How flat is too flat?
How flat is too flat?
There is no 'too flat'.
Why flats are so kinky ?
As long as everything there is useful mammary tissue and not useless fat, any size is alright.
until she has feminine benis
A caved-in ribcage may be too flat.
Or being Loki. Physically and character-wise.
When there's a guy in the anime adaption in charge of erasing traces of that characters breasts from every frame.
Flat os okay if she can make it up with hips and ass. Which Tiona also lacks.
Look at this faggot.
That's an awful lot of fabric over a small ass.
Why is that boy on the right so worried about his chest?
Love comes in all sizes
I want her to give me paizuri with those.
that's too big faggot. might as well fuck a cow
That's called naizuri
flat girls are disgusting
If she can't give paizuri she's too flat. Tits don't have to engulf the dick but if a titfuck feels like rubbing your dick against a piece if plywood what's the point?
I knew a girl with AAs that could do that and lick her own nips
2D > 3D
So the flatter the better, really.
Flat is love, flat is life.
About Lucina level flat
>You will never have a plain concubine
>You will never have a plain concubine immune to poisons because she was crazy enough to poison herself just to see what would happen