ITT: Scene/pages that destroyed you





just finished this. i wasn't expecting it to be good, but it was pretty good.


where did you get that picture of me



such a good end


Say what you will about OPM but this fucking scene

A true hero of justice

this shit was fucked up and unexpected

I don't regret the tears i shed for this moment


The Breaker. It's decent, but the MC is a whiny loser for a good 30 chapters at the start of the story

Is this the entry level thread?




why does this hurt so much?

it might take me a lifetime to understand..





Zeno's past might be the best depiction of the horrors of perfect immortality I've ever seen. Also all his zombie scenes make my inner edge-lord happy

That was a truly educational and heartbreaking experience, even a purityfag like me can appreciate the story and empathize with her situation.

But can you jerk off to it?


In the beginning sure but after awhile no.

yes, I did and I'm ashamed

I feel somehow the author has given a hint we are a bit fucked up as well with our morbid curiosity, even if we wouldn't actively making the life of someone like her worse

post the girl on the shore shit eating page

what is this from?

Google it. Search for it. If not Fuck off.

There's always at least one emotional punch to the gut per volume in game, usually more.

>Pandora Hearts

Redeemed the ending some what.


You see a lot of tragedy in the same vein in manga

This is different. Seeing such an imaginative, free spirit feel so trapped and crushed with hopelessness is gut wrenching.

what a pleb



You all know THAT scene, still can't watch it after all these years.


I certainly didn't expect Yuusha ga Shinda of all things to made me cry.



Don't be a dick, he was just asking for the source. It's not like there's any indication in the original image or the filename


He could literally have found it in 2 seconds by just reverse searching it


alright maybe I should just fucking read this already

I regret nothing.

Everything with Licenceless Rider is great

He's the most heroic person in this manga.

I hated how his death only felt mildly annoying at first and only became important to the reader retroactively. All his good development came as flashbacks after the fact.

literally the only time i ever cried watching anime (or tv in general) was in like 3rd or 4th grade in this scene


Why did she stuff her mouth with tissues? So he wouldn't hear her cry out?

this one

and I guess I wouldn't say this page destroyed me, but it gave me the greatest feeling of dread

The last four pages of SBR get me.


The most likeable character in the shitfest that was New Waves

Not gonna lie, I did chuckle a bit when he used Justice Crash on Sea King due to how it looked.

