
Well there's Akko