Just started watching this on my iPhone. Are these alien dudes retarded? Why don't they just send 40 of their big dudes and just fuck the humans up why only send 1 at a time are they retarded?
Just started watching this on my iPhone. Are these alien dudes retarded...
red > blue
I agree the blue haired one is probably autistic
There are 2 blue haired girls
1 post, 3 sentences, many enraged Anons. Simple, yet effective.
Take a look kids, THAT´s how trolling is done.
>on my iPhone
Good concept, but too obvious. 4/8
The little one that is shit at flying her faggot robot
The Evas don't fly, I think you posted the wrong series
Obvious bait
>3 replies with no tard rage
>everyone ignores the bait
le good sir you have trolled us good
Piloting, whatever you autist
Just because I pilot a car doesn't mean I'm flying it you moron
Also another question, why do they ruin the show with the retarded little school girl sub plot?
It actually matters later on
Im talking about the Evas color schemes.
>Are these alien dudes retarded
They actually are. Humanity got the seed of knowledge and they got the seed of life. Humans fight with their minds, they fight with their bodies.
What "little school girl" subplot are you even talking about? You are trying so hard you are actually failing to bait.
If the bait is so surreal people cant even understand what you are trying to reference, it is a bad one.
Uh the fact that instead of having cool robot fights and fun and interesting stuff they put them in a school setting and have faggy little romantic school girl shits, or did you not watch it you mega autist
You shouldn't watch this show if you just want cool robot fights. This series is about the fucked up mental states and dysfunctional relationships of the characters. There are better mecha series out there if you just want to watch robots blowing shit up, the EVAs aren't even robots in the first place.
Oh that's gay as shit what a stupid and gay show, what kind of retard wants to watch 14 year olds have weird relationships
Check the catalog, that's all we do here
Rei had more angel kills than Asuka.
there is only 12 of them and only of them can actually win the other 11 would get stuck holding their dick
Light blue, light skin, red eyes, pilots Unit-00, rarely ever speaks or shows emotional outburts?
Yeah, we're talking about that one.
Blue > gray >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> red
lose the iphone bit, make it simpler and easier to buy into