RE=L best girl! How can other girls even compete?
Also Glenn confirmed no blue Jesus.
RE=L best girl! How can other girls even compete?
Also Glenn confirmed no blue Jesus.
Find a flaw.
Re=L a shit. A SHIT.
Celica a best. A BEST.
>oh no he has TULPAS
Why is Glenn such a faggot? How many times did Leos cum inside Sisti's pussy after he bitched out?
I'm not cumming inside her
He clearly left to add anti-tulpa gimmick to his magic.
wut a fag
My precious /jp/ for me~
I want to touch her in a slightly lewd way while she sleeps.
Celica a shit. A SHIT.
Cat Houki.
I want to be a student who pleasures Celica for money and benefits. I'll gladly clean her body with my tongue.
Why didn't Sisti just go to Celica and tell her that Leos threatened her?
Sisti a cute. A CUTE.
mfw it can't be helped
>almost kills sensei
>best girl
Truly shit taste user
A shit.
A sist.
A shit.
FOr serious why is there an = in her name? is it like that black people thing where the - is pronounced dash and le-a is ledasha?
Because she's a clone and that's the codename. How was this not obvious?
I First thought it was an alkene
That's her codename for being a successful experiment for "Project Revive Life". I still don't understand how people haven't gotten that through their heads yet
Thats why she's best girl
Because it almost gives it away and so its dumb.
Its one of those things were in Japanese it might make sense due to how the language works, it doesnt give it away but when applied to English it simply doesnt since as I said, it gives it away entirely.
She would be easy to claim as a waifu but she actually has her fair share of problems and complex's like abandonment issues, aggresive outbursts and a lack of social cues all of which are my fetish so hey
Her name was suppose to be known as Riel early on in the series then later revealed her name was actually Re=L during when Glenn pinned her down but because of pacing issues they had to have her be known as Re=L instead of keeping it hidden (which was totally a mistake but it had to be done)
Re=L > Sisti > Rumia > Twintails > Celica
Re=L best girl!
>old hag
>best girl
1 more episode until this shit series will be forgotten forever and season 2 never, lmao
Well I think the manga does that because the translator used Riel so far and they are just up to "Glenn have a gun"and just before Riel-Glenn match.
The anime simply gives too much away, instead of trying to be subtle about things, not to mention the whole relation come about 3 episodes before the ending so its fucking stupid no matter what, they simply give it away almost entirely, even with Glenn having a gun it was simply "Glenn have a gun".
>The anime simply gives too much away
Just to let you and other people who hasn't read the LN. The whole Re=L arc (episode 7,8 &9) adapted 2 volumes unto those 3 episodes. Volume 3 & 4 were adapted therefore so much of everything were left out which is why they had to have Riel be known as "Re=L" since they don't have enough time to fit in the revelations of her past and such and had to make her forgiveness for her betrayal really cliche and weak
>I posted again.
Again, the problem is it gives too much away, like with that episode were Glenn and Lumia change places to meet the Queen, there is foreshadow with the illusion spell in the previous episode but they go too far and make it too obvious its Glenn and Lumia when the situation is created AND solved in the same episode.
This is not a "for the people that didnt read the LN", this is "lets make it as obvious as when Ken kills Solo".
>This is not a "for the people that didnt read the LN", this is "lets make it as obvious as when Ken kills Solo".
I know that. What I was trying to say is that because they had to quickly adapt the volumes unto 3 episodes each, they had no choice but to make scenes very obvious like you said and make it cliche since they have no other choice but to do so if they want the story to make sense which is sad but it is what it is.
But there is no need for that, it moves way too fast and by making it so obvious there is no build up, its a premature ejaculation.
When it comes to try to hide things they simply show their hand, destroying any kind of tension or suspense, the whole thing with Riel just goes flat because as they give it away when the reveal comes the audience already knows, its not about "quickly adapt" but unable to be subtle
well, retarded malfags think that Sistine is RokuAka's MC.
The original source doesn't give it away though, the anime spoiled the build up from the arc with the Queen, then Riel and to now with the current marriage arc (I don't want to spoil this big reveal coming up for the final episode). In my opinion, from my experience from reading what's translated so far in the LN it was very enjoyable to read and many points from it were brought up and explained that the anime skipped over and from the manga version the arc with the Queen was terribly adapted in the anime because of how it spoiled the maid was a villain from the beginning of the episode ruining that buildup compared to how the manga didn't did that and ended off with a bigger impact. It's not that the series itself is bad at hiding things but it's just the anime that poorly adapted it is at fault for ruining it's quality
How does the anime give away her name? Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware her name isn't shown written anywhere unless I forgot and the credits list her as リィエル=レイフォード. Of course the subs have her name as Re=L but that's a separate issue.
But Sistine is the main female lead, second is Lumia, then Riel.
If I came inside Sisti would she like it?
How do I get Riel to give me a footjob?
Let us take a brief look at the context, official MC (character I hate) isn't show's MC, but my favourite character (main girl or random character) is show's MC... hahahahahaha, this is called delusional slainefag syndrome, unfortunately, this kind of dumb shitpost has increased very rapidly over the past three years.
Shhhhh. Re=L is sleeping
Shironeko is a nerd, Houki isn't.
Also, Houki has Houkis.
Shhhhh. Sisti is sleeping
Shhhhh. /jp/ is sleeping
Wrong. This person is actually deceased.
Why is Sisti so perfect?
>cat houki
I'm still blown away that they actually just completely forgave Re=Tard and brushed everything under the rug. This is bad even for LNshit.
main heroine, main female lead, main girl, deuteragonist = / = ''protagonist''
The anime didn't cover it properly which has been established many times and that the anime is shit (but not the actual series itself)
Blue jesus?
But she's not a pig though
>But she's not a pig though
>No user, the series is actually good, just read the LN!
Every time.
ugu girls
I want to pork the pig.
She was an artifically created human being manipulated by her "brother" causing her to have an identity crisis and a mental breakdown. Rumia and Glenn witnessed it firsthand and even had the villain be nice enough to explain everything to them. The only weird one is Sisti being so quick to forgive considering all she knew is Riel murdered Glenn (in front of her) and kidnapped Rumia (also in front of her, and rather violently). But it's not a complete stretch to assume she saw Glenn and Rumia (the two people who had more reason than anyone to hate her) being friendly with her and assumed something similar on her own.
delete this
For those of you that have read the LNs, are there more magicians revealed that have tarot cards associated with them? What magic can they do?
>She's mentally unstable and tried to kill me, but let's just sweep that all under the rug
Ok perfect.
>cute girls can get away with ANYTHING
>even attempted murder, kidnapping, and treason
It's anime. Almost killing each other just brings you closer together. She even helped fight the real bad guy and said she was sorry. What more do you want?
By the way, I just noticed that despite being designated as The Chariot, Riel doesn't have a card-based spell like Glen or Albert. Celica doesn't seem to have her own either.
I'm currently reading up on the Japanese wiki profile on Celica and it said several things:
>Her current name was given to her by a mage from the Melgalius Sky Castle named Earl Kahn. It means "sky" for some reason.
>Before rescuing Glenn, Celica fell into extreme depression as a result of experiencing loss after loss of her loved ones. Because of this, she became very alcoholic and even resorted to self-mutilation.
>It seems that she is the only one with the Rank 7 position as a mage because of her superhuman capabilities.
>A former colleague of Celica, a woman named Henrietta (which I assume is another Imperial Corps Mage), was responsible for destroying the town where Glenn lived, and Celica retired from her duties after adopting Glenn.
>There are some secret shit on the underground maze underneath Alzano Academy, and Celica's unique status allows her to study and look into those secrets. She occasionally visits this underground maze.
Too old, also probably loose
>Celica's magic mainly dwells on the destruction and reconstruction of the laws of nature. Her Extinction Ray is a manifestation of that.
>As "The World", she can use a pocket watch-shaped device called La Tierica's Watch to stop the time in an area excluding herself.
Maybe they just haven't used it yet?
So Celica has ZA WARUDO? I wonder how long it lasts.
Lumia > Celica > Sistine >>>>>>>> shit >>>> Re=Tard
Not as loose as than Sisti after the end of last episode.
Glenn Radars is Tarot 0, "The Fool". Compacted spell prevents the activation of other magic spells while active.
Eve Ignite (red hair, sword, black tights) is Tarot 1, "The Magician". She is very strong in close-ranged magic. Nickname is Lord Scarlet.
Kristoff Fraull is Tarot 5, "The Hierophant". He comes from a family of mages that excel in using barrier-style magic.
Bernard Jester is Tarot 9, "The Hermit". He was formerly Tarot 8, "Strength". Likes to call his colleagues with unusual nicknames. Described as a shrewd person who despite losing some of his original magic potential, is still a force to be reckoned with.
Albert Frazer is Tarot 17, "The Star". He is known for being efficient and accurate in the spells he uses, and was called the "Empire's best sniper" for being able to eliminate threats from afar. He often works with Glenn in taking out targets, with Glenn disabling magic and Albert sniping for the kill.
>you will never rub sisti's belly
Sera Silvers was Tarot 3, "The Empress". Originated from a tribe that was wiped out by the Rezaria Kingdom. Specialized in using wind-style magic through song and dance, which gave her the nickname "Battle Sorceress of the Wind".
Justice Rawfan was Tarot 11, "Justice". An alchemist and a specialist in summoning artificial souls from false soul particles (i.e., motherfucking tulpas).
Henrietta Doull was Tarot 16, "The Tower". Nickname is "Doll Maker". Lost against rival Celica in a duel, and was completely warped by that defeat. Cue the attack in the village where Glenn lived. Was probably one of the first people that ate an Extinction Ray directly.
>In Japanese, the double hyphen (ダブルハイフン? daburu haifun) in rare cases replaces an English en dash or hyphen when writing foreign words in katakana due to their potential confusion with the prolonged sound mark (ー). It is generally used to separate multiple foreign names, as in the cases of the Russell–Einstein Manifesto (ラッセル゠アインシュタイン宣言?) and The Waldorf=Astoria Collection (ウォルドルフ゠アストリア?). It may also be used to separate a person's given and family names or to separate other foreign words.[
No one is telling you to read the LN retard
Does Re=L enjoy anal?
Yes, giving and receiving.
Not as much if compared to Lumia and Sisti.
Why is Shitsti so shit?
A pig
cute white piggu
No, she only likes being charged at from the front.
Pretty much this.
Just to let you animeonly people know. Sistine actually slapped Re=L. Just when Re=L was about to apologize to Sistine after apologizing to Lumia and the whole class, Sistine slapped her hard it echoed and then she went to tears and hugged her small body. Sistine didn't forgave Re=L because she's cute but because she's her friend and a understanding person that's all
I also forgot to mention, keep in mind that no one from the class except Lumia and Sistine themselves knew of Re=L's betrayal and circumstances which is why no one from the class is questioning or not accepting Re=L's forgiveness or whatever
I want to cum all over her belly.
>Muh source LNs!
Literally no one cares. Who the hell would read that shit?
>Who the hell would read that shit?
cultured people