Rapist Appreciation thread - who are some of your favourites rapists in anime & manga, Sup Forums?
Rapist Appreciation thread - who are some of your favourites rapists in anime & manga, Sup Forums?
Anything other than Krauser II is fundamentally wrong.
well, he's nothing if not thorough
In the manga, anyway.
How can anyone forget this guy
A bunch of series he was translating got removed from bato.to because of that comment. What the fuck.
Isnt he a physical trainer?
Berserk used to be full of quality rapists
Honestly, we need a manga version of Novelupdates. Not the shitty one we have now.
Just an RSS feed of links to online readers.
If we take away the narrative that online manga readers are communities, and downgrade them to image hosts, we'll also take away the notion that they have the power to censor scanlation groups.
But is it really rape if they like it?
Lynch Erika
It depends on your definition of rape. Being from Sweden, here if you're a woman and feel like the sex you had was good, and you liked the man at the time - if you have regrets now, then it's rape.
Censoring them is fucking bullshit, but it was an irrelevant and stupid comment. I don't care what Sup Forums shit scanfags have to say, keep it to yourself.
>keep it to yourself.
No, they were funny. And the reactions were funnier.
Based Wyald will never return.
the comment was in the credit page though, like almost every other scanlation groups, no reason to get mad over them
I came here for this. Not disappointed.
This bitch that raped the MC in yosuga no sora
Was Femto a rapist? She obviously wanted it.
>But is it really rape if they like it?
conversely, does that mean it's rape any time that they don't? So that any time you fail to make your partner cum, it's rape?
Not really, Sup Forumsshit is cancer and needs to be kept out of Sup Forums.
It's still irrelevent and stupid. I skip credit pages anyway, but you've only yourself to blame if you put inane trash in your credit page. At least it's not in the actual translactions, but whatever.
>Not really, Sup Forumsshit is cancer
There's nothing wrong with a little topical humor, you butthurt leftie.
Literally this. I don't read manga to get some shitty jokes from unfunny faggots. If you need the attention and add a credit page, make it at the least short and with only valuable informations.
No, that's just being American. There's nothing wrong about that.
Is this the edgy thread?
This is the anime board, go back.
I'll be surprised if this thread survives 2 hours, given how the mods often are about these things
Exactly, so feel free to cry about the objectification of women and how racial stereotypes are problematic in /lgbt/ instead.
No one did either itt. Are you okay?
pic completely unrelated, since he never raped anyone.
If they wanna put that shit at the back of whatever they translated you shouldn't have a problem with it. No one should. They've just done a free service to a whole lot of faggots, yet you asshurt cocksuckers throw a hissy because of some dumb comment they make. If they took a picture of shit and put it as their credit page so what, they did work, if you don't want to read a free translation learn Japanese or find a different scanlation group to do it. Or be a reasonable person and skip it. Jesus
This is embarrassing. It reads like a joke someone would make who's celebrating his first week on Sup Forums. Use less buzzwords, or even better go for good jokes instead. Their must be a good punchline about the whole ariana grande thing.
None greater
>They've just done a free service
Doesn't mean I can't complain about whatever I want to. What kind of Betafag logic are you shilling here?
>t. Janny
All his jokes are like that because he writes them to offend people, not to be funny.
He even got some mudslime youtuber to make a video angrily complaining about how japan was disrespecting muslims.
>He even got some mudslime youtuber to make a video angrily complaining about how japan was disrespecting muslims.
link it fag
I like my rapists to have self-acceptance issues.
>but it was an irrelevant
Not really, part of the joke of the racial jokes in Rapeman's murenase credits' pages is that the main character is a sort of racial supremacist who regards all the other species in the manga as inferior
>because he writes them to offend people
Then why is it surprising that Batoto would ban him? If you try to be offensive, deal with whatever comes back at you. It's not a big deal.
How would you feel about people making "jokes" directly in the panels? See .
For you, user.
It's not surprising, because everyone knows batoto is cucked as shit. But it IS funny.
Just as bad. One Scanlator being gay doesn't justify another being gay too.
>You can't even have a good ol' rape thread now without people getting political
Politics were a mistake
>2 videos channel
This is 100% bait by someone.
Nice try, but it'd be just as inane if it was making fun of Trump. Scangroups are entitled to put whatever dumb shit they want in there, but don't go whineing when it comes back to bite you.
No, seriously. Keep it in the containment board.
I don't have a problem with it, but it IS stupid and it shouldn't be surprising to anyone that some sensitive little bitch caused had a hissy fit.
If you want to shitpost about unrelated shit, write a fucking blog. If you put it in your work you're just asking for attention and deserve all the flak you get.
>They've just done a free service to a whole lot of faggots
I've done scanlation, there's no fucking obligation of gratitude, no one forced them to do it. There's fucking tons of groups who can get on with things without trying to cause unrelated drama, so if you can't take the heat, don't start shit in the first place.
>All that unwarrented self-importance and fucking drama in one page
That's fucking pathetic and honestly even stupider.
He's not a fucking rapist you fucking retard
I took a look. They seem pretty legit. The playlists and uploads are totally out of left field. He just seems like a regular youtube user, not a content creator.
I don't know, looking at his name, his videos and his playlist, it's at least plausible that i's real.
And if it's bait, it's at least well crafted bait.
It could always be worse than rapeman, the credits page is at the end and nothing else is effected.
I'm not a leftist but I read manga to escape from reality, not for some faggot to insert his unfunny comment thre.
I blame the mods for not being more active about keeping Sup Forums garbage in Sup Forums. The containment doesn't work if it's not enforced.
This really made me think
What is the source of this? I need more luchadores in my life
Karate Kokoshinata Migoro or something like that
Just search for Karate in a manga site.
Even /mlp/ can contain their autism,why can't Sup Forums. Whats the point of a containment board if it's leaking all over the place?
/mlp/ can't contain it's autism, that's why they got a containment board in the first place and pony content was banned on sight.
Spouting random stuff unrelated to the discussion at hand is unironically a sign for autism. Take care.
Being unable to read implications in regular conversation is unironically a sign of autism. Take care.
I'm afraid that the truth is far more horrifying than just Sup Forums being leaky.
The truth is that there are plenty of Sup Forumsnons that genuinely hold Sup Forums-tier political beliefs.
Those are some rather autistic implications unrelated to the person he replied to as well, so no.
wasn't he birthed through rape or something?
Yeah, he only made a rape dungeon, filled it with girls, and stockholmed them until they opened up their legs.
I don't care if it's fucking Stalin or Hitler posting on Sup Forums, keep shit Sup Forums-related or don't fucking post at all. It's not that hard.
this to be desu
>Pay for a service
>Collect it
a girl raping her parents is a new one on me
Takumi is arguably a rapist since he kept going after Hachi said no. She doesn't hold it against him fwiw.
>rapist thread without the OG Mofo himself
Arima is also a rapist
Are attempted rapists eligible?
>Implying she didn't succeed
Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru
I didn't actually mean to reply to that post. You are correct.
>tfw /mlp/ and Sup Forums merged together because of this
This is some egdy reddit/tumble cringe tier shit right here.
Rape is literally worse than murder and everybody rapist or person who has anything to do with it should be brutally tortured and shot right after.
>mfw cucks literally defend boomfugees on an anime board
>Rape is literally worse than murder
No. While rape is horrifying, murder is still much worse.
Can't forget the big man here
>he truly believes that
/mlp/ began from a SINGLE general on Sup Forums and a couple of threads/generals on Sup Forums. The rest of this "uncontained autism" was nothing but spam by trolls who got their internet rocks off baiting retards into autistic meltdowns because said autists could not ignore it. It's the same fucking shit with the Sup Forums crap right now. This has always happened since Sup Forums existed. There has always been a thing that causes a shitstorm which means the site is in meltdown for a while until people either forget about it, a mod actually does something to curtail it, or the next shitstorm is brewing and people have moved on.
A rape victim can recover from rape. A murder victim cannot recover from murder.
the problem is less Sup Forums and more people bitching about Sup Forums.
Just think, if it had just been this guy ->
-it would've been one post and we all would've just gotten on with our day.
Instead, because some twits got all huffy about "Sup Forums" we've got this mess
A real gentlerapist.
Both parties are guilty, but if hadn't been posted in the first place, there wouldn't have been an issue. An actual pic from Rapeman instead of the credit page wouldn't have had the same result.
Glad to see an uprising in Donovan Love
The Sup Forums boogeyman is the new Reddit it seems. We can't even have something just joking about politics without someone from either Tumblr or Reddit getting butthurt. Sup Forums couldn't give a shit about the other boards, it's the Redditors from /r/the_donald who think it's funny and are on a mission to red pill all of Sup Forums.
And it actually worked out wonderfully. In fact it worked out so well the mods got pissed off about the fact that both boards were getting along and having fun.
Jagaaaaaan serves up a promising new newcomer!
Most of Sup Forums consists of /r/the_donald just like most of Sup Forums consists of r/anime, r/manga and tumblr. Get a clue, fag.
what's this from? Google didn't turn anything up, and "Kujo" isn't enough to really go on(I doubt googling "kujo", "manga", and "rape"'ll offer much in the way of results either
>two of the most hated boards on the site we combined as a massive fuck you to them
>the two most hated boards were supposed to rip each other apart
>they were in fact total bros, turning the massive fuck you into a bigger, redirected fuck you
It's always nice to see anons puttong modshits in their place.