Serial Killer arrested

>Serial Killer arrested
Why are such disproprortionate number of serial killers also homosexuals?

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We're the best at everything we do, good and bad.

Inappropriate relationship with their mothers tends to be a common thread with serial killers so maybe that

Aside from monogamy, baby making, healthy relationships, and not having aids

Faggots are fucked up mentally.

>go out to water plants
>find a cock

Jesus Christ guys. He's not a serial killer because he's a faggot. And he's not a faggot because he's a serial killer.

He's a faggot serial killer because he's Canadian.

>go out and find a cock
>get a golden shower

This but unironically. Fucking leaves

Gay are overrepresented in both serial killer and serial child rapists population pools. The real reason for this is that brain structure aberration causes a clustering of extreme expressions of behavior.

>hurrr durr

fuck you

odd how its not being painted as some islamophobic crimes despite his victims being gay mohammeds. guess theyre afraid of the local mosques cheering him on

Actually this

>lead wants to fuck mutts


>He's a faggot serial killer because he's Canadian.

Correct, remember this man?

or how about this guy

Russell Williams, LMAO.
>A fucking Colonel

Elliot Roger V0.1

Jeffrey Dahmer was gay


many gays were molested as children, and child molestation is shown to cause criminality

Serial killers in general are divine, they are gods judgement in human form. Thats why most are high spectrum i.q.

If i were raped by a faggot as a kid i would probably turn into a serial killer too. We joke on here but that would be awful for a child and i could easily see it creating an enotional divide between the victim and people.

look up the green river killer user; heteros still have the high score ;)