>you're waifu sees your bank account
You're waifu sees your bank account
Other urls found in this thread:
>your waifu sees your grammar
not my waifu but an appropriate webm
I'm actually sitting on quite a bit, but I doubt she knows what a "bank account" is.
>you're waifu sees your a newfag
>your waifu sees
>tfw can't afford a tank
I might not have much saved up but I'm not in debt or have a house note, car payments to worry about either.
Not being in debt is such a relaxing feeling.
Can't please my greedy waifu with it, that's for sure
aint my fault im rich
oh wait, it is
>bank account
What is this?
I thought that was a blowjob face pic from the thumbnail.
>only 3 digits
>when she see my bank account
I wasn't ready
They're more affordable than you think.
Oh she wants to be upset?
She's got two options: catch these hands
Or catch this D
Then again I don't think she wants much rather to just have fun
>you blew our son's college funds on WHAT
>his waifu cares about money
>his waifu isn't a hobo herself
you're waifu a shit
Recently made it big on the stock market.
>mfw the average hobo probably has more money than me
can I have some money please user?
Sorry, that money is for my waifu alone.
12k in bank since forced out of neetdom
Not my waifu
Wait, there are people on here who have parents that don't make 7 figures a year, combined? Did you guys go to public schools as well?
>3 digit figure saved up
I don't even have a bank account.
Underage, fug off
how do you pay for stuff?
I'm 19, so I can say that now
I didn't choose this life, OK?!
Inherited assets should not exist.
All privately owned assets should be seized by the government upon a persons demise and be redistributed accordingly.
What should I spend it on, fellas?
a blow job
Mom usually comes with me to Gamestop if i need to buy something
71 baseball cards
Stop impersonating me, you fag
I'm not
Cash or gtfo
>roughly 40kg
To be fair, that's his reaction to anything
Are you a qt trap working in a maid cafe?
It's a meme from Megumin threads. I'm actually a 185 hairy Slav.
You aren't alone.
-$300k maybe its time to live under a bridge
Communists should be thrown out of helicopters.
Sit on a dick commie.