Holy shit, this show blows OPM out of the fucking water
Holy shit, this show blows OPM out of the fucking water
>tips fedora
It's like One Punch Man with actual conflict instead of the illusion of conflict resolved by memes
I'm glad there's no complaints about what I said. OPM was abysmal compared to this show.
This is true.
I enjoyed mob psycho 100 as well. I didn't watch one punch man so I can't compare the two. When is season 2 starting?
Mob's entertaining, but I find if kind of disappointing how unironically overpowered he is despite OPM making its success poking fun at that trope.
I liked it more than OPM as well.
His mentor is best character
OPM is for normalfags.
OPM is a fun watch but that's where it stops. You're not going to like it more than Mob Psycho if what you liked about Mob Psycho were the characters/themes
I held OPM in high regard but after watching MB 100 it surpasses it with ease.
yeah I mean, while it's cliche, it's understandable that a character's "Berserk mode" is strong af, but Mob was much stronger than everyobody else even when he was calm, that was stupid
yeah, it's better, but not that much, really. both are just "good" shows and that's all.
>he doesn't like both
I like OPM but it's not even close to Mob.
This. People just seem to overrate a show just to have a contrarian opinion. OPM was more entertaining and didn't constantly contradict itself like Mob.
Killed my hype a bit when they built up the different enemy psychics in Claw and gave them unique powers just for Mob to waste half of them off-screen.
Wasn't that kind of the point though? They're all babies who think they're hot shit when they aren't. A little kid can waste them in seconds, even though they all have their egos so built up.
You niggers do realize that MP100 isn't a battle shonen or some shit right? The manga isn't about Mob training to be the best psychic in the world. It's about a middle school kid who despite having overwhelming power finds that it makes him no different than others around him and he still tries to find his place in the world. It's not a parody. It's comedic sure but it's more about the SoL elements with a paranormal twist than it is a hardcore powerlevel wanking fighting manga. This is why most of the fights are resolved through talking.
This. Honestly, the ending is so satisfying because it isn't resolved through some retarded power level fight.
>A little kid can waste them in seconds, even though they all have their egos so built up.
But that's only because Mob's overpowered as Hell. Normal people didn't stand a chance against them.
I thought the moral was more that it didn't matter what kind of skill or powers they had. They were still just humans, and shouldn't act like their abilities set them apart as Gods.
>Mob was much stronger than everybody else even when he was calm, that was stupid
the show had shitty writing. Which is why it's hilarious when people pretend that it was better than one punch man. just hipsters being hipsters
Yes. It's about how no one is inherently special, the only way to be a person noteworthy of anything is to honestly work for your goals. It's a show that shits on entitlement.
it did doe?
They're both excellent.
Compare the end of this show with the end of OPM, which just plays straight Saitama's ultimate strength against Boros, and all the other side characters just fight a big bad guy. Mob gives his strength to Reigen, who trashes everyone's ideals and negates their attacks instead of physically defeating them. I thought it had a completely different feel to it
I honestly liked it way better when there was not a plot involving bad guys wanting to take over the world and shit.
I was fine with the episodic formula of the first 3 episodes, but when his brother started to get jealous and everyone thought he was white t poison I started fucking loving it, it had a unique plot given the setting, and still managed to make it generic towards the end.
Still an outstanding series, among my favorites
Like most shounen stories with super powered or super talented characters the moral of the story falls flat on its face though. The psychics ARE special, and they are like gods compared to normal people. The only reason Reigen can afford to pontificate to them is because he has Mob's ridiculous strength behind him.
>mfw saw some fag wearing a t-shirt for this garbage while working yesterday
Why does Reigen only hang out with 14 year olds?
I feel the same my dude
But that's wrong
>You're not going to like it more than Mob Psycho if what you liked about Mob Psycho were the characters/themes
They're both great, they're simply focused on different themes. And while there's nothing wrong with liking mob more, all this "hurr OPM sucks" bullshit is pure contrarianism due to it's popularity.
They're still people though is the point. They have special abilities but it doesn't actually set them apart from others, they still think, feel, and have human needs. The philosophy Reigen has is that no one person is better than another no matter what characteristics they might have. And he's right, a person's worth is decided by their actions not their inborn traits.
>which just plays straight Saitama's ultimate strength against Boros, and all the other side characters just fight a big bad guy
Jeez user, how can you miss the point so hard?
The ending of OPM was about boros finally feeling excitement in his fight against saitama, which was what saitama wished for all along.
OPM webcomic>Mob>OPM Anime
Don't be filthy dumb anime-only scum
>Hurr people only dislike OPM because they're contrarians
Also, I don't dislike OPM. I just think it is not even close to MP in terms of being emotionally engaging.
Why would you quote me to disagree only to agree immediately after.
Because claiming that people only dislike something because of it's popularity is fucking stupid
It's majorly true. OPM is a solid series with great writing and art and animation. Even if it isn't your cup of tea, there's no reason to feel strongly opposed to it. But we're in contrarian paradise, and OPM is very popular. You know this is true.
But it isn't true for everyone, so to claim someone only dislikes something because its popular is annoying and assumptive.
Who decides this "worth" and why should they care? There are people born into wealth who spend their whole lives doing anything they want, even committing crimes and getting away with it. You can call them worthless all you want but they still sit on top of the food chain and could destroy you easily. The psychics, especially when banding together, hold ridiculous amounts of power and couldn't give less of a shit about how worthy you think they are. Their powers did set them apart. If Mob was as weak as those other kids they kidnapped that would have been it for him and they would have squashed Reigen like a bug right after. The only lesson the bad guys ever learn is "don't act too cocky because there's an even bigger freak around".
Nigga why do you even watch anime
>annoying and assumptive.
Nine times out of ten, it will also be correct.
Mobs gags work better in an animated form than OPMs.
Nice comeback.
I like Mob but it's not at OPM's level.
The Scar arc is abysmal compared to the MA one. And while OPM's secondary cast is great, MP is mostly only good because of the protagonists.
Because it's fun. I liked both OPM and Mob, but that doesn't mean Reigen is right. It's like liking Naruto but recognizing that the theme about hard work was pure bullshit because in the end having the right genes trumped everything else.
As expected, the plebs who enjoy OMG MC'S SHONEN RAGE POWER METER IS OVER 100% garbage like MP 100 fail to grasp that OPM is making fun of their garbage taste.
You say as if Mob Psycho's focus is on the fight and overcoming one's strength. The appeal to Mob Psycho are the characters, not the fight and intensity of overcoming a threat through strength.
Sure it is an integral part of it, since it revolves around power levels, but you must be missing the whole point if you think character strength progression is the main focus of MP 100.
Dragon ball is about strength, One Piece is about strength, Yu Yu Hakusho is about strength, Mob Psycho is not tho.
Fuck the OPM anime. It was just a moneygrab filled with flashy smear effects and slideshows of lines and flickers they call "fights".
>mob manga>>>Original OPM>>powergap>>Mob anime>> Murata abortion>>literal shit>>OPM anime
>Sounds like you work at a pop culture store
Leave this planet faggot
>the ending is so satisfying because it isn't resolved through some retarded power level fight.
>talk no jutsu is good when Mob Psycho does it!
Exactly. Man, I miss this show now.
>You niggers do realize that Naruto isn't a battle shonen or some shit right? The manga isn't about Naruto training to be the best ninja in the world. It's about a genin kid who despite having overwhelming power finds that it makes him no different than others around him and he still tries to find his place in the world. It's not a parody. It's comedic sure but it's more about the SoL elements with a fantasy twist than it is a hardcore powerlevel wanking fighting manga. This is why most of the fights are resolved through talking.
It's so funny that Mob Psycho fags don't realize that every single fight is resolved through fighting and the talk only comes after the opponent gets trashed by Saitama 2.0
What is the equivalent of TNJ in the superpowers wiki?
>mob manga
my man, shit's finally going down
I want to fuck Tsuchiya!
I disagree
Reigen making fun of manchilds
Look at Mob vs Toichiro or literally any fight Mob had with the upper echelon of claw. It was pretty much just talking with the enemies throwing some psychic shit at Mob and him deflecting. Look at Mob's last confrontation with Dimple. These aren't Mob beating down on people and then forcing have perspective on them. He tries to talk to them the entire time until something clicks with them.
Hell Toichiro probably could have won the fight if he didn't fucking begin to go nuclear.
>hey, what if there was a story where the main character is outrageously overpowered compared to everything else
>and the joke is they're all wacky anime stereotypes and he's a regular guy but he thrashes them all effortlessly
>also give him a shitty haircut
really? i hated the first 4 episodes. sooooo boring.
The running theme in ONE's work with over powered characters is that relative strength isn't a free ride to inner satisfaction.
You can kind of subside super powers with the power money brings in the real world. Some millionaires going around flaunting their wealth and spending it in a way that causes others to suffer. A billionaire comes along and puts a stop to it and the millionaire exclaims something like "why aren't you spending your money like I am" or "why aren't you happier than me". The billionaire just wants friends who don't cling on to him for his wealth or do something he's proud of without just paying others to do it, or something cliche like that.
That's how I'm interpreting Mob anyways.
I mean yeah because it has personality and the show has that tone to begin with. If it was resolved like that in a show like Yu Yu Hakusho it would be unacceptable
That's because Mob isn't a fucking battle shonen. When you have Naruto a series based around Ninjas fighting and the MC wanting to be the best and strongest ninja then yeah having fights resolved around talking is retarded. When you have a comedic drama where differences in ideals is the main center of focus then talking things out is an acceptable ending.
Mob isn't trained to fight and he hates fighting.
>he's like this super strong transfer student who doesn't even have to try but he doesn't like fighting and only fights when he gets pissed off!
He has no friends.
Also take into account that, despite how ridiculously OP Mob is supposed to be, he still regularly gets his ass handed to him by opponents who are more experienced or when he refuses to fight based on ideals.
The fight with Teru was one of the best examples of this. Mob gets his shit kicked in because he refuses to use his powers, beats the fuck out of Teru in ???%, then wakes up, realizes what happened, and cries over having not changed at all. Both of them lost that fight, Teru by being outclassed and Mob by failing to uphold his new ideals, and both of them learn something from it.
I can't believe Mob is fucking dead !
Also I am sorry to inform you but you are responding to shitposting, he clearly made no argument to counteract you, he just kept trying to trigger you and when he saw that you weren't biting he left.
You bring up some very good points but sadly no one listens.
Mob is just fine user!
>not liking both series by the same author
Most things do. OPM is one of the worst anime this decade.
Might as well dump 100.2 since I didn't see another Mob thread in the catalog or archive.
And the omake.
Holy shit Teru is dead
No, the blonde psychic said many times the ones apart of claw weren't natural born psychics and that is why they were weaker.
>Teru VS MOB ???% rematch
Next chapter is pic related, calling it now.
Teru better not die on me
imo Mob is the better overall story but OPM is the better "serial" if that makes sense.
With Mob I tend to refresh my memory before marathoning a bunch of new chapters at once, One Punch Man is easier to enjoy a single chapter at a time.
I'd kill for a Makai no Ossan OVA with ONE being taught how to animate the oldest son's awakening/battle.
I think they are both garbage so meh
and the manga too
>teru is going to job against mob
I really miss the anime, it was so much fun. I hope a S2 comes sometime around.
More like he is about to get extremely hurt to the point where there is no back.
The whole chapter screams "THERE IS NO BACK NOW" and I am worried.