Which decade was the best?

Which decade was the best?

I prefer the 2k decade

Clearly 2010.
Anyone disagreeing has no sense for aesthetics.

The last one isn't even the future
Characters look like that already in many current and past shows. Shitsekai Yaoi for example.

2020 should be done in cgi.

The 80's were the best for hentai animations


Bible Black fags are the worst kind of fags

The longer I look at this, the more uncomfortable I feel.

3DCG should be for robot girls and autistic characters only.

80s Asunyan looks like Mio.

>he doesn't like loli x demon parrot 80s hentai

Isn't that Mio?

Thinking more of Lemon cream

Somebody substitute Kemono Friends in for 2020

2020's look like bakemonogatari
>aesthetics mean devoid of all discernible features and are made with cgi instead of traditional animation
Really makes me think user.

Kemono Friends aired in the 2010s, user.

I hate this meme anime so much

I like the current one the most
It often favors animation over detail
Of course having both would be the ideal but outside of very few exeptions in any decade you can't have that with TV anime

It speaks volumes about the decade that you can't even tell

It's the modern-age K-on, user.

yeah but it's the future

But K-on was good, user.

I'd probably have to say this is my favourite Decade.

Friends are good, user.

80's/10's > 90s > 00s

Early 00s when they just started going digital were truly awful.


He's /ourguy/ desu.

80's looks the best in this image

I hope Pop Team Epic does something like this. Popuko and Pipimi in 3D, background characters in 2D stills and the takeshobo building in papier maché.

>inb4 it's better animated than Nichijou for no reason whatsoever

That'd be fucked up.


2020 should be a CGI model.

80s and 90s. 90s gets exaggerated because of SMJ

>>Sup Forums

2020 should be nothing

3dcg with reused models across most shows since they'll simply use something from the public domain rather than make them from scratch.


2020s looks ok.

Maou aired 4 years ago? What the fuck. I've been neet at least that long? W-what's going on.

Like Smashmouth said, man.

The years start comin' and they don't stop comin'.

It's clearly Mio. Looks aside, Azuya has a completely different hairstyle, how can you not tell?

Remember when the anime was good in 2000 and become mediocre in 2010

Are you okay?

Brain fart